Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

((So how to start off the plan~?))

Ren gave her a big grin, giving her hand a small squeeze.

A few days later, Ren was completely back to normal, except for his eye, which his sight would never return, but it didn't seem to bother him. Motochika and his men were almost to Kai and they were celebrating, drinking and dancing, even Ren was having some sake, cheek painted pink as he sat beside Akihime, grinning brightly.
"How come ya not drinkin'?" Ren asked, looking over at Akihime. "C'mon...! It ain't poisoned..!"
"Maybe he's your brother?" Ren asked, then the sound of cheering came. A drinking contest. Two of Motochika's men were drinking to the death, or at least until one of them gave out first.

((How do we get Akihime drunk..!? Dx))
Ren, being tipsy, grabbed her hand freely and pulled her to her feet. "Well if he's not then how 'bout I challenge ya ta a drinkin' contest!"
"Wh-What?" Akihime stammered. "Come on, don't be a whimp!" Motochika smirked. Akihime scowled softly and looked to Ren, "You're on."
Ren picked up a jug of sake, raising it to his lips and starting to drink as much as he could, happy she accepted his challenge.
Akihime grabbed a jug and started to drink, ignoring the burning sensation and the urge to cough it back up. Many of the crew cheered for Ren but most were for Akihime.
Ren's cheeks were flushed and he was already done with his first bottle of sake, his throat burning something fierce, but he just slammed down the jug and grabbed another.
Akihime slammed down her jug and grabbed another, barely taking two gulps before she fell over. "Nee-sama!!" The crew gasped but Akihime erupted into a fit of giggles, cheeks a dark red, "Daijoubu da~!" She chirped and the crew cheered, declaring Ren the winner
Ren put his jug down, laughing along with the rest of everyone, grinning brightly. His cheeks were a dark shade of red as well and he staggered a bit, holding a hand out to help Akihime up.
Ren stumbled a bit, one of his arms instinctively wrapping around her waist. "No problem, Aki-san..~!"
((Oh no..! *pushes Ren*))

Ren suddenly leaned down and kissed Akihime softly, his hand cupping her cheek.
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