Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

After nearly seven dozen hits to the head, Yukimura staggered back, panting hard and knuckles bloody. He moved over to Akihime and knelt beside her, gently covering her back up and tying her sash before gathering her up in his arms. "Daijoubu.." He muttered as he left the room, not wanting to wait and find out if the man had any servants.
Yukimura mounted his horse, which he found tied out back. "Don't blame yourself, rest." He said, taking off fast for the estate.

((Right now den~~))

After months of a smooth pregnancy and a kind attitude, Megohime was in her final days of pregnancy and her mood had shifted back to normal. She sat on the deck, drinking tea as Masamune practiced, a soft scowl on her face.
Megohime snorted and finished her tea, setting the cup aside and sighing softly, then she groaned and hunched over. "Shit.."
"Yes it's the fucking baby, oh god it wants out now-" She hissed in pain and clenched her jaw. "My water just broke."
Megohime groaned gripping his hand tightly as the healer got to work. After hours of labor, Megohime was finally completely dilated and ready to give birth. She screamed as she pushed as instructed by the healer, sweat forming on her brow.
"This is all your fault..!" Megohime growled out, letting out another growl of pain. "You're almost there!" Megohime whined and pushed hard, screaming again. The healer stiffened and frowned in concern. "Megohime-dono, you need to slow down, you shouldn't push yourself so hard." She said, Megohime nodding. "Now push." Megohime pushed and gripped Masamune's hand tightly, tears in her eyes. The healer smiled softly when she saw the baby and instructed to give Megohime one more push before shrill crying could be heard. "Congratulations...!" The healer started to clean off the baby. "It's a boy..!" Megohime smiled happily, but her face was ashen. When the doctor looked down, she gasped and her eyes widened. "Please hold him." She pushed the baby into Masamune's arms and moved to do something, grabbing dozens of cloths and pushing them against Megohime's womanhood. "She's bleeding out." She frowned, Megohime looking to Masamune with hazy eyes. "What does she mean I feel fi-.." Her eyes closed and her head drooped back, falling still.
"She's bleeding heavily, I can stop it, but I have to hurry." She said. "Please wait outside, Masamune-sama." She requested sternly.
After nearly an hour, the healer came out with bloodstained hands. "Masamune-sama..?" She moved over, eyes sad and a frown on her face.
The healer made a noise. "I've stopped the bleeding, but she lost quite a bit of blood and she's very weak, she seems to have a small fever as well... She's resting if you'd like to see her."
Megohime's face shone with sweat, face twisted into a look of pain, and her skin as pale as a snow. She breathed slowly, covered in blankets to keep warm.
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