Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

"Masamune-sama..?" Jingu asked softly, moving over with a worried look on her face, on her way to see Kojurou, but she had seen Masamune run from the nursery to the healers, so she feared the worst. "Is everything alright? Should I wake the healer?"
Jingu frowned heavily and moved over to him, gently putting her hands on his shoulders. "You should rest, Masamune-sama, I will get Kojurou, just go lay down."
Jingu stumbled back, but caught herself. "Please calm down, Megohime-dono is getting better, she just needs time, stay here so I can get Kojurou." She said calmly, holding her hands up as she slowly moved around him to get Kojurou.
Jingu turned and moved down the hall hurriedly to get Kojurou. She opened his door and moved inside, a bit pale, never before had she seen Masamune in the state he was in. "Kojurou-dono, Masamune-sama... I think he has finally broken..!" She said.
Jingu nodded. "He is not looking well." She said. "He would not let me near him, but I think you can get through him."
Kojurou nodded and followed her to see Masamune. "Masamune-sama?" "She's dying..." Masamune muttered, "Mego's dying...what am I gonna do...? I can't rule Oshuu without her, she..." "Masamune-sama, please calm down." "Urusai!" Masamune swung out and punched Kojurou hard across the face
Jingu's eyes widened. "Masamune-sama!" She gasped and caught Kojurou before he could stumble through the door into Megohime's current room.
Kojurou groaned and rubbed his jaw before moving back over to Masamune, "Masamune-sama, please!" "I said shut up!" Masamune yelled and swug out again. Kojurou blocked and scowled, "Calm down, Masamune-sama!"
Jingu stepped back to keep out of the fight, frowning heavily. A small noise sounded from inside the room Megohime was in, then the sound of rustling fabric. Jingu moved over and opened the door, moving inside, where Megohime had woken up and was trying to stand. "What's going on..?" "Megohime-dono, please stay in bed." She said, but Megohime pushed herself to her feet anyway. Jingu moved over to help Megohime stand, seeing as she could hardly stand and was carrying Tadamune. "Masamune-sama..?" She called, worried for her husband.
The door moved open and Megohime stood weakly at the door, watching with stunned eyes. "You really should go back to bed, Megohime-dono..." "Masamune-sama... Why.. Why is he like this..?" Her chest tightened and her eyes watered at the sight of her husband. His eyes glinted with a light she had never seen before and his entire being looked shattered. "This is my fault..." She covered her mouth and looked away, legs trembling and threatening to give out.
"Masamune, look at your wife! She's straining to watch you slip into madness and its breaking her heart!!" Kojurou snapped. Masamune stopped and looked, "M...Mego..."
Tears slipped down Megohime's cheeks, pressing Tadamune to her chest, the infant awake and squirming. "I did this to you..." She said softly, shame making her bow her head. "If not for me you wouldn't be suffering.." She hugged Tadamune, feeling like her heart was being squeezed.
"M-Mego...n-no, it wasn't you...!" Masamune said quickly. He grunted and dropped to his knees, Kojurou having hit him over the head with the hilt of his blade
"You should lay down, Megohime-dono..." Jingu said softly, Megohime leaned against her and nodded, lower lip trembling as Jingu led her back into the room, leaving Masamune alone with Kojurou.
In the morning, Megohime slept until noon, both of her children napping with her. Jingu watched other the three, making sure that if Irohahime or Tadamune woke, they wouldn't wake Megohime.
The door to Megohime's room opened and she stepped out with a wobble. "Megohime-dono..!" Jingu stood, moving over to help Megohime stand. "I want to see my husband." "Megohime-dono that is not wise rig-" "I want to see my husband." Jingu frowned. "Hai." She said. "What about Tadamune-dono and Irohahime-dono..?" "They're sleeping still... I-I just want to see my husband." Jingu nodded and helped Megohime to Masamune's room. "Kojurou-dono, Megohime-dono has requested to see Masamune-sama."
Jingu nodded and helped Megohime inside, and once there, Megohime slowly crouched beside him, laying against him and cupping his cheek, rubbing his cheek with a bony finger. Jingu moved out of the room and sat beside Kojurou, sighing softly.
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