Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Jingu kissed his cheek, holding herself against Kojurou. "There will always be someone worthy... I have faith."
Jingu's cheeks flushed a soft pink and she rested her chin on his shoulder. "Everything will work out." She said softly.

((Time to have Iroh's butt kicked~?))

Irohahime stood in the courtyard, warming up with her katana, breathing slowly, in through her nose and out through her mouth, waiting for any more suitors that might come.
Kojurou walked over with a handsome young man trailing behind him; bronze colored hair pulled into a loose ponytail as his cyan colored eyes looked around. "Irohahime-dono?" Kojurou called
Irohahime stopped her movement, turning to face Kojurou, eyes falling on the handsome young man. Her cheeks flushed pink and she sheathed her sword. "Another suitor?"
Kojurou nodded and the young man stepped forward, bowig to her respectfully, "Ohayo gozaimasu, Irohahime-dono. My name is Akiyama Koji and I wish to do battle for the right to marry you." He said politely
Irohahime nodded, though she couldn't stop staring at Koji. She had to admit, he was incredibly handsome. "Alright, I accept your proposal." She said, drawing her sword and taking a stance.
Irohahime let out a steady breath, then slid her foot forward, attacking so quickly and with so much ferocity that her blade sparked when it clashed with his, leaning all of her weight onto him.
Koji slid his foot into a stable stance, barely having to use any force to keep her back, "You're very strong, Irohahime-dono...! Did Masamune-sama train you?"
Irohahime widened her stance to an appropriate width, shoving him back before jumping away from him. "Hai, he did." She said, keeping her blade in front of her.
Irohahime's cheeks flushed at the praise and she blocked his attack, and pushed him back, attacking again and trying to knock him off balanced, even she looked like she was pushing her limits. Shigenaga sat beside Kojurou, watching in amazement. "He's amazing.." He breathed.
"He's strategic...he's only taking defensive stances and only attacking to keep her interested. He's trying to tire her out." Kojurou said. Koji blocked each swing before finding a weakness in her stance and swinging at her knees to knock her off balance
Irohahime saw the swing to late, her feet being swept out from under her and making her fall on her rear. She sat on the ground stunned for a moment, this being the first time she had been beaten by someone other than Kojurou or Masamune. She blinked and looked up at Koji, shame making her cheeks burn bright red.

((I forget, do they get married young or do they stay engaged until they're older?))
Irohahime hesitated before taking his hand, standing and sheathing her own blade. "H-Hai.. I'm fine.." She murmured meekly, keeping her gaze on his feet. This man was amazing, he was so strong, yet he didn't flaunt his power. He was smart to, but most of all, he wasn't rude, he was a complete gentleman. Bowing to him at the waist, she stuttered. "I-I'm am honored to be your wife, Koji-sama."

((He's gonna love dealing with Masamune~))
((Oh, hella~~))

Kojurou stoo and went to twll Masamune the good news. Koji smiled and bowed as well, "The honor is truly mine, Irohahime-dono."
Masamune came out with Kojurou and looked over the boy, "This is the boy that won?" "Hai! I'm Akiyama Koji! And I have successfully bested Irohahime-dono and earned the right to marry her." Koji said himbly. Masamune looked him over before looking at Irohahime, "Do you approve?"
Irohahime glanced at Koji before nodding. "Hai.. I am a woman of my word and the only requirement was to best me in battle." She said softly. "I accept his proposal." Though she said she accepted it, she didn't sound very excited about it.
Masamune stared down the young man who would marry his daughter, making Koji nervous, " something wrong, Masamune-sama?" He asked. Masamune crossed his arms; he wasn't going to give up Irohahime so easily
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