Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

"Otou-sama, he passed the test, I am to be his wife." Irohahime said, holding the rosary cross that hung around her neck.
"Of course I agreed to it, she is my only daughter after all, her husband better be more than capable of defending her." Megohime said, approaching them.
Irohahime frowned and moved out of the way, going to sit on the porch. Megohime drew her sword and took a stance. "Ready?" She asked her husband.
Masamune smirked and unsheathed his katana, Koji taking a breath before doing the same, "Put your guns on!" Masamune stated, excited for a fight
Megohime stuck first, attacking his right side with a quick slash before swinging upwards, then jumping back to let Masamune attack.
Megohime sheathed her blade and smirked softly at her husbands disappointment. "Give him some slack, he did take on the One Eyed Dragon and his Hag without backing down. I think he has my blessing."
Megohime nodded, nudging Masamune. "Come, I'll make some tea and you can watch me drink it." She said, heading back into the house. Irohahime sat beside Kojurou, looking down at her hands, stomach doing flips. "Kojurou." She whispered. "I-I can't do this.."
"This marriage." She replied, gripping her rosary tightly. "I... I have to go." She stood quickly and hurried to her room.
There was silence before the door opened, Irohahime standing there with tears in her eyes. "I wish you a safe travel, Koji-sama."
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