Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Megohime made a weak noise, eyes closed again. "Don't try to make me feel better..." She muttered, falling asleep.
Megohime was asleep in moments, Jingu bowed before standing. "I will be outside.." She said, leaving to give them room.
((*catches tears in a bottle* Aw yiss~))

Jingu frowned, sitting outside and looking up at the sky with a soft frown, praying for Megohime.
"She was able to hold a small amount of rice down, which is good, Masamune-sama is with her at the moment."

((Yiss~ And Jingu needs to give Kojurou a son!))
Jingu frowned. "He does seem to be running thinnr and thinner each day... We can only hope he can hold and be there for him if he breaks."
((Is he gonna crash or is he just gonna stay with Mego while she gets better~?))

"Hai.." Jingu said, nodding. In the morning, Megohime was up before noon, eating a bowl of rice slowly, sitting out on the deck with Masamune's help. It took her a while but she finished the entire bowl, sitting against him weakly.
((Hella~ Is he gonna have a mini mental breakdown~?))

Megohime sipped tea, happy she was able to hold something down. "Stop making that face... I'm not dead yet.." She said softly.
Megohime took his hand, lacing her fingers with his. "I'll be fine... I'm tough... Just a bit sick right now is all.."
Megohime's legs wobbled and she dropped back to her knees, looking dizzy. "I want to see my children.." She said weakly.
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