Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

((Like Jingu would let her go~ Amaya to~ And Ren would just take the beating~ He don't fight girls~ :> ButAkicanbeatupRenandgetmadwhenhewontfightback!))

Jingu sat in the medical tent with Akihime and Daisuke, keeping an eye on her incase anyone tried to attack her while she was unconscious.

As Megohime walked through the camp she caught whispers of someone being captured, then when the name Sanada came up in the same topic she hurried to Masamune to tell him. "Sanada surrendered, they said Akihime's condition may be critical."
((Would you want to make Ren and Aki sad?))

Kojurou moved into the tent slowly and sat beside Jingu, "What happened...? Do you know?"

"What? Holy shit, Red really beat the shit out of her? Man...guess he isn't as forgiving as I thought.." Masamune said
((Sad how~?))

"As far as I know, Yukimura-dono did the damage himself." She said, cradling Daisuke.

Megohime made a noise and crossed her arms. "She deserved it." She muttered.

Jingu frowned softly, petting Daisuke's small amount of hair. "Yes, I was just as surprised to."

Megohime shifted the weight on her feet uneasily. "She sided with her husbands enemy, she might as well have stabbed him in the back while it was turned."

Kojurou frowned softly, "This must weigh heavy on her..."

"After being relatively nice to her before coming here, you're gonna turn around and be a cunt? Really?" He growled softly. He pointed behind her, "Go to your tent. Now. You're on time-out."
Jingu nodded, sitting silently.

Megohime crossed her arms tighter and stared up at her husband. "I'm allowed to voice my opinion, wiether you think it to be wrong or not."
((*has no clue what to put for Jingu*))

Megohime scowled and fumed, spinning on her heal. "Fine, go blow Sanada or something." She growled out before walked off to her tent.
"Yeah, and she's a better lay than you, that's for sure!" Masamune snapped.

((I'm pretty sure if Yuki heard all of that, he'd be pretty steamed...~))
((I bet~))

Megohime stiffened and ground her teeth, throwing aside the tent flap and storming over to Masamune. "I bet you're right, but y'know who really knows how to please a woman? Kojurou, I guess that's just another thing he's better at then you."

((*hides* Mego gon' get slapped?))

Masamune glared and rose his hand, slapping her hard, "There's joking and then there's crossing the line. You just crossed it. Go back to the tent and sit there quietly while I think of your punishment."
Megohime held her cheek and glared, heading back to the tent and sitting quietly in the corner as she was told.

((What's gonna be her punishment~?))

Akihime had slowly come to, her arm feeling like pins and needles. She still couldn't move it, and was sure she wouldn't be able to for a while. She tried to push herself up, Kojurou helping her. "You should take it easy, Akihime-dono." "H-Hai, I know, Katakura-san..." She said softly. She perked when she heard a loud yelling from outside. With Kojurou's help, she moved outside, eyes widening slightly at the sight of Motochika and his Elite Force. "M-Motochika-sama...!" She gasped. Motochika looked and his eye widened, "Aki?" "Onee-sama!!"
Ren spotted Akihime, pulling his club from a mans head he had crushed. "Aki-chan!" He smiled, but grunted when he had to block an attack. Megohime had come out of time out, attacking one of Motonari's men, trying to hold them off from overrunning the camp.

((Is Motochika and Masamune gonna fight~?))
((Do you want them to~?))

"What are you doing!?" Akihime yelled. Motochika moved over quickly, "Come to rescue you from Ieyasu, it would seem. He's got you captive, has he? There isn't any crime that rat won't commi-!" "Motochika-sama, I'm fighting with Ieyasu-sama!" Akihime spat. Motochika looked taken aback, "What?"

The loud clang of metal sounded as Megohime's blade and Ren's club clashed, Ren blocking her attack. "I don' fight women..!" He protested. "That blows." She hissed before shoving him back and attacking again, swinging for his side.
"Shut it, Otani!" Megohime hissed, slashing at Ren, who only blocked, being backed up against a tent. Megohime made a noise and slammed the butt of her sword against his thigh, making him hiss and drop to one knee, giving Megohime the chance to slash him across the chest, leaving a deep gash. Ren's eyes went wide and blood started to soak his shirt, Megohime raising her sword over his head to finish the job.
Motochika's anchor connected and hooked into Megohime's side, the Ogre of the Western Seas swinging with all his might and throwing Megohime into the ground. "Megohime-dono!" "Ren-san...!" Akihime moved over as quickly as she could to the red head, "R-Ren-san, daijoubu...!?"
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