Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Megohime lurched every time Jingu pressed down on her chest, trying to start her heart, Megohime's frail ribs breaking under the pressure. Megohime suddenly gasped loudly, eyes staying shut as she started to convulse, having a seizure. "Let go of her..!" Jingu said quickly, rolling Megohime on her side as her seizure continued. "Do not try and hold her down."
Masamune trembled slightly, "M...Mego..." "Masamune-sama, go feed Irohahime and Tadamune..." "I-I'm not...leaving..." Masamune said softly. Kojurou frowned, "Go outside and feed your children." "But, Kojurou..." "Go." Kojurou said firmly. Masamune numbly moved over and picked up his children, slowly moving outside
Megohime continued to jerk, eyes rolled back before she stopped, chest heaving and tears of pain streaming from her closed eyes. Jingu frowned and covered Megohime's frail failing body with a blanket and looked to Kojurou. "Her condition is only worsening... I fear she will not make it through winter." She said softly, so Masamune couldn't hear.

((I wanna make him cry~))
((I'll kill Masamune if she dies.))

Masamune sat out on the deck, feeding Irohahime and Tadamune. Kojurou frowned softly, "She has to would destroy Masamune-sama if she passed..." He said quietly
((°^° Okay she won't die, but I still wanna see him cry.))

"I'll stay with her, you should stay with Masamune-sama... I will do my best to make sure she survives, but she is weak... And growing weaker everyday she cannot eat. We are fortunate she can hold down water.."
((Can I kinda kill Mego~? Maaaaaybe have her cough up large amounts of blood~? Maybe make her a little delirious or lose more weight~? •v•))

Jingu stayed with Megohime, keeping an eye on her in case her health plummeted again.
((M'wife, you nearly killed her once already and that alone killed Masamune... 。・゜・(ノД`)・゜・。Cut the guy some slack...!))

Kojurou sat with his destressed and depressed lord, frowning softly at how empty Masamune looked
((Okay foin~ But one day we shall make him cry!))

Irohahime squirmed and whined, tiny belly distended and her small hands grabbing at Masamune's hair. Tadamune was drinking the cattle milk greedily.
Irohahime grabbed his nose when he kissed her head, eyes closed.

That night, Megohime regained consciousness, but was in a large amount of pain, but she tried to eat a small bowl of rice anyway, eating slowly.
Megohime got half of her rice bowl down before setting the bowl down and holding her hand tightly over her mouth, looking like she was going to be sick. "Don't push yourself, Megohime-dono." Jingu said, rubbing her back gently.
Megohime looked up, face a bit green as she fought to keep her food down. "So far she's kept half of her bowl down, which is good." Jingu said to Masamune.
Megohime nodded, laying down again and swallowing hard. "I'm done eating... I don't think I can eat anymore.." She said softly, and Jingu nodded. "Of course, my lady."
Megohime laughed weakly. "I could still take you on in a fight... Anyday.." She said with a small smile, eyes closing as she laced her thin fingers with his.
He gently brought her hand to his lips, "Stay with us, still owe me a shit ton of heirs..." His tone was teasing but it still weighed heavy with worry
"I thought that... The Dragon Witch couldn't kick the bucket until her mate did..." She tease weakly, squeezing his hand lightly.
"I forbid you from dying until we're both old and can't stand the sight of each other, got it...?" He smirked lightly and gently kissed her hand
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