Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

((Time to rip his heart to shreds~!))

Megohime woke the next day, but with a fever so high she was nearly delirious. Anything she ate would only come right back up within the minute and same was for anything she drank. After a few weeks of her fever dropping only to spike back up, she was beginning to lose weight. She was bed ridden the entire time and could barely lift a cup to her lips, becoming more and more exhausted with each day that passed. Within the next month, Megohime's looks resembled that of a skeleton rather than a young woman's, eyes sunken in and every bone visible, each breath painful and raspy.
Masamune never left her side; not to train, not to sleep, not for anything. His heart broke more and more the worse she got. He had a difficult time dealing with Irohahime and his new son, Tadamune, both crying for their mother

((So, the timeline is like...all wrong xD Iroh is five when Tadamune is born..))
Megohime eyes opened slowly and she looked at Masmune, her lower lip quivering when she heard her children crying. She had tried desperately to feed the both of them, but her body had stopped producing milk. "They need to eat..." She said weakly. "Please.. Don't let them go hungry any more.." She begged, talking like every word hurt her.

((Shit...! Dx))
((Das ok, tho, we can make it work...!))

Masamune frowned, "What am I supposed to do, Mego...? Iroh misses you real bad, ahe's getting sick of me..."
Megohime made a noise. "Can I hold them..?" She asked softly. "Maybe you can get a concubine... She can feed them... They can't go hungry any more... I won't let them.."
Masamune gently handed Irohahime and Tadamune to her one at a time, "I'm not getting a concubine. I'll talk to Jingu, maybe she can help me figure out something..."
Megohime held her children, nuzzling their heads weakly as they tried to suckle on her breasts through her kosode, whining when they got nothing.
Masamune frowned heavily, "I'll go see if I can find something for them to eat..." He said. He gently kissed Megohime's head, "I'll be back..."
Jingu looked up from sitting beside Kojurou on the deck, standing and bowing to him. "Yes, Masamune-sama? How may I assist you?"
"Do you know anyway I can feed Iroh and Tadamune...? Mego absolutle can't and they're starving and I'm about ready to pull out my hair here." Masamune requested. Kojurou frowned; he had never seen Masamune look so distraught in such a long time
Jingu frowned softly. "Unless we feed them cattle milk... The only other way is for another woman to feed them."
"Cattle...! Cattle, cattle, cattle...uh...Kojurou!" "I'll send word to near by farms right away." Kojurou said. Masamune nodded and paced; he was about ready to lose his mind
Jingu stood where she was. "Would you like for me to sit with Megohime-dono? You haven't eaten yet today.."
((Haha, shit, lemme fix that~))

Jingu made a face. "Please forgive me my lord, but I don't think Megohime-dono would be happy to hear you have not yet eaten today."
"Mego has more important things to worry about!" Masamune snapped, "She's dying, Jingu! Ok?! I think that's a little more important than my not eating!"
Jingu bowed deeply to him. "Gomenasai, Masamune-sama, I was only concerned for your well being. I'll see if I can assist the healer in any way to help Megohime-dono."
"I'd appreciate that." "Masamune-sama!" Kojurou moved over quickly with the milk, "The local farmers gave us as much as they could supply." "Arigatou."
Jingu bowed once more before leaving, going to sit with Megohime, but as soon as she entered, shall turned around, eyes wide. "Masamune-sama!" She called, rushing inside toward Megohime who laid unmoving, Tadamune and Irohahime crying loudly on the floor. After moving them aside gently she felt Megohime's neck and hissed softly, putting her hands on her chest and starting to try and start her heart again, her pale lips turning blue.

((Make him cry~~))

Masamune rushed in and his eye widened, "Megohime!" He moved over quickly and grabbed her hand, "Hey, no, don't fucking do this again! Don't you fucking dare!!"
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