Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Jingu whined weakly and shifted beneath him, her breath coming out howls against his neck as she left love marks along his neck and chest.
Jingu waited until he was completely sheathed inside of her before she started to move her hips, moaning softly.
Jingu moved her hips in sync with his, soft noises of pleasure coming from her as she bit the junction of his neck and shoulder.
Jingu's cheeks flared crimson and she let out a loud moan, Kojurou having hit her special bundle of nerves hard and sending pleasure coarsing through her entire body, making her curl her toes.
He blinked before smirking and doing it again, over and over; his moans were low and husky, his breath hot against her skin. His hair started to become messy and unkempt the harder and faster he moved
Jingu's moans increased in volume, moving her hips the best she could with his, arching her back and curling her toes, clenching her fists as well.
Jingu bit his shoulder moaning loudly as she hit her climax, trembling as she rode out her orgasm, face flushed red.

((Time for awesome Iroh~?))
A decade passed and the sound of someone practicing hard in the courtyard was the only thing that broke the serene early morning. A girl with mid-back length raven hair practiced with a katana, sweat building up on her forehead. Slender form moved flawlessly and effortlessly, deep blue eyes narrowed as she panted softly. "Irohahime-sama... You shouldn't push yourself so hard." "Urusai, Shigenaga." The young boy frowned, light brown eyes trained on the girl.
Irohahime swung once more before lowering her blade. "Gomenasai..." She muttered. Turning to face her father. Shigenaga stood and moved over, holding out some water for Irohahime, who eyed him for a moment, then smiling softly. "Arigatou." She took the water and drank all of it. Shigenaga smiled softly. "Masamune-sama..." Megohime appeared from around the corner, Tadamune being chased by Munekiyo, Munetsuna on her hip. "Yamashita Kichirou has come to ask Irohahime's hand in marriage." Irohahime's entire mood shifted, a scowl crossing her face. "Tell him to leave."
((They've been busy~~ Also can you play him~~?))

Irohahime looked down at her feet and clenched her fists, sheathing her sword. "Fine." Shigenaga took the cup when she held it out to him, wiping the sweat from her face as she followed her mother to get dressed up for her suitor. Like all the other men before, she was required to gussy herself up, even when she turned each man down.
((Of course I will, m'love~!))

Masamune headed to the lounge to greet this young man who desired to marry his daughter. Kichiro jumped when Masamune entered and tried to look as stern as possible when the Azure Dragon sat across from him
After a few minutes of awkward silence, the door slid open and Irohahime stepped inside the lounge, wearing a black kimono with a golden floral design, hair pulled up and lips painted red. She moved inside, followed by Shigenaga. She bowed to Kichirou before sitting beside her father. "Oaidekite ureshii desu." She said softly. Her childish features and round cheeks were starting to leave her, her features starting to resemble that more of a teenagers.

((She's fourteen~))
((Ah, to be a teen~~))

Kichiro flushed and cleared his throat, "I-" "Hold on there, kid." Masamune cut him off, "To save you the humiliation, the answer is no." "E-Excuse me?" Kichiro asked
Irohahime glanced at her father, frowning softly. "I'm not interested in marriage... As my father put it bluntly." She said, wanting nothing more than to wipe all the makeup from her face.

((Totes the best years of my life~~))
((I hated being a teen~~ :33 ))

Kichiro looked a little disappointed, "But..." "I'm sorry, kid...and I'm not about to duke it out with her to force her into something she doesn't want." Masamune said
Irohahime stood and bowed to Kichirou. "Thank you for coming." She said, then turning to leave, Shigenaga following her, leaving his spot in the corner. "M-Matte, Iroahime-sama!" As soon as Irohahime left the room, she wiped the makeup from her face with her sleeve. "Shigenaga." "Hai!" She started to undo her obi. "Get my sword and meet me in the courtyard." She said, slamming the door to her room and tearing off her kimono, getting into the clothes she was previously in, Shigenaga sighing softly and leaving to get her sword.
Megohime was nursing Munetsuna when Masamune came into the nursery. "How did this one go?" She asked with a sigh. "Not good?"
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