Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]


Akihime ran to Motochika's cabin, "Motochika-sama! Motochika-sama! We're under attack!" "Sound the alarm!" Motochika burst from his cabin and Akihime rushed to ring the bell as loud as she could, the crew jumping from the brig and moving up to their stations

Ren took up his own station, swinging his club to deflect arrows from hitting him, scowling softly. Suddenly a large plank fell onto Motochika's ship, then another, and another. Whoever they were, they were going to board the ship. Running to stop anyone from boarding, he held his weapon at the ready, but it was too late. Many men swarmed onto the ship, and by the looks of them, they were pirates. Soon close combat broke out and the entire ship was in an uproar of clashing swords and yelling men, and Motochika's men were being overwhelmed. Something was off though, the weren't coming aboard and killing everyone, they were just beating them back. Over the sound of battle, something caught his attention; a large amount of men had surrounded Akihime, grinning like hungry lions. "We have a woman on board~" One cooed. "You know it's bad luck to have ladies on ships, maybe you should come with us~" One of them hissed at Akihime. "Such a beauty too..!" "Nee-sama!" Ren's eyes widened as a large man grabbed her from behind, pinning her hands behind her back. "Now what do we have here~" He was all hands. "A beautiful little jewel out in the sea needs to be protected...~" He purred in her ear, hand falling over her breast and traveling down to her obi, giving it a tug. Ren's eyes widened and he stiffened, anger making his blood boil and his cheeks flare. Without thinking he charged straight at the men, swinging his club with enough force to put holes in the deck, and he did. "Leave her alone!!" His club was just about to meet the mans head who had Akihime in his grip when an arrow flew at him, hitting him in he head and making him fall backwards, dropping his club, hair covering his face as he hit the deck.

((But is he dead~? Maybe~ Maybe not~))
"REN-SAN!!!" Akihime screamed and struggled hard, "Let me go!!" She growled and smashed the back of her head into the man's nose, making him release her as she ran to Ren's side, "Ren-san! Onegai...! Please be ok!" "Akihime!" Motochika called and threw his anchor to knock back any other guys going for her. "Nee-sama!" The crew called worriedly. Akihime gripped Ren's hand, tears spilling down her cheeks, "Ren-san....onegai...."
Ren suddenly stirred, groaning softly and opening his eyes, make that eye. His right side of his face was bloody and his right eye wouldn't open. "Nee-sama..? Are ya okay..?" He asked, giving her a faint smile even though he was just barely conscious. The arrow had barely missed going into his eye socket, but had still done quite a bit of damage to his eye.
Akihime choked on a sob and nodded, smiling through her tears, "Hai...! I was so worried I had lost you, Ren-san...!" She cried.
Ren's good eye closed for a moment before opening again. "You aren't hurt ... Are you..?" He was to out of it to register any pain, or the fact that he was injured and what was going on.
She shook her head, "No...but you are! I need to take care of you! Motochika-sama!" "I'm on it! C'MON, YOU SONS OF BITCHES!!" Motochika flew forward on his anchor, giving Akihime enough time to pull Ren to a safe spot and treat him
Ren laid still as Akihime treated him, frowning softly when he noticed tears were in her eyes. "Why are ya cryin'..?" He asked, reaching up and touching her cheek softly.
"Y-You're injured, Ren-san...! I-I thought you were slain...! I was so scared...!" She hiccuped, carefully getting the arrow out and quickly wrapping the wound to stop the bleeding
"You always were sa kind.." He murmured, a soft smile on his lips. "But when did I get injured..?"
"Just relax now, Ren-san." She said softly and stood, grabbing her tessen from the floor and moving into the fray. "Nee-sama!!" "Nee-sama, be careful!!" "Shut it, you weak sons of bitches!" She hissed and Motochika smirked. She gripped her fan and charged at the man who had restrained her before, "Don't ever lay your hands on me again!!" She yelled and spun, letting her fan fly open and smash into his face
The man was sent flying onto his ass, hitting the deck hard with a grunt. "You bitch!" He hissed, holding his broken nose. "You're dead!"
The man before her trembled, grinding his teeth before letting out a battle cry and charging forward at Akihime, sword raised.
Akihime swung her fan and caught his blade, kicking her fan closed and spun, ripping the blade from his grasp and launching it in the sea. Kicking her fan closed again, she swung it like a club and smashed it into his head
The pirate gave a groan before falling to his knees, then onto his face, blood rushing from his head. When he no longer moved, most of the other pirates froze, others started to flee and soon they all followed suit, running back to their ships.
The crew cheered, hugging Akihime, "Nee-sama! Nee-sama! Nee-sama!" They cheered. Akihime smiled softly and then perked, "Ren-san!" She rushed over to check on him, "Ren-san?"
Ren was laying unconscious where Akihime had left him, his condition still the same; some blood had oozed through the bandage.
Akihime frowned and looked back, "Motochika-sama...! Please help me...!" "I'm comin'..." Motochika moved over and picked up Ren and carried him to Akihime's cabin so she could better care for him
Ren winced as Akihime removed the bandage and started to clean his wound, starting to wake up and feel pain. "How bad does it look, Nee-sama..?" He asked , still a little drowsy.
"You'll be lucky if you get to see out of your eye, Ren-san...but, on the bright side, you and Motochika-sama will match...!" She tried to keep his morale up so he would heal faster
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