Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Matsunaga sat with Kojurou, waiting for Masamune, night had fell and the moon was nearly at it's highest, seeming rather relaxed as he looked over the map of Oshuu.
"Ah, and here he is, the Dragon of Oshuu himself, you took a bit longer than I expected, I guess I gave you to much credit." He set down the map and held open his hands. "Katakura has decided to join me in my quest on taking Oshuu. And I'm willing to let you and your family leave with your life, but if you fight, I suppose I may have to widow poor Megohime-dono."
"Now now, don't blame Kojurou, he was only doing this to protect his lover, though, I assume you'll both have words you wish to share with each other?" He stood and gave them both room. "Lady Jingu is safe with Kotaro, don't worry about her while you say your final goodbyes to your lord, I'll simply be here, watching." He said with a smile.
Kojurou stood and moved to stand across from Masamune. "So, my Right Eye has failed me again." Masamune said. Kojurou glanced at him and their eyes met. Masamune smirked softly, "Crafty..." He muttered under his breath and unsheathed his katana, Kojurou doing the same
((What does Kojurou have planned??))

Matsunaga made a soft noise, watching them as they stood off against each other.
((His death?))

Matsunaga saw the silent conversation they shared, frowning softly. "Kotaro." He called softly.
Kotaro vanished in a flurry of black feathers. Kojurou noticed and looked to Masamune, who unsheathed three claws and moved back when he noticed more feathers; barely missing Kotaro's attack. He slashed his claws and Kotaro blocked, barely having time to block Kojurou as well. Kojurou jumped back, katana slarking with lightning as he rushed forward and slashed, only to have Kotaro vanish again
Matsunaga left, an unhappy scowl on his face as he headed inside, letting Kotaro deal with Masamune and Kojurou. Jingu looked up when the door opened and stood, scowling as Matsunaga entered and walked straight for her, grabbing her wrist and dragging her out to the courtyard. "Kojurou-dono! Masamune-sama!" "Silence, you're only here to watch."

((Any minute now~))
Kojurou looked and his eyes widened. He wasted too much time. "Kojurou!" Masamune called. Kojurou looked and Kotaro slashed, Kojurou barely blocking and stumbling back

(( •^• ))
Jingu tensed hard when she saw Kojurou just barely block, glancing back at Matsunaga before elbowing him hard in the stomach, whipping around and elbowing him in the back of the head and grabbing his sword, unsheathing it and holding it to Matsunaga's throat, looking around for Kotaro and pining her captors arm against his own back, holding him hostage and hoping Kotaro would stop.
"Lady Jingu you really should not be moving about just yet with your injur-" "Urusai, let Kojurou out of his deal with you." She said, scowling heavily. "We made an agreement, and true gentle men cannot simply go back on their word. And we both know you have no knowledge of handling a sword." Jingu's eyes widened when she was flipped onto her back, having Matsunaga's katana taken from her and pinned to the ground, arm twisted behind her back. "Please, both of you continue your fight, Kotaro, you need not interfere any further. One of you will stand victorious and one will lay at the victors feet or Lady Jingu will be sent to the after life."
Kojurou growled lowly and Kotaro vanished. Masamune scowled, "This is why you double-crossed me...?" "You would do the same for Megohime-dono." Kojurou stated firmly. Masamune smirked, "Damn right I would." He answered. Kojurou looked down, "I've put you both in danger." "Don't sweat it, Kojurou. Come on, let's give him a show."
Jingu ground her teeth, being kept pinned by Matsunaga wasn't exactly high on her list of things she wanted to do. His blade was held to her throat and she watched Masamune and Kojurou talk, but she couldn't hear them, and neither could Matsunaga.
Masamune took a stance, "And when we get close enough, take the bastard out." He said lowly. Kojurou took a stance as well, "Hai, Masamune-sama." He answered under his breath. "Come on, Kojurou!! Show me what you got!!" Masamune snapped. Kojurou tightened his grip, "Hai, Masamune!"
Jingu instantly caught on, they were taking a fight, and she hoped for their sake Matsunaga didn't catch onto it just yet.
Kojurou charged at Masamune and slashed, Masamune blockig and pushi Kojurou back before slashig his own blade. Kojurou swatted Masamune's katana away and lunged forward, Masamune dodged and unsheathed four of his Six Claws, slashig wildly and pushig Kojurou back
Matsunaga made a soft noise and watched the two with interest, not loosening his grip on Jingu but not keeping an eye on her.
When Kojurou was close enough, Masamune's eye turned to a slit, "Now, Kojurou!" "Hai!" Turning swiftly, Kojurou rushed forward, blade sparking with lightning as he slashed at Matsunaga, hitting his hand and forcing the blade from his grasp. Masamune ran forward and brought his Six Claws to Matsunaga's neck
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