Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Amaya's cheeks flushed and she shook her head. "I'm alright, I promise." She said, then stood. "J-Ja ne.." She said, then vanished in a small swirl of snowflakes, flustered about something.
Amaya appeared a few branches below him, crouching on the branch. "Akihime-sama and Yukimura-sama are both alright." She said.
Amaya nodded. "Ever since her attack, Yukimura-sama won't let anyone near her unless he gives the okay." She said softly, looking in the direction of the Takeda manor.
"After what happened to Akihime-sama though... I don't blame him." She said softly, playing with a leaf.
Amaya perked. "I do..? Akihime-dono asked the same thing... Maybe I've taken ill..?" She muttered, half to herself.

((She's been love struck~))
Amaya flinched and her cheeks turned a dark shade of pink, freezing where she was and staring at Sasuke with widened eyes.
Amaya shook her head, heat rising in her cheeks. "N-No..! Nothing's on my mind... I've just been... Distracted lately... I don't know what by... But something.."
Amaya nodded quickly, straightening up. "Hai, of course, I won't let it distract me any more, please forgive me."
((Hurm, it's a hard thing to do cuz Sasuke doesn't drink and he hasn't slept with anyone ever. D: Maybe he could... Hm, no..))
((Okay! So Sasuke doesn't get shit, let's bring in asshole Matsunaga!))

Megohime woke early one morning, the sun not even up yet. She looked over at Masamune, who still slept beside her, a soft smile gracing her lips. She leaned over and kissed his temple gently, cupping his cheek and gently brushing his messy hair from his face before getting up and leaving the room quietly to feed the babies. She blinked and stopped when she noticed blood on the deck outside the nursery, then her eyes widened when she registered what she was looking at. Slamming open the door to the nursery where Jingu and her children would've been sleeping, she saw that Jingu's futon was a mess and she was no where to be seen, her Naginata cut in half on the ground. Megohime looked to her children, who were unharmed and fast asleep, then around the room before picking up the pieces of the weapon, leaving the nursery and hurrying down the hall back to the room she shared with Masamune. "Masamune-sama..!" She opened the door, moving inside with a heavy frown.
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