Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Megohime stood in front of her vanity, back to him. "I-I..." She turned to him, eyes watering. "I didn't mean to cut so deep.." Her hands trembled hard as she held out her hands, one hand clamped over her wrist, but blood was seeping through her fingers quickly, running down her arm and dripping onto the floor. "Gomenasai... Gomenasai..." She shook her head, trying to hide her mistake with her sleeves.


Masamune's eye widened and he moved over quickly, ripping the sleeve of his kosode and wrapping it tight around her wrist, "What the hell were you thinking...!"
((I love you!!))

Megohime's lip trembled and she broke down crying, holding her wrist tightly. "I'm sorry!" She said. "I-I found my old knife and I couldn't help myself..!" She cried.
Megohime apologized the entire way there, not fighting back. Once there she had calmed her crying, sniffling softly as the healer stitched her wrist, wincing every now and again. "G-Gomenasai... Masamune-sama.."
Megohime nodded. "Hai.. Masamune-sama.." She said softly, wincing and whining in pain as the last stitch was put in place.
Megohime lowered her gaze, and once her wrist was wrapped in clean gauze she bowed to him. "Gomenasai... Masamune-sama.. I-I don't know."
Masamune sat on the porch and glanced at her, eyebrow raised slightly, "Make me some tea." He said. He expected some bitchy comeback like "make it yourself" or something along those lines
Megohime nodded. "H-Hai..!" She said, bowing before quickly leaving to make tea for Masamune. She soon scurried back with tea for him, setting it beside him and bowing her head.

((It begiiiiins!))
Megohime's eyes widened slightly. "N-No! Of course not..! I-I'm sorry, I could make you a new cup if you don't want this one..?"
Megohime flinched, but didn't try to stop him from poking her forehead. She rubbed the spot where he had poked her, cheeks red, looking up at him with confused eyes. "Wh-What is it, Masamune-sama..?" She asked. "Is something wrong with my face..?"
Megohime's eyes held guilt. "I apologize for being so rude before, please forgive me for dishonoring you..!" She bowed lowly to him.
"I'm sorry, what is it that my lord husband would like for me to do?" She asked, picking her head up.
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