Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Jingu entered and bowed, taking a seat in front of Akihime. "Are you worried about Yukimura-sama?" She asked softly.
Jingu frowned softly. "I'm sorry you were put in this situation, I cannot imaging how hard it must be for you... But I know this will work out for the both of you in the end."
"No, I have not." She said softly. "But I know someone who has been in a situation similar to this." She said softly.
"Kojurou-dono." She said. "It isn't the same thing that happened.. But it is similar in a way." She said.
"It's better to ask him yourself... It wasn't a good expirience for him." She said, looking when Amaya entered the tent with tea. "Good morning, Lady Jingu." Amaya bowed her head and Jingu did the same. "Likewise."
"Arigatou, for the tea, Ama-chan..." Akihime smiled weakly. "I'll have to find Kojurou-san later and speak with him, Jingu-dono...arigatou gozaimasu.."
Amaya took a seat on her bedroll, Jingu bowing her head. "Anytime, Akihime-dono." She said softly. "I'll take my leave now if that is okay?"
Jingu nodded and stood. "Take care, Akihime-dono." She said before leaving to find Kojurou.

((Shall we start the war~?))

Akihime craddled Daisuke, cooing and nuzzling him for probably the last time, smiling down at him as he squealed and squirmed in delight at his mother. She smiled and sung to him gently, lulling him to sleep before laying him in the small make-shift cradle she made for him. She kissed his head gently, whispering a small prayer that he and Jingu would be protected in her absence. She bowed deeply to Jingu, "Arigatou gozaimasu, Jingu-dono...I owe you greatly for watching over my son, even if you say I don't..."
Jingu moved to sit beside Daisuki, shaking her head. "I will protect him with my final breath." She said softly. "And may you be victorious in battle." "Ojou-sama, the troops are ready, we should head out." Amaya said from outside the tent.
"Hai, Amaya..." Akihime nodded and followed her ninja to where the troops gathered. Kojurou stood by Masamune, wishing he could say good-bye to Jingu. Ieyasu stood before his army, hands resting on his hips, "Warriors, if I have done you wrong somehow, or if conscience compels you to leave the Eastern Army for the West...I wish you a safe journey..." He stated. Many of his men looked confused and Ieyasu smiled sadly, "If you do join Mitsunari's forces...please, help him as best you can. I...I would be in your debt." He said sincerely. One of his generals stepped forward, "Your words pain us, my Lord! There's not a man among us who would breathe a word of complaint under your command!" "You've extended your hand in brotherhood to each of us! We will die for your righteous cause, Ieyasu-sama, a smile on our faces!" A soldier stated. Ieyasu smiled genuinely, "And I for yours. To have soldiers, friends, such as you...I am the most fortunate man in all the world. Arigatou." He bowed at the waist before standing straight again, "We march, now! To Sekigahara!" He yelled. His army cheered loudly and Akihime felt her heart become consumed by anxiety. She would be facing Yukimura soon.

"General." Sasuke appeared before Yukimura and bowed on one knee, "A letter has arrived for you..." He held out a scroll, "It's from Akihime. I know we're about to depart for Sekigahara, but...I thought you might want it now..."
Amaya traveled by trees as they marched, making sure no one ambushed them along the way, Megohime riding beside Masamune, face set.

Yukimura took the scroll and opened it, his heart aching at Akihime 'a name. "Arigatou." He said, unrolling it.
Akihime rode behind Masamune and Kojurou, mind wandering to her dream, making her heart ache and her body tremble

"Yukimura-sama. My hands tremble as I write. I am wracked with guilt and my heart weighs heavy with grief. I didn't wish to betray you, but please understand why I have chosen this path. The war will divide us as warriors, but not as lovers. Please forgive all the grief I have caused you in this time; Daisuke and I can't wait to see you when this has all ended. I love you with all my heart, and nothing will ever change that. Please, be safe, I pray Buddha protects you in this time of crisis. With all the love that I posses, I remain yours." The letter read.
Megohime rested her hand on her katana, keeping her eyes forward as they rode.

Yukimura gripped the letter and frowned softly before carefully rolling it back up and putting it into his inner breast pocket for safe keeping. "Let's set out sights to Sekigahara." He said and headed for his horse.
Mitsunari was already getting ready to leave. Sasuke helped Yukimura prepare before they departed.

"Ano...M-Masamune-sama..." "What's up, Akihime?" "A-Ano...A-Are you...going to fight Yukimura-sama?" "Naturally." Masamune answered. Akihime lowered her gaze, "I see..." "You wanna fight him, don't you?" Masamune asked. Akihime jumped, "A-Ano! Ah...h-hai..." She mumbled
Megohime looked back at Akihime, making a face, but saying nothing. She looked to Masamune, studying his face for a moment before looking ahead. "You'll probably die, y'know."

((She's so nice~))
((I've grown to love her bitchy-ness~~))

"If that is what must be done to atone for my sins against Yukimura-sama, then-." "Oh, would you knock that crap off." Masamune huffed. Akihime looked up quickly, "H-Haa?" "Stop bitching about doing Sanada wrong. What you did was right in your own heart, same for him. If he hates you, he'll kill you on sight. If he still wants you as his wife, he'll try and talk you down from a fight. Ok?" "A-Ah, hai..." Akihime nodded and Masamune crossed his arms tighter, "Jesus, and I thought Sanada whined too much..." He mumbled
Megohime snorted and smirked, finding it enjoyable to listen to the two. "You're awfully quiet, Kojurou."
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