Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

((Les do this!))

It was a rare moment, Yukimura had actually come out of his room durning the day time, only he seemed barely alive. His skin was ghostly pale, he had dropped almost thirty pounds and could barely walk, having to have Sasuke help him to Akihime's grave stone. His eyes were sunken in and dark bags underneath them. Limping slowly to Akihime's grave, he fell to his knees in front of it, looking at it sadly, not even registering the sound of hooves approaching.
Sasuke looked and ran to investigate. When he saw the Date flag, he rushed to inform Shingen. Masamune kicked his horse faster, eyes focused on the Takeda estate
Yukimura just sat there in front of the grave, not caring anymore. Megohime kept up with Masamune's horse, glaring hatred as they rode closer and closer to battle.
Shingen came out just as Masamune rode up and dismounted, "Date Masamune-." "Urusai." Masamune growled and marched straight to Yukimura, "Sanada!!" He yelled
Yukimura was holding a small blade, something he kept on him almost the entire time of his grieving; a seppuku knife. He didn't respond to Masamune, staring down at the blade as he approached. Megohime dismounted as well, looking around and slowly drawing her sword.
Masamune moved over and grabbed Yukimura and hoisted him up - a little too easily than he had expected. "Where the hell is Akihime?"
When Yukimura's eyes traveled up to meet Masamune's eye, they were the eyes of a dead man, holding no light at all. ".... Dead.... She's dead..." He said quietly.
Yukimura didn't say anything, barely able to hold himself up, having to use Masamune as a support, the seppuku knife dropping from his thin hand. "She's dead..." He said again.
"Stop lying!" "He's not, I'm afraid." Shingen spoke up, making Masamune look. Shingen looked upset, "We lost Akihime some time ago." Sasuke moved swiftly to grab the knife Yukimura held and hid it so he wouldn't follow through with any thoughts of suicide.
Megohime's eyes narrowed, looking at Shingen, then Yukimura, her eyes widening when she saw the condition he was in. His clothes hung off his frail body, ribs showing throw his skin clearly, even from where she stood. Sheathing her sword, she made a noise and turned away.
Yukimura grunted when he landed on the ground, looking down at Masamune's boots. "What's the point in living...?" He rasped weakly.
"Are you serious...!? There's every point! Get mad! Get pissed! Find the bastard who took her life! Avenge her!" Masamune hissed
Yukimura was silent, suddenly falling forward onto Masamune's feet, breathing labored. His cheeks were red with fever and his skin was clammy.
"Master!" "Yukimura!" Sasuke and Shingen ran to him. Masamune ground his teeth, "This is my rival? Pathetic." He hissed and turned, "Let's go, Mego."
((Don't worry~ His words got to Yukimura~))

"Hai." Megohime turned, heading back to her horse and mounting it, giving the the fallen warrior one last glance before turning away from him.

Masamune mounted his horse and scowled, "At the very least, you have my condolences for your loss." He said before kicking his horse and leaving with his army; Sasuke gathering up Yukimura and taking him to the Armor That Needs No Shield.
Megohime followed after Masamune, looking disappointed at the very least as they headed back home to Oshuu.

((Small time skip~))

After four days of resting and close care from a healer, Yukimura had awoken, and had asked for his ninja. "Sasuke..." He said, slowly sitting up.
"Please bring me some food.... And the healer." He said. "I need to regain my strength..." He said, Masamune's hard words echoing in his head.
Yukimura looked down at his hands, clenching his fists. "I'll find who struck down Akihime-dono and jugdement shall be passed...!" He declared with fire in his eyes.
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