Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

He nodded. "You'll be a great asset to our troops..!" He said, giving her a bright smile.
Yukimura laughed softly and scratched the side of his head. "There is no need to bow, Akihime-dono..!"
Yukimura turned to his men. "Let's go!" He called, kicking his horse to head out. For some reason, Ren was not around, but no one noticed yet.
Akihime rode behind Yukimura and looked around at the mass of blue and red. She frowned softly, she was going to miss Motochika and his men; especially Ren.
(( D: I hope Ren's ok...!))

Motochika and his men boarded the Fugaku and set sail for Aki. Motochika looked around, missing one of his crew; someone important. "Has anyone seen Ren?" "Nay, Aniki! We figured he was already aboard!"

Yukimura kept on a course to Aki, parting ways with Motochika and his crew, traveling by land.
(( TT~TT ))

Akihime followed Yukimura, as well as the rest of the Takeda army. Akihime felt dread as they rode to Aki to confront Motonari
After a couple days of riding, the Takeda army finally reached Aki, and what Yukimura saw next made him stop his horse in it's tracks. A huge fleet had already assembled, they knew they were coming, but that wasn't the worst thing. On the main ship in front of all the other ships, a limp figure hung from the front of the ship, swaying slightly with the ship, unmoving. Ren hung there almost lifeless, covered in bruises, welts and gashes, blood dripping fresh from his mouth that hung open. His shirt had been torn open in the front to reveal more bloody gashes and welts covering his chest and stomach, some festering. His skin was scalding red in some parts, partly from the burns, partly from being left out in the sun for many days.
Akihime's eyes widened in utter terror, tears quickly spilling from her eyes, "No...R-Ren-san..." She trembled and jumped from her horse, running at top speed, "REN-SAN!!" "Akihime-dono!" Sasuke grabbed her and held her back, Akihime struggling hard to get free, "Let me go, Sasuke!! I need to save him!! Ren-san!!" "Its too dangerous, Akihime-dono...!" Sasuke held her back tighter the more she struggled.
Yukimura looked back to the ocean, spotting Motochika's ship making it's way steadily towards them. "We'll wait for Motochika-sama to arrive and regroup with them before anything is to be done!" He said to his troops. As much as he wanted to save Ren as well, it'd be suicide.
Akihime crumpled to the ground, sobbing loudly. Sasuke touched her shoulder and she shrunk away from him.

Motochika spotted Motonari's fleet and scowled, "There he is men! Ready the can-!" "ANIKI!!" The sailor from the crow's nest looked to be in a panic, "They have Ren, Aniki! Danglin' from the bow like a decoration!" "WHAT!?!" Motochika was furious, "Where's the Takeda army!?" "On shore, Aniki!" "Way anchor! We'll meet them and plan that bastard's doom!" "Aniki! Aniki! Aniki!"
Yukimura dismounted his horse and moved over to Akihime, gently pulling her into his arms to comfort her. "Sasuke, can you tell if Ren-chan is still alive?" He asked, looking up at the ninja.
"I would have to get closer, Master..." Sasuke answered, "Shouldn't be too hard. I'll return shortly." He started sinking into a pool of shadow, smirking, "Don't wait up."
((Dammit Sasuke..~))

Yukimura nodded and waited until he had left before standing. "Come Akihime-dono, he's still alive, I know it. But right now we need to meet with Motochika-sama and his men to form a plan, we'll get him back." He said.
Akihime hiccuped and nodded, "H-Hai..." She whimpered, standing slowly

Sasuke popped out from a shadow behind Ren and reached out slowly, "Ahoy there, Ren-san..." He called softly, "Can you hear me?" He asked as he tried to check for a pulse
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