Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Megohime opened her heavy eyelids, making a weak noise that was muffled by the cloth in her mouth, looking more tired than injured.
Masamune pulled the gag from her mouth and brushed some hair from her face gently, "Hey there, sleeping beauty...I'm back. Brought home Kojurou and Jingu, too.."
Megohime grunted softly and rested her head against his chest, eyes closing again. "'Bout damn time..." She muttered.
"Hardly.." She said, eyes a bit unfocused from the drugged tea. "Iroh and Tadamune..? Are they okay?"
Megohime rested her eyes, practically limp in his arms. "Masamune-sama!" Jingu had gotten a horse and had gone after Masamune to see if he would need medical help. "Is Megohime-dono alright?"
"Yeah, she's alright...just a little drugged up. Go see if you can figure out what it was that drugged her and what the drug was, ok? After that," He sighed tiredly, "I think we all deserve some sleep."
Jingu nodded and turned around, kicking her horse and heading back to the estate to investigate. "The tea... It was the tea..." She muttered tiredly.
Jingu stood in the doorway, holding Megohime's tea cup. "Masamune-sama, I think I've found what the drugs were in."
"It is only a sedative. She should be fine, I do not think that they were doing it to kill." She said.
He simply waved her off, "We'll take a break from everything for a couple days. Go on, you two." "Hai." Kojurou nodded and gently took Jingu's hand, leading her out
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