Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Megohime looked up at Masamune, giving him a small nod, knowing it was almost time to ride to the Takeda estate and she pulled away, going to get her own sword and armor.
"Of course I am." She said, picking up her sword. "I'm cutting the cow down myself." She said with deadly cold determination.
"Good..." Masamune said and started pulling on his armor.

In the same time span, out on the open sea, "Way anchor! Hoist the main sail! Come on, you salty dogs, let's move!" Akihime hollared as she looked over the deck. "Aye, Nee-sama!" The crew called as they got to work. Akihime had seemed to go through a bit of a change in her time with Motochika and his crew. Instead of elegant styles, her hair was braided with beads and hawk feathers, her usual regal kimono replaced with a short blue and purple fighting kimono. She still barely remembered who she was and where she came from, but she enjoyed being with Motochika and his crew
Megohime waited for her husband as they readied for war.

Ren was always following Akihime around like a lost puppy, following every order she gave him to a T, without question or hesitation. "What shall I do, Nee-sama..?" He asked, standing behind her.
Masamune finished and grabbed his claws, looking to Megohime, "Ready?"

Akihime glanced back before looking back, "Ren-san? Oh, I don't really have anything for you to do specifically...but, I would appreciate some tea...!" "Nonsence, get the woman sake!" Motochika said, standing beside Akihime
Megohime gave a nod, heading outside to the stables and mounting her horse, Jingu and he warriors were already ready to go, waiting patiently for word that it was time to go.

Ren jumped to attention and nodded. "Hai!" He said before running off to make tea.
Masamune mounted his horse, as well as Kojurou, "Let's rock!" Masamune called and kicked his horse forward to Kai.

"You know I don't drink sake." "There's a first time for everything.." Motochika smirked and Akihime laughed softly
Everyone filed after Masamune and Kojurou, Megohime riding just behind Masamune as they headed off towards Kai.

Ren returned quickly with a cup of tea, holding it out for Akihime. "Here, Nee-sama."
Masamune rode with determination, scowling softly

Akihime looked and smiled, "Arigatou, Ren-san." She said and took the cup gratefully
Megohime rode with an almost identical scowl on her face, not saying a word at all, only coco used on one thing: Akihime.

Ren bowed to her, moving a couple steps back and waiting for anything else
"It'll take us a day or two to reach Kai, but we'll make it...!" Masamune called

"Where are we headed next, Motochika-sama?" Akihime asked. The captain grinned, "Next port is Kai!" He announced. Akihime blinked, "Kai...?" She repeated. She winced and held her head
Megohime glanced at Masamune, making a soft noise. She was red to be in Kai now. At the Takeda Estate, Yukimura was in even worse condition that before, he had dropped almost twenty pounds and was coming down with a fever, only drinking a few sips of water only after Sasuke begged him, but he never ate.

"Are ya okay, Nee-sama?" Ren asked, a look of concern crossing his face.
"Master, please..." Sasuke frowned, "This is unhealthy..."

"Sanada-san..." Akihime muttered and Motochika glanced at her, "Pardon?" "That name...Sanada..." Akihime said, a bit louder
Yukimura had long since tried to speak anymore, staring down at a small blade in his hands with a blank stare.

((He better not try and kill himself, because it takes hella long to get to Kai from Oshuu!!))

Sasuke sat outside Yukimura's room, "Master, please come out and eat. What would Akihime-dono think? You would drop straight into hell for this...and she wouldn't want that..."
((Not yet he's not~ But he's thinkin' about it!))

Yukimura, once more, did not utter a word, feeling to drained to even move from his spot in his room, only at night, once Sasuke had left, he'd open the door, drink the water and go back inside.
Yukimura set the knife under the futon, then laid down and stared at the wall blankly, like he'd do for hours on end.
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