Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Amaya suddenly tensed, looking over in the direction Yukimura and Akihime were fighting. "Ojou-sama!!" She sprinted away from Sasuke, eyes wide with panick. Yukimura had dropped his spears and was tearing his coat into strips, tightly wrapping Akihime's bleeding shoulder, hands covered in blood. "Sasuke!" Amaya arrived first, medic pack already out.
Sasuke appeared and pulled some healing ointment from his pouch, offering it to Yukimura. Akihime's eyes closed, groaning weakly in pain.
Yukimura took the ointments and Amaya pulled down Akihime's sleeve to look at the wound, which cut cleanly downward. "It cut through her collar bone." Amaya said, applying a salve that would slow the bleeding. Yukimura looked deathly pale. "We need to get her to a medic." He said weakly, holding Akihime's hand tightly.
Yukimura picked Akihime up and whistled for his horse, mounting it when it arrived. "We have no choice, I may be taken prisoner, but Akihime will be fine." He said before galloping off as fast as he could, holding Akihime tightly.

Amaya frowned and looked to Sasuke, following after Yukimura quickly.
Yukimura rode straight for the medical tent, dismounting and hurrying over, not stopping even when weapons were brandished against him, forcing him to stop before he could reach the healer. "All I ask is that you take her to the healer, I've already laid down my weapons!" "Akihime-dono!?" Jingu moved over, cradling Daisuke. "Take Akihime-dono to the healer immediately!" She said sternly, two of the men stepping forward, one taking Akihime to the healer and the other binding Yukimura's hands behind his back.
Daisuke squealed in delight at the sound of his father's voice, squirming happily. The soldiers took Yukimura to a vacant tent to be kept under supervision, sitting him down and holding him captive.
Once Akihime had been taken away, Amaya arrived, moving over to the medical tent and staying outside.

Yukimura didn't resist at all, allowing for them to take him away.
((Hell yeah~))

Megohime swung hard, slicing Kanbe's thigh and cutting down a foot soldier, red eyes practically glowing with rage as she fought along side her husband.
Masamune and Kojurou kept Kanbe from using his ball and chain on Megohime, hacking and slashing at him as well, forcing him into the defensive
Megohime ducked when Kanbe's arm swung toward her, slicing the muscle under his arm to make his arm immobile before stabbing him in the side.
Kanbe hissed in pain, "Look, I didn't want to do you guys any harm! I had no choice! I didn't want to go back to that cell, I still don't!"
Megohime took a step back and glanced to Masamune. "What do you think, Masamune-sama?" She asked.
"Kanbe's never really liked Mitsunari and his like...but still...he beat the crap out of me and Kojurou and nearly killed you...I can't necessarily forgive him for that.."
Megohime gripped her sword, glaring. "You're right." She said. "Sorry, I don't really have any pity for you." She said and charged forward, slashing hard upward.
Megohime placed her blade to his neck and looked down at him, her lip curling into a sneer before she pulled her blade back and swung, but instead of her blade slicing through flesh it sliced through the wood shackle around his wrists that bound him to the large iron ball. "Leave."
Kanbe's eyes widened behind his hair and he stood up quickly, disbelieving, "Oh, Gods...thank you! Thank you, so much!" He said and ran off happily

((Ne, m'wifey, wanna know something that would really suck for Akihime~~??))
((She is not allowed to lose her arm~ :'>~))

Megohime watched him leave for a moment before turning to help Masmune fight back foot soldiers.
((Kesese~ No, that's not it~ Motochika joined the Western Army so he could fight Ieyasu for destroying his home of Shikoku - but really it was just Motonari framing Ieyasu~ That would mean that Akihime would not only have to fight Yukimura but Ren as well~~~))

"We're done here! Let's head back to base camp and see how things are going!" "Hai, Masamune-sama!" Kojurou said. Masamune looked to Megohime, "Ikuzo, Mego!"
((But she nearly had her arm cut off! ( ゚ Д゚)))

"Hai!" Megohime cut down one last soldier before flicking blood from her blade and sheathing it, following Masamune and Kojurou.
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