Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Masamune gently picked her up and carried her back to her futon, trying to cause her minimal pain as possible, "I know you do...but you'll get better soon..."
Megohime winced when Masamune set her down on the futon. "I hope I'll get better soon... I can hardly sit.."

Irohahime was crawling around in the room she shared with Tadamune, the todler squirming in his bed and whining for food.
Irohahime chewed on her fingers as Masamune carried her, Tadamune squirming more. Megohime perked when she saw her children, smiling. "Irohahime is getting so big."
Megohime smiled more. "She looks so much like you..." She said, looking at Irohahime. The toddler had short brown hair and blue eyes, just like her father.
Megohime's arms could barely keep Iroahahime up, the same arms that used to be able to cut clean through a man could barely hold a baby. She held her daughter to her chest, smiling happily.
Masamune smiled softly and watched them; but his chest was tight and he felt like he could hardly breathe. His wife could barely hold their children, let alone care for them. What if she died? What then? It would just be him and the kids; and he didn't know what he'd say if they asked about Megohime. He trembled slightly and tried hiding it by bouncing Tadamune gently
Megohime nuzzled Irohahime, not noticing Masamune tremble. Irohahime held onto Megohime's hair, trying to get some of her mothers milk, making Megohime frown and fix her kosode to see if she had produced anything, but when Irohahime got nothing, she started to cry, Megohime looking crushed. She tried to soothe the crying baby, but she herself felt like crying. Her children had been drinking nothing but cattle milk and they were starving for her milk, but her body had stopped producing it long ago.
Megohime fussed over Tadamune, making sure he was growing correctly, checking all of his fingers and toes, even making sure the little black tuft of hair on his head was still there.
Megohime smiled sadly and kissed his forehead, holding him close and letting him suckle on her bony fingers. "I want to try and eat more... I want to start feeding Tadamune and Irohahime myself again..." She said softly.
"Please." Megohime begged, looking up at him with longing eyes. "I just want to feed my babies.. That's all I want..."
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