Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Yukimura had readied himself for the lunch, but blinked in surprise when he had his hair ruffled instead. "Hai..!" He said grinning brightly.
Yukimura gave a nod. "If you'll excuse me, I need to finish making preparations for tomorrow." He said, bowing.
He gave a quick bow to his master before leaving and heading to his room, setting his spears against the wall.
((Skipply skip~~))

The next day, Sasuke waited patiently for Yukimura to be ready to depart.

"Laaand ho!" The sailor in the crows nest shouted, spotting the port. Akihime looked and ran to the front of the bow, looking out at distant Kai. She began to tremble with excitement and she ran to get her things ready
Yukimura was setting out with a small fleet, only doing recon, and hopefully trying to find any evidence of who killed Akihime. Mounting his horse and putting his spears on his back, they started off down the road.
When they made port, Akihime had a bag of what little she had and looked back at the crew, "Well, I'll be back! Don't miss me too much!" She smiled.

Sasuke followed Yukimura at a steady pace, "Do you think we'll find anything, Master?"
Ren was standing next to Akihime as most of the men nearly cried for the loss of their newest member. "Are ya sure ya don' wan' me ta go with ya? I don' wan' ya goin' alone 'n gettin' hurt.." Ren said.

"Hai, I think we'll find something, even if it be the smallest piece of information..!" Yukimura said
"I'm not expecting to find anything today, so I might return..." She answered, looking up at him with a small smile, "If you wish to come with me, you may...!"

Sasuke nodded, "I'll scout ahead and see if I can find anything.." He said and vanished
Ren nodded, no doubtly going with Akihime, and after waving goodbye, the two set off. Ren carried his club on his back, as well as a small pack that held some food and water. "So where should we start first?"
"Well, I suppose we should start with the closest village...see what looks familiar and if something triggers anything." She answered
Akihime looked around, feeling as though someone was watching them. Sasuke sat in a nearby tree, watching them closely, "What in the world...?"
Ren looked at Akihime, noticing she was looking around, he looked around as well. "What is it, Aki-chan?"
"I feel like...someone is following us..." She muttered. Sasuke vanished silently and appeared by Yukimura, "Master, you aren't going to believe this..."
Ren grabbed his club, looking around. "Following us?" He asked, on guard.

Yukimura looked over at Sasuke. "What is it?" He asked, slowing his horse.
Akihime frowned and continued walking, "I'm sure its nothing..."

"I just...I just saw Akihime-dono..." Sasuke said slowly, the sentence sounded so weird to him
Ren let go of the handle of his club, nodding and following her.

Yukimura yanked his horse to a stop, nearly making the man behind him run into his horse. "What..?"
Akihime continued walking, slowly stopping as she looked around, "Wait..." She grimaced, "I-I know this area..."

"I just saw Akihime-dono." It still sounded weird, "She's to the west."
Ren stopped as well. "Ya do? Do ya live near here?" He asked.

Yukimura turned his horse to the West, kicking his horse off and heading off as fast as his horse could go.
"No, but..." Akihime groaned and held her head, dropping to her knees, "I-I was attacked one of M-Motonari-sama's's how I ended up in the ocean..."

"Whoa!" Sasuke hurried after Yukimura, "W-Wait up, Master!"
"Aki-chan!" Ren knelt down beside her, looking worried. "Wha's wrong..!?"

Yukimura sped down the hill as fast as he could, he didn't know if Akihime was still alive, but by the sound of Sasuke's shock, she was. His heart swelled as he rounded a corner, men on his heals, seeing two figures on the road ahead of him.
"M-My head..." Tears filled her eyes as everything came flooding back to her, her head throbbing, "I-It's killing me...!"

Sasuke continued to follow after Yukimura, "Slow down or you'll run her over!"
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