Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Megohime hacked up spots of blood, nearly loosing consciousness. She gripped her katana tightly as she slowly pushed herself to her feet, blood dripping onto her chest plate. Wiping away the blood with her sleeve, she glared at Motochika, taking a stance, though she was quite light headed. "Fight all of your men's battles?"

Ren nodded and stood. "I'm fine, 'tis nothin'." He said, wincing and holding his chest again.
"I only fight for those who are attacked for no good reason. You attack my youngest barnacle without just cause and continue even when he does not fight back! This is something I will not stand for!" Motochika hissed and swung his anchor over his head before throwing it at Megohime. Masamune rushed over and slashed, knocking the anchor away, "Chill out!"

Akihime tore her kimono and applied pressure to the wound, "You'll be ok, Ren-san...Onee-sama's here..." She said weakly
Megohime scowled, but stepped aside for Masamune. "Maybe it's slipped your mind that this is war and you attacked first." She pointed out.

Ren saw her shoulder and his eye widened. "Aki-chan! You're hurt!"
Megohime held her side, growling softly but allowing Kojurou to help her out of the way.

"Nothin'..?! Your entire shoulder's wrapped!" He said, frowning worriedly.
"Yer not fine!" Ren scowled. "Regardless if ya on the enemies side 'er not!" He pushed himself to his feet. "I'm gonna hav'ta ask ya to go back to the medical tent."
Ren frowned and muttered a small apology, bringing it down hard against her neck. "Sorry, Aki-chan."
Ren caught her and picked her up gently, moving over slowly to the medical tent while everyone was busy watching Masamune and Motochika fight, and laying her down gently on the cot, petting her hair gently and looking down at her sadly. "I missed ya, I jus' wish we didn' hav'ta meet this way." He said before leaning down and kissing her gently on the forehead, lips hovering over her forehead for a moment before he moved down and cupped her cheek, tilting her head up, lips brushing hers. "Daisuki, desu.." He muttered before standing up and leaving the tent.
Megohime watched Masamune fight from the sidelines, gripping her katana. "Kojurou, I don't like this fight.." She growled. "You really should just let me help him... Or at least you could help him."
"You know Masamune-sama doesn't like anyone interfering.." Kojurou said. Masamune growled, "You know Ieyasu isn't here! Why don't you go hunt him down and demand answers from him directly!?" He shoved Motochika back and panted, getting tired
Megohime stiffened. "Help him..!" She hissed, seeing Masamune was starting to wear down. "If you don't, I will."
"You've already dishonored him enough already today." He glared down at her, "Stay out of the fight." Motochika panted softly and slung his anchor over his shoulder, "Where be Ieyasu then?" "Fighting Mitsunari, where else?" Masamune stated
Megohime set her jaw and glared back before looking down at the ground. "Fine." She growled, letting go of her sword.
Megohime's cheeks flushed and she shot a look at Kojurou before hurrying inside the tent, sitting down angrily. "Sa... Ya know that woman?" Ren asked, looking at Kojurou warily.
Ren's eyes widened a bit. "Tha's his wife?" He looked over at Masamune. "She's quite crude for a woman- Ah, sorry, tha' was rude... But she was a bit rough aroun' the edges.."
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