Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]


Ren was already in the mess hall, two plates of food in his hands. "Ah, Cap'n! I was just gonna ask ya, would it be a'right if I brought some food to Akiko-san?"
Ren blinked his eyes, watching with mismatched colored eyes. His injured eye had healed fine, but he still went blind, which left it cloudy. Irohahime was fixing the obi sash of her dry clothes with her back to the cell bars when she smelled food. Glancing behind her she noticed the Ogre of the Western Sea had entered the brig with a plate of hot food.
Irohahime swallowed the lump in her throat and turned her gaze away from him, stomach empty and growling. She kneeled on the ground and clasped her hands around her rosary cross, closing her eyes and praying quietly to pass the time. "I suppose pirates don't pray... But perhaps you should still show respect to God by giving thanks for the food you have." She said quietly, a frown on her face. But it wasn't like he could see it anyway, since she had her back to him.
Irohahime didn't move from where she was praying, ignoring the spilled food behind her. "It's sinful to waste the food God provides us." She murmured softly.
((Pffft Motochika don' appreciate your Christian nonsence, Iroh~))

Motochika stormed to his cabin and slammed the door, making the crew flinch
((She knows that~ She just wants to piss him off~))

After a few days in the cell she had been locked in, Irohahime's stomach was empty, but she still remained kneeling in the center of her cell, praying silently.

((Time for daddy dragon~!))
Irohahime stiffened and her eyes opened wide. "Oto-" She cleared her throat and turned to face him. "Dokuganryuu." She said calmly, and if was their first meeting. "What brings you here..?" She asked, lifting her chin a little and staring him in the eye.
"Don't play dumb, lass." Motochika stayed, moving to stand beside Masamune - who lookes far beyond livid, "Date told me everything." "You're in shit tons of trouble, Irohahime." Masamune hissed
Irohahime clenched her fists, looking away from her fathers heated glare. "It wasn't on purpose." She grumbled.
"Fine, then here's the truth! I'm not going home!" She spat back, turning her own gaze to glare at him.
Masamune's rage flew over the handle. He unsheathed his Six Claws and broke the lock, sheathing his blades and throwing open the door before storming towards her and grabbing her by the hair, "We're going back to Oshuu. You're going to stay in your room until I can fucking dump you on Koji and not have to deal with your bullshit anymore. Let's go." He seethed and dragged her out, "Keep the Date Maru, Chosokabe. I don't need it anymore." "Many thanks, One-Eyed Dragon." Motochika said
Irohahime held onto his wrist, making weak noises of pain as she was dragged out, shame making her lower her head as she was dragged out onto the deck and down to her fathers horse. "Too bad I didn't die when the ship crashed." She muttered bitterly.
Irohahime was silent the entire way home, scowling more when they reached the estate and was met by Megohime and Shigenaga. "Iroh!" "Irohahime-sama!"
Masamune lifted Irohahime down and hopped off his horse, pushing her towards Shigenaga, "Take her to her room. She's under house arrest until Koji gets her out of Oshuu for good."
"Otou-san!" Irohahime protested. "That's three years!" "C'mon, Irohahime-sama..." Shigenaga said, taking Irohahime's arm gently.
Irohahime clenched her fists and stormed off to her room, slamming the door behind her and grabbing her brush and a piece of paper. After writing a pleading letter to her fiancé, she opened the door and handed the letter to Shigenaga, asking for him to send for a messenger before going inside to pray before bed.
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