Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

"May I ask what you mean that some enjoyed her company more than others?" Yukimura had spoken out suddenly, even his own voice surprised him. "Gomenasai." He said, bowing to Motochika.
Motochika smirked at him, "I mean a lot of the men were drooling at her cabin door at night. Others stalked her all around the ship like the was a small deer to be hunted. If it weren't for me and my young barnacle, Ren, she would've fallen pray to the crew many times over."
"Ren-san?" He blinked. "Is that the man I found Akihime-dono with?" He asked. "The one with the club?"
"The Takeda thank you for caring for Akihime. But, we still don't know who did this to her." Shingen said. Motochika crossed his arms, "I've been wondering the same."
"You said she was struck with an arrow, do you still have it?" Yukimura said after pondering for a moment.
"Do you remember what it looked like? Or maybe if we can see it that would help?" Yukimura suggested.
"It would take a while walking back to the ship-" "I already took the liberty of retrieving the arrow." Sasuke said as he appeared outside the door, "And I don't think any of you will like the origin."
Sasuke stepped inside and laid the arrow in front of Yukimura, "The wood is made from a special bamboo, the arrow made from a likestone found only near the ocean, and feather for the arrow's tail is from the Osprey, another bird that lives close to the ocean." "What are you getting at, Sasuke?" Shingen asked. Sasuke frowned, "Someone from Motonari's army made an attempt on her life."
"You think that Motonari-sama tried to kill Akihime-dono? Or just one of his men?" Yukimura frowned.
((Oh gods..!!))

Yukimura crashed through the wall and slammed into the wall outside, dropping to the ground with a noise of pain before jumping up and returning quickly to his spot before his lord, bowing once more.
Akihime and the crew looked horrified as Yukimura went flying. Shingen scowled, "Akihme was nearly killed when we sent her to deliever the allience request! What do you think that means!?"
"What were Masamune-sama's words? Find the one who struck her down and avenge her?" Sasuke said thoughtfully. Motochika smirked, "I say we take some vengence!"
Yukimura nodded, brows furrowed. "I shall gather my men..!" He said, leaving the room to gather his troops and his weapons.
"Men!!" Motochika mrched out and everyone looked to him, "We're setting out for Aki! We'e going to kill that rat Motonari, once and for all!" "Aniki! Aniki! Aniki!" The crew chanted. Akihime chased after Yukimura, "I want to come, too!"
Yukimura stopped, putting his spears on his back with a concerned frown. "Are you positive about this, Akihime-dono?" He asked.
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