Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

((Haha~ How come that's something I can totally picture~?))

Ren looked about ready to panic, not knowing what to do. He looked up hearing the sound of quickly approaching horse hooves and frowned heavily. The man was heading straight for them; standing he removed the large club from his back and moved in front of Akihime. Yukimura yanked hard on the reins, his horse slowing down with a whiny of annoyance. He dismounted, facing Ren with a scowl, but then he saw Akihime and he flared a bit. "Akihime-dono! Are you alright..!?" He asked. "Who are you?" He demanded of Ren. "Were you the one who took Akihime-dono?" Ren looked down at Akihime, unsure what to do, more men were approaching fast. "Do ya know him?"
"M-Make it stop...! Onegai...!" She whimpered. Sasuke came between his master and the stranger standing before their missing princess. "Now hold on! Let's be rational about this!"
"Move outta tha' way twiggy, I dunno what ya wan' with Aki-chan but ya ain't gettin' her." Ren scowled, wanting to move away from the men in front of him and help Akihime, if he could, but he was afraid they'd attack. "I am Sanada Genjiro Yukimura and that is Otani Akihime, who is currently taking up residence in the Takeda estate!" Yukimura said, spears drawn.
"Sanada..." Akihime's eyes opened and the pain in her head ceased, "Genjiro..." She looked up at the man in red with the ambitious brown eyes and her heart fluttered, "Yukimura!" She moved to her feet and grabbed Ren's arm, "Ren-san! This is him! I remember! This is Sanada-san!" She beamed with joy and moved to embrace Sasuke, "Sarutobi Sasuke!" "O-Oh," Sasuke blushed heavily, "H-Hey there, Akihime-dono..." Akihime moved away from the ninja and moved to hug Yukimura but stopped, "Y-Yukimura..."
Ren lowered his club, blinking when Akihime ran past him and embraced the ninja before him , then moved to the other man, the one named Yukimura. "Akihime-dono..!" Yukimura lowered his spears and looked her over. "Are you alright..!? Who is this man!?"
"This is Ren! He's part of Motochika's crew!" She was so happy until her bubble burst, "I have so much explaining to do...!" She turned to Ren, "Ren-san, please go to Motochika-sama and tell him to come to the Takeda estate...! He will help me explain to Shingen-sama!"
Ren blinked and stood at attention from her order. "Hai..! Will he know where ta go?" He asked, not even have heard of the Takeda estate before. Yukimura smiled at Akihime, holding his hand out. "I was very worried, Akihime-dono, are you sure you're alright?" Jealousy shot through Ren like an arrow, but he said nothing.
"I'm sure Motochika-sama knows exactly where to go." She smiled and took Yukimura's hand, "Daijoubu da, Yukimura~!" She chimed. She looked to Ren and frowned heavily, knowing he would be hurting when Motochika made them leave her behind, "Ren-san...please come with Motochika-sama to the estate..."
Ren pulled out the biggest smile he could, nodding. "A'course!" He said, then turned and started to jog back to the docks. Yukimura lead Akihime to his horse, getting on and pulling her up in front of him.
((I'll love you Ren-san!! D': ))

Akihime blushed darkly, embarrassed of her revealing attire. Her kimono was so short; why did she think wearing it was a good idea?
Yukimura didn't even seem to notice, to happy to have found her alive to care what she was wearing. Starting off for the Takeda estate, he went at a much slower pace, but still fast enough.
Yukimura's arms touched Akihime's sides as he held the reins of the horse. "Don't worry, Akihime-dono.. I'm just glad you're safe."

Ren made it back to the docks and jogged to the ship. "Cap'n!" He called, hurrying to Motochika.
Akihime blushed more and nodded, playing with her braid

Motochika looked and saw Akihime was not with him and he grew worried, "What is it, lad? Has something happened to Akihime!?" "Where's Nee-sama?!"
"She regained her memories 'n then someone by tha name a Sanada came by, but Aki-chan wants you to go to some estate called the Takeda Estate." He said.
"The Takeda?" Motochika repeated. He moved and grabbed his anchor, jumping over the railing and landing on deck, marching with purpose, "Let's go, you sons of bitches!" "Aniki! Aniki! Aniki!" The crew chanted as they followed him
Ren followed after them, frowning softly. He was still upset that this stranger could come riding up and Akihime just fell into his arms, who was he anyway?
"She belonged to the Takeda...!? Why didn't I realize it sooner!? Had I known, I would have her returned!" Motochika was beating on himself for being so ignorant
"Bu' we found her so far out, there was no way a knowin'." Ren's voice piped up from beside Motochika.
"Either way. I'm a fool for not realizing the banner she served under." Motochika huffed

Once arriving at the estate, Akihime looked around, "It seems so different..." "well, you have been gone a couple months..." Sasuke told her
Ren didn't say anymore, continuing on with his captain. Yukimura dismounted his horse and helped Akihime off, looking ecstatic.
((I'm waiting for Yukimura to notice Akihime's clothes~ here! Sasuke shall help!))

Sasuke lowered his gaze from Akihime, blushing softly, "M-Maybe you should go change, Akihime-dono...your room is still the same..." He said. Akihime blinked and then blushed, remembering just exactly what she was wearing.
((I'm sorry!))

Yukimura blinked and looked to Akihime, what was wrong wih her clothes? Had she got blood on them? His cheeks flared when he noticed how revealing her attire was and he quickly looked away.
((No, its ok! XD))

"R-Right! I-I'll return shortly!" She said, "M-Mabe I'll...take a bath as well..." She muttered and left swiftly
Yukimura waited until Akihime had left before looking to Sasuke. "I'll tell Oyakata-sama of our discovery." He said, hurrying to leave.
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