Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Kojurou looked up quickly, "Ah, gomen...I was thinking." "About Jingu?" Masamune asked. Kojurou's cheeks burned red and he averted his gaze, "H-Hai."
Megohime's eyes fell on him and she rose an eyebrow. "You know she can handle herself... Or was it something else you were thinking?"
"I don't feel right leaving her unprotected in Mikawa while we march on Sekigahara." Kojurou answered. Masamune made a noise, "She'll be fine, Kojurou. Relax."
"She isn't helpless, she may not be able to live after taking on Masamune-sama, but she does kick ass." Megohime said, trying to comfort him, in her own way.
Kojurou made a noise and nodded, "I suppose you're right." He said. ((*fasts forwards* Blah blah blah~)) When they finally arrived at Sekigahara, Mitsunari and his forces were already there and had established a base camp. Ieyasu halted his army and dismounted his horse, "This is where we will set up our headquarters. There's no doubt in my mind that Mitsunari already knows we're here. When we're all ready, we'll push forwa-." "Ieyasu-sama! Mitsunari and Yoshitsugu have already sent out soldiers! Kuroda Kanbe and Sanada Yukimura are among them!" A footsoldier called. Akihime's gulped and climbed off her horse, grabbing the new tessen she had crafted, "Ikuzo, Amaya." She said as she started to head off
Yukimura led the good size amount of soldiers forward with Kanbe, frowning softly. Megohime scowled at Kanbe's name and gripped her katana, a dangerous glint in her eyes. Amaya jumped down from the trees and moved over to Akihime, following her closely.
Masamune jumped off his horse and looked to Megohime, holding out his hand, "Wanna get a little revenge with me?" He asked.

Akihime started jogging along the path, hoping she would run passed Yukimura and have him follow her to a better location. When the path split, she took a right, rushing passed a glint of red. Yukimura.
Megohime took his hand and dismounted. "You're damn right I do." She growled, following him. Yukimura saw Akihime jog past and he looked to Kanbe. "Continue on, I'll meet up with you." He said before racing after Akihime.
Masamune smirked, "Let's go, Kojurou!" "Hai!" Kojurou dismounted and followed closely behind them. Akihime found a rather good sized clearing, panting softly before turning back to face where she had come from. She gripped her tessen and prayed for strength, "A-Ama-chan...go hide and wait for my signal...Sasuke will more than likely intervene and I wish for you to keep him occupied."
"Hai." Amaya disappeared, leaping up into the trees and pulling out her blade, looking around for said ninja.

Yukimura slowed his horse once he reached the clearing, dismounting and moving toward Akihime with a small frown. "Why are you on the battle field?" He demanded, looking torn.

((Let's ditch Mego and Masamune for now~))
(( ꒰(@`꒳´)꒱ Hai~!))

Akihime looked to him and bit the inside of her lip nervously, "I-I'm fighting along side the Eastern Army...m-my skill shall aid Ieyasu-sama in unifying the land..."
Yukimura frowned and hesitantly grabbed his spears. "Then you understand why I must fight you." He said, sounding crushed.
Akihime smiled sadly and nodded, "Hai. I wish for you to fight at your best, Yukimura-sama. It's been at least a year since we last fought and even then, you were holding back. I wish for you to battle me without restraint." She said. She saw movement behind Yukimura and raised her hand, "Amaya!" She called, just as Sasuke had jumped out of a shadow jutsu with his signature shurikun drawn and ready
Yukimura's face set and he nodded, taking up a stance. Amaya jumped down from the trees and ran towards Sasuke frowning softly. "Sasuke, this fight is between me and Akihime, please do not interfere..!" He said before attacking.
Sasuke scowled, "Fine. I'll focus on my pupil here." He said and threw his shurikun at Amaya. Akihime kicked open her fan and blocked Yukimura's attack, flipping it closed before swinging it open to hit Yukimura in the chest.
Amaya slashed down and knocked the shurikun down, scowling faintly and jumping back into the trees to lead him away from the two. Yukimura crossed his spears and blocked, shoving back hard and sweeping one spear for her ankles.
"I don't want to fight you, Sasuke-san." Amaya said as she dodged the blades. Yukimura barely had time to dodge, swinging his spears and slamming the flat of the blade into her stomach, frowning softly.
"Neither do I, but it's gotta be done." Sasuke told her and threw his shurikun. Akihime grunted and winced, snapping her fan open and swinging it like a blade, the cloth cutting Yukimura's jacket and nicking his chest
Amaya dodged again, gripping her sword tightly before dissapearing, leaving snowflakes where she stood, a cold breeze appearing at Sasuke's side before Amaya appeared and swung downward.

Yukimura took a step back and held the small cut, frowning softly and attacking again, lunging forward and driving his spears toward her.
Sasuke melted away with a shadow jutsu, suddenly appearing behind her and kicking her in the back

Akihime gasped softly and caught his spears in her fan and closed it quickly, wincing when the spears still managed to pierce her abdomen. A minor injury, she thought to herself and twisted her fan to disarm him
Amaya grunted and grabbed a tree branch, swinging herself up and aiming a high kick to Sasuke's chest, wincing when she did so.

Yukimura pulled his spears free before he could have them ripped away, but that caused him to stumble forward a bit. Catching himself with one spear he smashed his other spear against her side, blade digging into the side of her abdomen.
Sasuke grunted and flew back a bit before catching himself. Making a handseal, he created two clones and rushed at her

Akihime winced and whined in pain, stumbling and falling to her knees, holding her side. She was foolish to think she could take on Yukimura; he was way out of her league. She pushed herself back up and grabbed her tessen, holding the end and twirling so it flew open and smashed into him
Amaya dodged the first clone, but was struck by the second one, the shurikun hurried in her back. She fell from the tree, but as soon as her body hit the ground it shattered into large chunks of ice. Three kunai flew from the tree behind Sasuke, striking both clones dead on. "You're holding back.." Amaya said softly.

Yukimura grunted in pain and swung wide, then relised what he was doing, but it was too late. The blade on the spear sunk into her shoulder, but not nearly deep as it would've been if he hadn't pulled his swing.
"How'd you guess?" Sasuke asked, sitting upside down from a tree branch

Akihime's eyes widened and she gasped in pain. She pulled the spear from her shoulder and held the wound; she couldn't feel her arm, it was completely numb. There was no way she'd be able to fight with her tessen now. "Shimatta..." She muttered. She was losing a lot of blood, her vision going fuzzy. "I-I...I won't...give up...Yukimura-sama..." She said shakily, taking a step forward. Her knees buckled, "I won't....give up..." She dropped to her knees before falling to her side, eyes half-lidded and dazed
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