Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Ren's pulse was very faint, but there. ".... Aye..." He said weakly, blood staining his teeth, lip split and face swollen like he'd been kicked half to death.
"You look and sound real bad. But don't you worry...Akihime-dono and Motochika are here to save the day.." Sasuke took out a healing ointment and healed Ren as best as he could without being noticed, "She's worried about you, ya know.."
Ren smiled to the best of his abilities, but didn't say much, his head was spinning and the only water they did give him for the first couple of days was sea water, some of which they made him drink, so his head was clouded and heavy, barely able to process what the ninja was saying. "Ya... Gotta leave before the otha one like ya comes back..." He rasped out slowly, his sentence not even making sense to himself, he was just hoping it came out audible and comprehensible. "I's an ambush...." He swallowed hard.
Sasuke reappeared by Yukimura and Akihime, seeing Motochika and his crew there as well, "Sasuke!" Akihime jumped up, as well as Motochika, "Is he ok!?" "He'll be fine for now...but he told me something about an ambush."
"An ambush?" Yukimura frowned as he turned to face Sasuke. From the side of the boat, very close to were Ren was hanging, the wood seemed to ripple before a figure slowly pulled itself- or rather herself- from the boat, once free, she hung on the side of the boat for a moment, glancing at Ren before dropping like a stone into the water, only making a small noise.

(( .____. ))

"I don't like the sound of this." Motochika stated thoughtfully. Akihime hugged her tessen, having it ready, "We can't let Ren-san continue to hang there like a trophy! We have to save him!" She growled. Motochika nodded, "Agreed. When shall we attack?"

Yukimura looked to Akihime, then Motochika. "Well if Ren-san said it was an ambush, we need to proceed with great caution." He said, looking to the boats. Now that he thought of it, not a single man was out on the decks of any of the ships. "Look." He pointed to the ships. "Maybe the ships are the decoys and Motonari-sama hopes to draw our attention to them while attacking from the rest and flanks." He looked down in thought.
"What do you suggest, Motochika-sama? You've encountered him the most." Yukimura asked for the pirates opinion.
Yukimura nodded. "My men will take the shores, we'll send out a group to scout the surrounding areas as a precaution." Yukimura said, then went to give his troops the orders.
"Let's go, men!" Motochika called and they all rushed to the Fugaku. Akihime moved to Sasuke, "I guess its just you and me, Sasuke." "Hai." Sasuke smirked, "Its an honor."
Yukimura mounted his own horse and set off for the port, weapons drawn and a scowl on his face.

(( ∑(゚Д゚) ))

"Fire!!" Motochika shot at the ships farthest from Ren to assure his safety. Sasuke took Akihime's hand and disappeared with her
None of the ships fired back, Yukimura reaching the port dismounted his horse again and readied to attack, but no one came out. Suddenly a hailstorm of arrows rained down from the cliff side, aimed for Yukimura and his men, foot soldiers came out from the forest around the port and ships had crept up on the Fugaku, firing cannons all at once.

((Muahahaha! *throws whale*))
"The lad was right! Ambush! Swing her around, men, hurry!" Motochika ordered. Akihime and Sasuke appeared on deck of the ship Ren was tied to, Akihime running over and hoisting Ren up, "Ren-san! Daijoubu desu ka!?" She asked worriedly. Sasuke helped her pull him on deck and untie him
Ren opened his eye, which was swollen, groaning and wheezing in pain when they laid him down on the deck. "... G-Get away...." He said and with a great amount of effort he shoved Akihime hard, sending her back just as a kunai hit the deck were she would've been. He didn't send her far, but far enough to get her just out of the way. He laid back down, face twisting with pain, jaw clenched. Behind Akihime and Sasuke stood a woman in a mask, holding kunai in her hand, trained on the two able bodied people on the deck. Yukimura knocked most of the arrows back with a powerful swing of his spears, ordering his men into battle positions.
"Do not mistake me for the one who did that to your friend, I'm simply following orders." She said, stashing away her kunai and drawing a wakizashi.
((Isn't this that one ninja...? The double agent?))

"Urusai!" Akihime ran forward with her tessen, "You'll pay for allowing harm befall my friend!"

The masked woman made a noise and met Akihime halfway, her blade stopping her tessen and trying to push it back. "He is alive, is he not?"
((Ku ku ku~))

Akihime pushed harder, putting her weight on the already heavy weight of the tessen, "You seem familiar." Akihime said lowly, "I feel like I know you."
"Saa dou kana." She said, blade trembling with the weight of the large fan. Her foot shot out and hooked Akihime's yanking it forward she was now on top of Akihime, pressing down hard, pinning her to the deck.
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