Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

(( ://O ))

Akihime's eyes widened before they closed and she kissed back, the crew cheering loudly. Motochika shook his head, chuckling, "The lad has to get shitfaced before making a move, hm? Whimp."
((What does Motochika expect? Ren's not a complete dog...~!))

Ren pulled back, ears red as well before he took Akihime by the hand and pulled her away from all the excitement to find a more private place.
(( xD If Ren is in his crew, that's exactly what he expects!))

Akihime followed quickly, stumbling a bit but it didn't bother her
((*waves hand* Psssshh!!))

Once Ren had pulled Akihime inside her cabin, he pulled her closer by the hips and kissed her again, a bit more heatedly this time, his hands expertly wandering across her body.

((Okay, so I have a confession, Ren isn't a virgin.))
((I should be surprised by this? >.> ))

A weak noise sounded from Akihime's throat, wrapping her arms around his neck as she allowed him to touch her so intimately
Ren slowly pushed her against the wall, kissing her more deeply as his hand found it's way inside her kimono, gently groping her breast.

((Haha, nah~~ I'm pretty sure Motochika makes sure none of his crew ever die virgins~))
((I'm sure initiation is a visit to the local brothel~ XD))

Akihime trembled, never having been touched like this before. "Akihime-dono!" Akihime gasped and moved away quickly, holding her head. "S-Sanada-san..." She muttered under her breath. "I swear to only give myself to Sanada-san, for my heart yearns for him and my love is pure." Her own words echoed in her head and she winced, "Shimatta...!"
((Hehe~ Yeah~~))

Ren blinked when she pulled away and looked concerned. "Aki-chan..? Are ya okay?" He asked, worried he had hurt her somehow.
"Ren-san...I'm so sorry...I need to be's not your fault, I swear...just head is hurting...I-I'm going to lay down..." She told him weakly, heart aching as much as her head.
"A-Ah, hai..! Of course..!" He said before leaving the cabin quietly and closing the door behind him.
((Poor Ren...I feel so bad for him...he's like Tesla...))

Akihime sat on her cot, tears filling her eyes, "Gomenasai, Ren-san..." She muttered weakly
(( ; w ; I miss Tesla~))

Ren slunk into the shadows, grabbing up a sake jug and taking a few half hearted sips, completely creast fallen.
((Me too!))

The next day, Akihime stayed in her cabin - she felt absolutely horrid for pushing Ren away. She loved him. She really did. But she swore her heart to a man she didn't remember, and it killed her little by little
((We should totally do another RP~ We could have all the lesbians~ And Vee could work at a brothel and be Kasumi's bitch~))

Ren was hard at work, concerned when he heard Akihime said she was feeling ill and didn't want to leave her cabin, wanting to check on her, but wanting to give her space.

Akihime cried quietly as she laid in her cot, "Gomenasai, Ren-san..." She cried, "Gomenasai...!" "Nee-sama?" She gasped when one of Motochika's Elite Guard knocked on her door, "I brought ya tea and some rice..." "I-I'm not hungry...arigatou..." She replied weakly
((It could totally be like a run down society with slaves and shit~))

When Ren saw the guard who was supposed to bring her food leave without giving her the food, he scowled and headed over to her cabin, his sorry raising. "Aki-chan..?" He knocked at the door lightly.
((Wanna start it now~?))

"Um... I need ya ta check on my bandages... They're startin' to itch.." He said, needing to get inside to talk to her.

Akihime was silent before the door slowly opened and Akihime peeked out sadly, "Come in..." She said weakly and allowed him entry
Ren entered and took a seat on the floor, waiting for her to check his eye, which did hurt still and was starting to itch. "Aki-chan... About las' night.."
"I'm sorry.. I shouldn' have tried anythin' with ya... Please don' be mad." He said, bowing lowly to her, getting on his knees, head low.
Akihime stopped and stared at him, "Oh, Ren-san...." She knelt in front of him and made him sit up so she could treat his wound, "It wasn't you...I was me...I remembered a bit of that Sanada man...and I remembered that I was in love with him..." She frowned heavily, "But, I love you,'re very sweet and kind...but my heart belongs to him...." Her hands trembled as tears clouded her vision, "I-I understand if you despise me...a-and if you wish never to see or speak to me again...I deserve no less...!"
Ren took her hands in his and held them steady, looking up into her eyes. "Aki-chan, I'd never hate you..!" He said with a small frown. "I'm jus' glad I get ta see her pretty smile and hear ya laugh..! I guess I always knew from when I found ya, ya were already taken.. I just hoped it wasn' true.. But I'm happy you're regainin' yer memories..!"
Akihime began to sob, her heart breaking, "Gomenasai, Ren-san!" She cried, bowing to him

((I'm, like, legitimately crying right now ; n ; ))
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