Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Jingu nodded, frowning down at her hands. "I fear for Masamune-sama's mental being.." She said softly. "There is only so much one man can take."
Jingu nodded. "She's trying to push getting better, she has gained some weight, but it is barely enough. She can stand though, I will just have to keep a close eye on her."
Jingu nodded, glancing back to check on Megohime and Masamune; Megohime was curled up against Masamune, shivering slightly as she brushed his hair out of his face with her fingers.
Jingu nodded. "Hai.." Megohime smiled weakly when his eye opened and she moved closer to him, burying her face in his clothing, holding onto him and shivering still.
"Kojurou had to restrain you... You had a panic attack." She said softly, wanting to cut the ropes herself, but she knew Kojurou would get angry and tie Masamune again.
"It's freezing.." She muttered, and even though she was clad in heavy winter clothing, she was still to weak to make her own body heat.
Megohime nodded and slowly moved under the blanket, pressing herself against Masamune for warmth, closing her eyes and resting her head on his shoulder. "I will get better, Masamune-sama." She said, voice steady.
"I know you will, gorgeous..." He said softly, "You aren't allowed to kick the bucket, so you have no choice but to get better..." He smirked teasingly
Megohime's hands worked on the rope to loosen it a bit, smiling softly. "You aren't allowed to bite it either."
After a few weeks, Megohime was nearly back at her original weight, and was up and walking by herself, able to eat normally and keep it down. She still had to take it easy until she was at her top game, but for now, she'd just watch Masamune train.
"Your stance isn't wide enough." Megohime said, sipping her tea calmly, knowing his stance was perfect and that it'd just make him irritated.
Megohime smirked a bit, glad Masamune was alright. She set down her tea and watched him; Tadamune and Irohahime napped in the nursery.
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