Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

An arrow was fired and struck Kojurou's horse in the heart, killing it instantly and tumbling, throwing Kojurou from his steed. Jingu came galloping up just as the men rounded the cliff side. "Kojurou-dono!" She jumped from her horse and moved over to him quickly. "Megohime-dono is no where to be found and I fear the worst."
Kojurou hissed softly in pain and sat up, looking to his horse with a frown. He pet its snout before looking to Jingu, "We can only hope that where ever she is, she's safe..."
"Everyone's gathered again... Except for Masamune-sama and Megohime-dono. It seemed they only wanted one or both of them..." She said, helping him to his feet.

Elsewhere in a old run down home, Masamune was tied with his hands above his head, a few men waiting in the corner of the room, as if waiting for someone.

((Cue asshole~))
"Date Masamune~" Masamune looked up at a man in royal purple armor and slicked back black hair, silver eyes staring at Masamune with superiority, "What a fitting position we've put you in~" "The fuck are you?" Masamune growled. The man smirked, "I am Takashi Kumamori. And I want Oshuu." "Suck my dick." Masamune hissed. Kumamori scowld and punched him across the face, "Wrong answer." He hissed. Masamune groaned and rotated his jaw.
A man moved over and set a rolled up cloth on the table behind Takashi, unrolling it to reveal many different tools. "If you'll need them, my lord." He said, bowing before moving away.


"Arigatou." Kumamori said and looked back at Masamune, "Just surrender Oshuu and you can return to your bitch of a wife and man servant." "Yeah, see, if I did that, Mego would castrate me," Masamune grunted and coughed hard when he was kicked in the chest
The men watched from the corner of the room, flinching every time Masamune was struck. Suddenly, a man came in with a distraught looking woman with long raven colored hair. "Masamune-sama!" Megohime cried, tears in her eyes as she was escorted roughly into the room. "Please don't hurt him..!" "Shut it!" She cried in fear when he screamed at her. "We found her outside, she must be Date's bitch, sniveling wretch.." He said, keeping a firm grip on her arm. "What should we do with her?"
"Mego!" "Oh, the Dragon Whore is here~ wonderful~ you can watch us kill your husband and take his land~ and then I can make you my concubine~" "Don't fucking touch her!!" Masamune spat
Megohime choked back a sob and covered her mouth with her hand. "Onegai... Don't kill him..!" She begged, being pushed to her knees. "Shut up and watch!" Megohime gasped when he held her by a handful of hair.
Kumamori smirked and kicked Masamune hard, punching him and breaking his nose before breakig his arm. Masamune let out a cry of pain, glaring and spitting blood
Megohime had averted her eyes, crying into her sleeve and begging for Kumamori to stop. "You married this mouse of a woman?" The man holding her by her hair yanked her up so he could look at her face, making Megohime cry out in pain. "Pitiful..." "P-Please don't hurt him anymore... Please, Masamune-sama, give them Oshuu.." She pleaded her husband, looking over at him, though something glinted in her eyes.

((Aaaaand right about.....~))
Masamune looked to her and smirked, "A mouse...? No, you have it all wrong...the Azure Dragon of the North's wife ain't no mouse...she's a Dragon Witch~ You see~?"
"What are you talking abo-" The man holding Megohime suddenly stiffened, eyes wide and blood pouring from his mouth. Megohime's meek facade had dropped; she had plunged a dagger straight up into his head, buried to the hilt in his chin. She pulled to knife from his head and stood, flicking the blood from the knife and turning to the group of men who stood paralyzed in the corner before drawing their swords and rushing at her. "You bitch!" Megohime simply lunged forward, slashing one mans throat so deep his spinal cord could be seen, blood splattering her face before she dodged a swing that could've taken her head off, slamming her elbow hard into the mans gut then plunging her blade into his throat, tearing it open and shoving him back on top of the man who tried to charge her from the side, knocking him down. While the second men was down she slashed the second mans stomach, kicking him back and turning to face the last man, who was struggling to get out from under the weight of the large mans body. She moved over and with a grunt she stabbed her dagger down on his head before yanking it free and turning to face Kumamori, his men's blood covering her face and dress, dripping from her hands. "So, you said you were going to make me your concubine?" She growled lowly, stepping over the corpses and advancing on him slowly. "And you thought you could just take my husband, and strike him in front of me and think you'll walk out of here with both of your hands?" Her head tilted and she stared at him with wide crazed eyes, bloodlust glinting in her eyes.
"On your knees!" Megohime snapped, glaring death at him. "Reach for your sword and you'll loose your arm." She hissed. "Get on your knees and beg for forgiveness."
Megohime stopped before him, eyes narrowing before she crouched down before him, picking his chin up with the tip of her blade, looking him in the eyes with false sympathy. "It's such a shame a man like you had to be such a sniveling coward." She ran the blade gently against his neck, then her gaze hardened and she drove the blade up into his neck and tore it across jaggedly, standing up and moving over to Masamune, slicing the ropes and helping him stand, careful of his broken arm. "They killed my horse, so we'll be walking." She said, letting him rest his weight on her.
Megohime made a noise and looked down at the ground. "I should've come sooner." She murmured, Kojurou's conversation with the pirate boy echoing in her head. "Does she not love her husban' then?" "Most days, I'm not sure... She holds little to no respect for him and when she's punished for it, she corrects herself for about a week before going back to her old ways." She clenched her fist, unable to bring her gaze up.
Megohime shook her head. "I'm just glad you're safe." She said softly. After half an hour of walking, they arrived at where Kojurou had stopped everyone. "Kojurou!" She called. "I'm gonna need some help!"
Jingu hurried over and helped Masamune away from Megohime to take him to her medic, frowning softly. Megohime still had blood on her face, though it was almost completely dry and crumbling. "Matte." She stopped Kojurou, grabbing him by the collar of his coat and yanking him down to eye level. "Don't you ever doubt that I love my husband again, do you hear me, Kojurou?" She said lowly.

((Ready for a thingy thing soon~?))
Megohime let go of his coat and moved away, heading after Masamune to make sure he was okay.

((Mini skippy skip~))

After three weeks of arriving home, Megohime's mood had started to fluxuate, going from screaming angry to unable to even leave her bed, even when Masamune asked her to join him on the deck. Around noon, Megohime still hadn't come out of the bedroom, and all was quiet. Suddenly a small yelp sounded from inside the room before a light thud on the wooden floor.

((°^° *slowly edges away*))
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