Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Megohime nodded sadly, cuddling Tadamune to her chest, Irohahime falling asleep against Masamune's chest.
Tadaune held on to Megohime's kosode, whimpering softly as he squirmed to get comfortable. Masamune watched, gently petting Irohahime's head
Megohime rested her eyes, pulling the blanket closer so it covered both her and Tadamune, already exhausted.
Megohime shook her head. "I can rest with him.." She said, shifting to lay on her side, holding Tadamune close.
Megohime nodded, curling up around her son.

((Now, all I have to do is give him the nightmare and he can go crazy~))
Irohahime's eyes eventually closed and she fell asleep, leaving Masamune the only one of his family awake.
Masamune sighed tiredly and moved to lay in his futon he shared with Megohime before she was so sick. He laid down and eventually fell asleep
((*cracks knuckles*))

As soon as Masamune fell asleep, the ear piercing screams of Tadamune and Irohahime reached Masmune's ears, Megohime's screaming could also be heard. The heavy smell of smoke filled his lungs and the crackling of fire could be heard just outside of his door. The clash of metal could be hear as swords met, but soon Megohime's yelp could be heard, followed by the skittering of metal against the ground. "Don't touch me!" She hissed, though fear was in her voice.
((After this you wanna have some sadness with Aki~?))

A large figure stood in the courtyard, huge hand wrapped around Megohime, who was struggling. "Let go of m-!" A terrifying crunch could be heard, Megohime stiffening before falling limp. Hideyoshi dropped Megohime, who fell to the ground like a rag doll on top of another body, blood trickling from her mouth and nose, eyes glassy. The body beneath her bore a similar facial scar on a bruised and bloodied face, Kojurou's. Jingu's corpse lay in a mangled mess in a pile of broken wall. Suddenly the cries of the babies turned to unholy screeching and wails, the nursery ablaze.
Before Masamune could even get close to the nursery, the building collapsed in on itself, cutting off the cries from Tadamune and Irohahime, flames to hot to stand.

((Anytime you want love~))
((For him to wake up??))

"NO!!" Masamune screamed. Masamune bolted upright, gasping loudly. Throwing the blanket off him, he ran off to check on Irohahime
Irohahime was sleeping peacefully, laying sprawled out on her back with drool running down the sides of her pudgy cheeks.
Masamune trembled and gently touched her head, breath hitching when he felt she was real. He quietly moved and rushed off to check on Megohime and Tadamune
When the door to the room Megohime was staying in opened, Megohime shifted, but didn't wake, holding a sleeping Tadamune against her chest.
Masamune moved over numbly, dropping next to them and gently placig his hand on her cheek, "Alive..." His gentle touch moved to his son next, "Both alive..." He muttered. He trembled harder and moved outside, covering his face
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