Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Ren looked to Kojurou, who had a thoughtful look on his face. "Does she not love her husban' then?"
"Most days, I'm not sure..." He answered, frowning faintly, "She holds little to no respect for him and when she's punished for it, she corrects herself for about a week before going back to her old ways."
((Megohime's gonna make Kojurou eat those words~))

Megohime listened from the tent, gripping her sword and trembling slightly, glaring down at the ground with a scowl.

((And how should we end the war again??))
((Huehuehue~~ andweenditwithMitsunarisdeath!!))

Eventually, Ieyasu returned to base camp, hood pulled over his eyes to hide his tears. A few generals watched him, "Ieyasu-sama...?" "Mitsunari is no more..." Ieyasu said weakly
Amaya watched Ieyasu with surprised eyes, body trembling. "He's... I'm free..." She said softly, smiling.
((Ieyasu actually cries when he kills Mitsunari... ( ´Д`) ))

"Ieyasu-sama, what should we do about Sanada Yukimura? He was taken prisoner some time ago." "Was he?" Ieyasu followed the general to the tent Yukimura was being held in, "Young Cub, why have you chosen such a cage?" Ieyasu asked

Yukimura looked up at Ieyasu. "What is Akihime's condition..?" He asked, looking exhausted.
Yukimura looked down at the ground. "I surrendered myself to atone for the sins of harming my own wife..." He said softly.
"We met in battle and things got heated. I deserve nothing less than a trators punishment." He said quietly, shame making him bow his head.
Ieyasu folded his arms over his chest, "Why don't we leave that for your wife to decide, hm? Release him." "B-But, sir!" "Its all right...a distraught man is no more dangerous than a dull sword...let him be with his wife." Ieyasu said. The soldier nodded hesitantly before releasing Yukimura.
Yukimura rubbed his wrists before standing slowly, bowing his head to Ieyasu before heading to the medical tent, kneeling before his wife and taking her hand, even though she was unconscious. "Akihime... Please, forgive me for the wrong I had done... I never should've sided with Mitsunari and his army, I have lost my way, but now I see the errors of my way, my beloved wife , can you ever forgive me..?" He asked, holding her slender hand to his forehead as he spoke.
Akihime groaned, eyes slowly opening before looking to him, "Yukimura-sama...?" She asked weakly, eyes unfocused, "What's wrong...? Are you hurt...?"
Yukimura looked up at her, gently squeezing her hand. "No, I am fine, but I worry for your well being, I have injured you immensely... I do not deserve forgiveness from you." He bowed lowly in the dirt.
Akihime frowned and tried to push herself up with her only good arm, " deserve every ounce of forgiveness I could possibly give you. If anyone doesn't deserve forgiveness, its me...!" Tears filled her eyes, "I am a horrible wife! I should have stayed with you, regardless of my own strife! Gomensai, my Lord Husband! Gomenasai!" She sobbed into her sleeve, hiding her face in shame
Yukimura slowly sat up and pulled her against his chest gently. "I forgive you, Akihime... But I will not pick up a blade against you ever again." He said, petting her hair gently.
Yukimura held her close, kissing the side of her head.

((Shall we start the plan with Masamune~?))
((Huehuehue~ Mego's gonna slaughter everyone~))

After Mitsunari's defeat, the war ended, and everyone was able to head home, and around half a day of traveling, Megohime chewed her nail, having been silent for the entire ride. She looked up at Masamune, opening her mouth to speak but the cry of a horse made her turn, watching one of Masamune's soldiers fall to the ground with an arrow in his head. "We're being ambushed!" One man called, and shouted to keep formation but around three dozen men stormed toward them on horseback, throwing everyone into chaos and making some of the soldiers split off, being chased down the road. "Kojurou-dono! We need to retreat, no one is in condition to fight yet!" Jingu called over the war cries.
((Just kidnapp Masamune and take him to a remote home and Mego shall "stumble" upon them and kill them all~!))

Jingu nodded and turned her horse, looking around for Megohime, but she was gone, as was Masamune. She frowned and hurried off, searching for either of them, but they were nowhere to be seen.

((Also just beat the crap outta Masamune like we planned~ We were gonna make an asshole OC who wants Masamune to step down and give Oshuu over to him~))
((Ok! I hope I don't suck!))

Masamune's horse was discarded by a river, a group of men riding off with the Azure Dragon. "Masamune-sama!" Kojurou yelled and tried to give chase
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