Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

"Don't leave me with-!" She sighed, telling Masamune wasn't coming back. She turned to face Akihime, frowning up at her. "Why do you need my council?"
Akihime hesitantly sat by Megohime, looking down at her lap, "I-I didn't want to leave Yukimura-sama...I wanted to stay by him, as I should...b-but I could not return to Osaka and side with Yoshitsugu and Mitsunari..." She said weakly. She looked to Megohime, practically fighting tears, "A-Am I wrong for leaving Yukimura-sama's side...?"
Megohime looked extremely uncomfortable, mouth hanging open slightly. "Um..." She groaned inwardly and looked away from Akihime, frowning heavily. "I... Don't know..." She made a face. "I guess you'll have to do what you believe is right.."
Akihime looked down again, "Did Masamune-sama forgive you when you dishonored him...?" She asked weakly. She meant no disrespect in asking; she was hoping that if someone as hot tempered as Masamune could forgive such acts, maybe Yukimura would forgive her when the war was over.
Megohime looked down at the three Jade beads attached to the guard of her katana and she nodded. "Hai... He did.." She said softly.
"So then maybe there's a chance Yukimura-sama will forgive me..." She said softly, playing with the sleeve of her kimono. She frowned more and looked to Megohime, "Are you angry with my being here...? I can tell you're uncomfortable with me being a few inches of your presence..."
Megohime tilted her chin up and glanced to Masamune, who sat across the field. "I do not believe a nursing mother should be on a war field."
"I-I know...and I wish there was someone I could leave Daisuke with..." She replied, "But I have no one...Yukimura-sama has been the one to care for me..."
Megohime ground her teeth and glared at the ground. "Masamune-sama won't be happy with me making the calls like this but... You can leave your kid with Jingu; she's a good warrior and she knows how to take care of a baby... He'll be safe with her."
"Yeah, just don't hug me okay? And don't wet your dress about it... I'll go run it by Masamune-sama." She said and stood, glancing back at her. "I'll come find you." She said before heading off.
Megohime grumbled and looked away. "I told her... Jingu would watch her kid while she helped us in battle.." She said. "But I only did it because I don't want to hear her blubbering, no other reason..!"
Megohime glanced to him. "I do not wish to go back there yet.." She said quietly, gripping her arms and staring down at her lap, something flashing in her eyes.
"No!" She glanced to Kojurou, then lowered her voice to a whisper again. "I just... Don't wish to see her right now... Now drop it."
Megohime made sure they were out of range of Masamune before speaking. "How do I say this..." She looked at Kojurou. "I think.... I think I may be with child." She said, then quickly added. "But I don't know for sure."
((Just wait~))

Megohime hissed at him to be quiet. "You can't say anything to Masamune-sama..!" She gripped his arm.
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