Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Yukimura gave a small nod, then gave the healer instructions to help him regain his strength the quickest way possible before starting to eat his food.
Sasuke went to inform Shingen of Yukimura's willingness to eat. "Must thank Masamune sometime soon." He muttered under his breath
((Back to the pirates!))

Ren was out training on the deck, it was almost morning so most of the men were either still sleeping off whatever alcohol they had the night before or were just plain sleeping. He had already been out there for an hour and was starting to work up a sweat, also keeping an eye out for anything odd.
Akihime exited her cabin quietly and moved to starboard, looking out over at the sea. They would be in Kai any day now. She felt her stomach knot up at the thought. Maybe she'd finally find out who she was when they arrived
"Ah! Nee-sama!" Ren called when he saw Akihime standing out on the deck. "Ohayo!" He lowered his large club, waving to her.
"I was trainin'..! Cap'n says I'm to small 'n I need ta get more muscle..!" He said, grinning sheepishly.
"Don' be afraid, Nee-sama!" Ren grinned brightly. "We all believe in ya! You'll get your mem'ries back in no time!"
Ren glanced at her every now and again, but kept himself focused on his training, when a sudden whistling noise caught his attention and an arrow struck the deck beside Akihime. "Nee-sama!" He gasped and looked around, now noticing a fleet of three ships standing in their way. "Alert the cap'n!" He shouted out and hurried to get the rest of the men, a few more arrows raining down on the deck.

((I have a plan for Akihime~))
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