Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Megohime leaned her head against him, closing her eyes. "I'll manage... Munetsuna eats more that Tadamune did." She laughed softly.
"Hungry little tyke." Masamune chuckled, kissing her head, "How do you think Sanada is holding up with his kids?" He looked incredibly amused
Megohime made a noise. "As long as he keeps those demon spawn away from my babies." She grumbled, holding Munetsuna's small hand. She frowned softly. "This is the third time Iroh turned down a suitor..." She said. "And her mood is going from bad to worse lately... Will you talk to her..?"
"Demon spawn, the lot of them." She muttered, looking away. "Now go talk to our eldest, she's becoming more trouble than I am." Shigenaga sat and watched Irohahime, who was training more vigorously than before, cheeks flushed red.
((Don't do it..! D'x))

Irohahime was panting softly by the time Masamune found her, Shigenaga frowning and looking to Masamune. "Masamune-sama!" He bowed deeply. "Forgive me, I can't get her to slow down and take it easy.. She won't listen to me." He stayed bowed deeply at the waist, Irohahime grunting softly and she pushed herself harder, scowling with the effort she was putting out.
Masamune waved his hand and moved to Irohahime, grabbing her wrist gently when she awung upward, "Cool yer jets, kiddo." He stated in English, "We need to talk..."
Irohahime looked up at Masamune, brushing a loose strand of her raven colored hair out of her face. "If it's about the marriage we have nothing to talk about."
Irohahime sheathed her blade and crossed her arms, stature much like her fathers. "What is there to talk about. I don't love any of those men, and as God as my witness, I cannot marry a man I do not love, or hardly know!"
Irohahime touched the cross that hung around her neck. "I want to fall in love with a man I meet on my own... Not some nobleman's son that I hardly know... Please don't make me see any more suitors, Otou-sama."
Irohahime looked down at the ground, then up at her father. "Fine. I'll marry- on one condition." She said, eyes flashing. "I'll only marry the man who can best me in a fight."
Shigenaga smiled nervously. "Irohahime-sama is much better in swordplay than I." He said, but of course it wasn't true. Although he was only ten, he was a master with a katana. "It's a fair trade." She said, standing firm.
"Your mother will murder me, kiddo..." He tried to argue. He always had a soft spot for his daughter; she was his first born. He did anything she asked at the drop of a hat.
"I won't hurt him, I only want to see if his prowess is greater than mine. If he's weak, he can take a hike." She said simply.
Irohahime smiled brightly and hugged Masamune before bowing to him. "Arigatou!" She said before hurrying to tell her mother.

((So~ How many hearts should she break before she finds an ass she cannot kick~? And should he be a gentleman, or an asshole~?))
((Time for the line of men!))

Word had been sent to the houses of the noblemen who wished to wed Irohahime had to duel her and defeat her if they wished to marry her. At first, no one showed, and it seemed like it had detoured any suitors, but soon, they all showed. The first few men were no match at all, each being shamed in under fifteen seconds. The next two who arrived, Irohahime toyed with. Megohime sighed, but her voice was drowned out when the loud clang of metal sounded through the air. "You're finished!" The tall young man charged Irohahime, who looked about done. "This isn't even fair.." Shigenaga sighed. Irohahime's eyes narrowed and she slid her foot forward. Wrong, he was coming at her all wrong- sure he made it so he guarded his side, but she could easily knock him off balance. Twirling her sword, Irohahime stabbed it into the ground and dropped into a low crouch, confusing the man and giving her the chance to sweep his feet out from under him with a hard kick. Ginjo's sword clattered away from him and he landed on his rear end hard. He moved to stand but the tip of a blade was pressed lightly against his throat- Irohahime's. "Don't bother, we're done here." She said, turning to face Masamune. "Is this the last one?"
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