Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

She set the broken weapon on the ground. "There was blood on the floor outside of the nursery.." She said softly. "What do we tell Kojurou?"
"We can look over the room again, check for any signs as to what happened." She said. "Why don't you tell him, I'll feed Iroh and Tadamune..."
Megohime stood, giving the broken naginata one last time before heading back to the berserk, picking up Tadamune to feed him, frowning softly as she looked around the room for anything, even a thread or hair.
Masamune entered Kojurou's room and moved over, "Kojurou.." He called. Kojurou groaned and sat up, "Masamune-sama...? Is everything alright...?"
When Tadamune was done feeding, Megohime laid him back down in his crib, petting his cheek gently and covering him with a small blanket before picking up Irohahime, blinking when she saw something in Irohahime's crib, a scroll. She frowned heavily and picked it up, opening it and reading it, eyes widening.
((Time for some fun~))

Jingu grunted as her back was lashed again, grinding her teeth and glaring at the wall ahead of her. She had been stripped of her kimono and was given a kosode to wear, which was pulled down so her back was exposed, tied to a post so her chest wasn't showing. She had been tied so she was fired to kneel, hissing as she was lashed again. She glanced over her shoulder when she heard foot steps, blood trickling down her back. "Empress Jingu... This position isn't fitting for a woman of your standing." Matsunaga crouched down beside her, cupping her chin and forcing her to look at him, false pity in his eyes. "This doesn't have to continue, if you were to simply comply with my wishes-" He was cut off with Jingu bit down hard on his hand, Matsunaga hissing in pain and elbowing her hard in the face so she'd let go. He stood, glaring at Jingu. "Kotaro, will you finish up our session here then take her back to her cell. And remember we aren't removing and extremities just yet." He said, leaving to treat his hand.

Megohime appeared in the doorway, a frown on her face and Irohahime on her hip. "Kojurou.." She moved forward, holding out the scroll addressed to him, inside was Matsunaga Hisahide's crest.
Kotaro said nothing, only continued to lash her for a bit longer before dragging her back to the cell she was to be held in.

Kojurou stood and moved over, taking it and reading it over
It was simply stamped with Matsunaga's crest, nothing else. "I'm so sorry, Kojurou." Megohime said softly.

Jingu grunted when she was tossed into the small cell, trembling in pain and fixing her kosode, slowly pulling herself into a sitting position. Bruises covered her legs, ankles both in an odd position. She frowned heavily, looking up at Kotaro, who stood outside her cell with his back to her, then looking back down at her dislocated ankles. She pulled one leg closer slowly, grabbing her foot and yanking it to the side. With a loud pop it popped back into place, making Jingu wail in agony, vision starting to fade as she slumped back against the wall, eyes closing.
Kojurou trembled and crumpled the scroll before tossing it aside and starting to get dressed. "Kojurou." "Don't try to stop me, Masamune-sama...! I have to save her...!" Kojurou growled

Kotarou stood with his arms crossed, he seemed more like a statue than an actual person
Megohime said nothing, bouncing Irohahime on her hip gently. "Let him go, Masamune-sama." She said softly.

Jingu laid on her side, the only slightly comfortable position since her back was a bloody mess, her breath coming out in small wheezes. She coughed, then her chest tightened and her eyes widened, unable to breath. She started to cough heavily, a metallic taste entering her mouth, a dark liquid splattering the floor as she hacked and wheezed, trying to breathe. Blood dripped down her chin and her arms trembled, eyes wide as she choked on her own blood, starting to feel faint.
Megohime nodded, knowing how Kojurou must've felt.

"Oh dear.." Matsunaga entered, hand wrapped where Jingu had bitten him. Jingu could barely breath, struggling to take in a breath, watching as Matsunaga entered the cell through half lidded eyes. Matsunaga moved over and moved Jingu so she was on her side easily, Jingu hacking the blood from her airway and gasping for air, blood staining her chin. "I was unaware you were ill, I take it you withheld that from our dear Katakura?" "Urusai.." She wheezed, spitting blood on the floor. He tutted and stood, leaving the cell and locking it behind him. "Let's start with the sleep deprivation, keep an eye on her, and do what you see fit for a punishment for sleeping." He said to Kotaro. "I have to prepare for our guest, he should be figuring it out rather soon."
Jingu stared back at him, frowning softly and slowly pulling herself into a sitting position, looking down at her ankles, they were both swollen, but only one was at an odd angle now. She took a deep breath and tore a strip from her kosode, wading it up and biting down on the cloth, grabbing her ankle and twisting it back into place, pain shooting through her body. She let out a muffled scream and stiffened hard, making the lashes on her back send her into agony, her vision going black as she slumped forward.

((Kojurou gon' be so mad~~))
((Damn right!))

Kojurou went to the stables and grabbed his horse, saddling it and mounting up. "Be careful, Kojurou." "Hai, Masamune-sama." Kojurou nodded and kicked his horse, riding off
Megohime watched Kojurou go, sitting on the deck with Iroh, who crawled down the hall. "I hope they both come back alive."

Jingu slouched against the wooden post she was tied to in the court yard, dried blood covering her chin and staining the front of her kosode, eyes tired. Matsunaga sat with a cup of tea, sipping it calmly as he waited for Kojurou, Jingu coughing a few times, each time, blood trickling from her mouth.
Matsunaga set his tea aside, looking back at Jingu who kneeled on the ground, head hanging as she spit up more blood. "Kojurou-dono.... Will have your head on a pike..." "We will see, now won't we?"
Matsunaga stood when he saw Kojurou, a fake smile crossing his features. "Katakura Kojurou, come, we have much to speak about." He greeted with open arms. Jingu looked up, blood dripping from her chin, staring at Kojurou.
"Now, now, we're here to talk as men, not warriors, please sheath your blade and sit. Would you like some tea?" He asked, motioning to the tea. Jingu wheezed softly. "Kojurou-dono... Gomenasai.."
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