Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

((*blush* Bah!))

Matsunaga frowned softly. "I don't want to have to use barbaric methods, but if I must, I certainly will." He said, clasping his hands together. "Please, take a seat." He said, but it was more of a demand.

Matsunaga smiled slightly and poured two cups of tea, setting one in from of Kojurou. "Now, I didn't want to have to take your lover but you really gave me no choice.. You never would've come if I hadn't. But that's besides the point, you can have her back once you agree to the terms I wish to offer you."
"To join me and become my advisor. Leave the One-Eyed Dragon and work for me." He said, sipping his tea, keeping eye contact with Kojurou.
"I was afraid it had to come to this." He sighed softly, setting his tea down. "Kotaro. Cut her throat." He said, looking Kojurou in the eye.
Kotaro unsheathed his ninjatou and twirled it, stopping it at Jingu's throat. Kojurou's eyes widened and he reached for his katana, "Don't you dare!!"
"Please, Katakura-dono, do you truly believe your sword will reach him before her blood is spilled?" He asked. "All you have to do is join me, and I can guarantee her safety."
((Shit, even I'm conflicted x'D))

Kojurou trembled slightly. He couldn't let Jingu die, but he couldn't betray Masamune either. He didn't know what to do.
Jingu ground her teeth and looked to Kojurou. "Kojurou... Do not betray Masamune-sama, he needs you more than I." She said. "Please..." She murmured softly.
"Only a coward would take a man's lover and force him into such a position! There's no honor in your actions, Matsunaga!" Kojurou growled, "Release Jingu, now!! Or I will kill you here and now!"
"By all means, please do try..! I would enjoy testing my blade with yours... But even if you were to strike me down, would you be able to save your lover?" He asked, not fazed by his words. "Make a choice, Katakura, for my patients is running thin."
Kojurou's hand trembled before dropping to his side, lowering his head in shame, "I will join you...please, let Jingu go..." He said softly
Jingu's eyes went wide and she stared at Kojurou in disbelief. "Kojurou-dono!" "Excellent, I knew you'd come around to it, you just needed a little push. Come now, we have work to do, for our first task is to take down the One-Eyed Dragon of Oshuu."
"Of course, I am a man of my word." He said, looking to Kotaro, who still held his blade to Jingu's throat. "Release her, she gets to live." He said simply.
Kotaro moved his ninjatou and twirled it, slashing and cutting the rope holding Jingu. Kojurou kept his gaze from her, ashamed of himself, "Arigatou...." He said softly
Jingu fell to her hands and knees, rubbing her wrists and looking to Kojurou, her own shame burning in her stomach. "Kojurou-dono.." She frowned softly, seeing the look in his eyes. "Let's go, Katakura-san, we have plenty of work to do." Matsunaga said, heading toward his home. "Kotaro, please take Lady Jingu to get cleaned up, and tend to her wounds, will you? We must show our hospitality to our newest additions to our family."
Kotaro carefully took Jingu's arm, helping her to her feet and taking her to a spare room. Kojurou followed Matsunaga, disgusted with himself
Jingu winced, saying nothing as the ninja helped her and wrapped her wounds.

Matsunaga unrolled a map of Oshuu's territory. "Now, I know you do not wish for your previous lords death, and as long as he submits Oshuu willingly, he may leave with his life and his wife and children will be unharmed as well." He said.
Kojuru nodded numbly, staring down a the map. He knew every inch of terrain in Oshuu, even all the secret exits that he and Masamune planned in case of such a situation
"Which routes would you and your lord plan to escape in? I'd like to know every inch of Oshuu." He asked with a soft smile.
Kojurou scowled heavily. Maybe he could give a false route. No, Matsunaga wasn't a fool, he would know instantly. "Masamune-sama would stay and fight and have Megohime-dono leave with their children. I will not tell you where the escape routes are if you plan on taking them hostage like a coward."
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