Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Sasuke nodded and went to scout the area. Akihime soaked in the bath house, contemplating everything.

Shingen sat in his lounge, enjoying a bottle of sake.
Yukimura got on his knees and addressed himself. "Oyakata-sama, I return with great news." He said.
Yukimura entered and moved to bow before his lord. "Hai. We have found Akihime-dono, she is alive and well."
"Wonderful, Yukimura. Simply wonderful." Shingen smiled. Sasuke appeared outside, "My Lord, Motochika and his men will be arriving soon. Akihime-dono requested he come to explain her absence." "Of course. Thank you, Sasuke."
Yukimura stood, turning to his lord and bowing. "Please excuse me, Oyakata-sama." He said.
Shigen nodded and waved him off.

Akihime sat in her room, pulling her hair into its intriquit ponytail, adding her spider lily hair pin when she was done. She sighed softly and made sure her kimono was straight. She actually missed this.
In the distance, a mass of blue could be seen making its way to the estate. Sasuke appeared next to Yukimura, "That would be them, Master."
Motochika stopped at the gate and meet Yukimura, "Sanada Yukimura. I beg your pardon for holding onto your princess for so long."
Yukimura rose a hand. "I am just grateful that it was you that found her, rather than death, Motochika-dono."
"Hai!" He said, motioning for him to follow. "Please, this way, Motochika-sama...!" He said leading him to Shingen.
"A-Ano..." The entire crew stopped and stared in awe when Akihime stepped out, even Motochika stopped. Akihime looked down, "I can...entertain everyone...while Motochika-sama speaks to Shinge-" "NEE-SAMA!!" The crew ran and swarmed her happily, making her squeal and laugh
"A month ago while docked in Shikoku, my men spotted Akihime lost at sea. We brought her aboard and discovered she had been struck by an arrow. We nursed her back to health and she told us she could not remember who she was or where she came from; she only remembered the name of her family, Otani." Motochika began. Shingen made a noise, "And you kept her aboard the entire time?" "My men enjoyed her company; some a bit more than necessary. But, I assure you, she was not used as a slab of meat for my men to gourge on. She remains untouched." "That's good to hear." Shingen said
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