Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

"Aye!" Ren nodded to Motochika, standing at attention beside the door that lead up to th deck.

((This is gonna be awesome~))
((Aw hella~))

Later on in the day, Motochika came down to retrieve Irohahime to work. He stood there with a meat bun in hand; a recipe that Akihime had left with him and the crew. "Ready to work?"
Irohahime nodded, moving over to the cell door and waiting for him to unlock it. "I don't really have a choice.." She said, rubbing her neck.
Irohahime took the bun and murmured a thank you before eating it on the way up to the deck, scarfing it down as fast as she could. Ren was already on the deck, bringing large planks of wood up to the deck to help with the repairs. "We're all set, Cap'n!"
Irohahime moved over and Ren showed her what was to be done first. After pushing the Date Maru away from the Fugaku and removing the broken planks of wood, he showed her how to start putting the new planks in. They worked together for hours; luckly the damage wasn't all that bad, but it was still bad enough that it would take maybe a week or two to repair it completely. When it was noon, the men sat down to take a break and eat lunch, but Irohahime and Ren hung back from all of the rest of the men, sharing water in silence.
"It's gon' be a lotta work, but it should only tak'a week er so." Ren said, taking the water from Irohahime and taking large gulps. Irohahime wiped her forehead, using her hand to shield her eyes from the blazing sun. "So... My ship.. I'm guessing I'm gonna have to fix it up on my own time?" Irohahime asked, glancing at her fathers wrecked vessel.
She didn't seem all that happy about his answer, but she nodded anyway. "Hai.." Sitting on the wooden railing of the Fugaku, tying her hair back so it wouldn't be in her face with a simply string. Ren kept giving his report on how the ship was, and that there was no leak and it had only damaged the putter protective shell of the Fugaku. While Ren was speaking, Irohahime suddenly fell from the ship and into the water below, making Ren jump up. "What happened..!?" He looked down at the water, but the young girl still hadn't surfaced.
Irohahime surfaced a ways away from the ship and started swimming furiously, trying to flee from the pirate.
Irohahime swam as fast as she could, but she was no match for Motochika, and he gained on her in no time. "I can't stay here anymore! I have to leave Japan, just let me leave!" She begged, going as fast as she could in her sopping wet clothes, but they were starting to weigh her down. If Chosokabe didn't get her, she'd be sure to sink anytime, struggling to keep her chin above the choppy water.
"Screw you!" She struggled against him, trying to push him away, but instead her hand hooked his eyepatch. With a rough yank, she pulled it off before bringing her head back, then slamming it hard against his nose in a headbutt. "Let me go!"
Motochika hissed in pain and glared; his missing eyeparch revealing a deep scar and a glassy dead eye. With a growl, he swam back to the Fugaku and pulled himself back up by the chain of his anchor. Throwing Irohahime over the railing, he hoisted himself up and covered his eye, "Take her back to the brig!" He snarled
Irohahime was pulled to her feet by two men, who dragged her down to the brig, tossing her into the cell and leaving her to her own thoughts. Irohahime removed her hakama but kept her kosode on, which was knee length, but still cold and wet. After laying her hakama flat on the ground she sat against the wall in the cell, shivering slightly and breathing on her hands to warm them.
Ren knocked lightly on the door, looking a bit worried. "Cap'n..?" He called. "Should I bring, uh... Tha' girl some dry clothes?"
"Aye.." Ren nodded before hurrying off to find something that would fit her, perhaps an extra article of clothing Akihime left behind? After searching for a few minutes, he found a red kosode with a white floral pattern. Heading down to the brig, he reached in through the bars to hand Irohahime the dry clothes. "Here's somethin' dry sa ya don' chet'cha dead, uh... You still haven' told anyone yer name.." Irohahime took the clothing and moved away from the bars, frowning softly. "...My name is Akiko.." She lied, and Ren bought every word. "It's a very pretty name, Akiko-san." He said, then bowed and turned to leave. "I'll let ya get dressed.." He said, then headed up the stairs to the deck, leaving Irohahime alone to change into the dry kosode.
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