Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Yukimura walked with Akihime to the horses, helping her mount hers before mounting his own, but something felt off, he started to feel numb
Yukimura shook his head and started off down the road. "I'm fine, let's just continue on our way."
Akihime nodded, frowning softly. Her eyes suddenly widened before drooping, slipping and fallig from her horse, who gave a loud whinny in alarm. A dart stuck in the back of her neck as she laid unconscious on the ground
Yukimura's eyes widened and he dismounted quickly, but as soon as his feet hit the ground he collapsed, legs completely numb. "Akihime!"
Yukimura struggled to stay awake, but it was no use, in seconds he was unconscious on the ground, arm outstretched toward Akihime.
((Oh gods... This better be the equivalent of Szayel~))

Yukimura groaned weakly and opened his eyes, vision blurry and mouth feeling as though it were full of cotton. "What...?"
"Ohayo~" A man greeted, long ginger hair in a loose ponytail with brown eyes sparking with mischief, "How are you this fine afternoon, Sanada Yukimura-san~?"
Yukimura could barely keep his head up, hunched over in the chair he was tied to. "Where's... Akihime..?" He muttered, eyelids feeling heavy.
"Oh, darling little Akihime~? She's perfectly fine~ see~?" The man helped lift Yukimura's head so her could see. Akihime was up against the far wall, eyes glazed over as her head rested to the side; large amounts of drugs running through her system to keep her incoherent. "She looks really tired if you ask me~"
Yukimura grid his teeth, pulling uselessly at the ropes. "Let her go..!" He growled, head slumping over again as soon as he let go.
"I'm sad to say that I can't~! She's so beautiful, you see~" He moved to Akihime and cupped her chin gently, "Like a beautiful rare gem forged deep beneath the earth~" He nuzzled into her neck, kissing the soft flesh and smirking when she involuntarily shivered
Yukimura pulled hard at the restraints, glaring death through half lidded eyes. "Don't. Touch. Her!" He hissed out, rage flaring when the man touched his wife.
"What will you do, bound and tied all the way over there~? I can do whatever I wish to her and she wouldn't mind at all~" His hand slid up her leg and under her kimono, smirking wickedly when she gave a weak moan, "Such a lovely sound~"
Yukimura's eyes went wide and he lunged forward, only to jerk forward a bit, grinding his teeth. "Don't touch her!!" He snapped.
He ignored Yukimura at this point, gently laying Akihime down. She made a small noise, "Yukimura...sama...?" "Daijoubu, Akihime~" He said softly, kissing her neck. She moaned weakly; in her drugged state believing it was her husband who was touching her so intimately. He began to untie her kimono, trailing kisses down her pale skin and earning weak blissful noises from the maiden beneathe him
Yukimura twisted his hands madly, grinding his teeth so hard it hurt. "Stop it! What is it you want from the Takeda!?"
"I want you to suffer, and now that I've seen Akihime's beauty first hand, I want her~" He answered. Once her kimono was open, his hands roamed her body, "So beautiful~" "Ki...mochi...Yukimura...sama..."
Yukimura's face flushed deep red and he struggled so hard he fell over, head smacking hard against the floor. His head spun from the combination of hitting it on the ground and the drugs, vision fading before going black.

((Have him wake up to her screaming bloody murder~))

It seemed like not even a few seconds passed before Akihime's ear splitting screams were heard. "Yamerou! Onegai! Hanase!!" "Please stop struggling, Akihime~ I know you'll enjoy it soon~" "Stop it, please!! Yukimura-sama!! Tasukette!!" Akihime had her hands pinned above her head while the man had his way with her, making her cry and struggle. Her face flushed, unwanted pleasure running through her body. "Y-Yamerou! Onegai! Ah~!" "There we go, Akihime~ just relax~"
Yukimura's eyes slowly opened and his vision slowly cleared before widening at the sight before him. "Don't. Touch. Her!!" He snarled, pulling so hard on the ropes they snapped and he staggered to his feet before kicking the man in the face, knocking him away from Akihime. But it didn't stop there, he moved over and started hitting him as hard as he could in the face, teeth bared with rage.
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