Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

((So does this mean Amaya and Sasuke are technically enemies~?))

Yukimura looked stunned. "Akihime! This isn't something that's debatable!" He said sternly.
((Actually, I was planning on making them fight at Sekigahara~~))

"I will not be my father's tool again, Yukimura-sama...! I have sinned too many times for that man and I will not be used anymore...!" She said firmly. She lowered her head slightly, "Gomenasai, Yukimura-sama...but I'm joining the Eastern Army...Ama-chan, let's go..." She said softly and headed for te stables
(:)> We all know how that fight will end up~))

"Hai, Ojou-sama." Amaya jumped down off the roof and followed Akihime. Yukimura watched her leave with his son and he felt sorrow wash over him, but he gripped his spear tightly and looked away.
Akihime grabbed her horse and asked Amaya to hold Daisuke before mounting her steed, taking Daisuke back gingerly. She moved her horse and looked back at Yukimura, "Daisuki...Yukimura-sama...please forgive me for dishonoring you like this..."
Yukimura swallowed hard, looking down at the ground. "Sasuke... Send word to Mitsunari that we'll be joining them in battle." Amaya frowned, looking to Akihime. "We should go, Ojou-sama."
Akihime bit her lip and looked to Amaya, "Hai...we set off for Mikawa.." She said and started off. Sasuke watched them go with a frown, "Do you blame her, General...?"
Yukimura shook his head and ran a hand through his hair. "No... But this is something I have to do." He said.
Even at the name Yukimura flinched, making him see a flash of Akihime being lashed by a whip at his hands, making him start to train vigorously again.
Amaya made a soft noise and looked down, carrying a pack of supplies on her back. "I do believe you are not wrong in choosing Ieyasu as you ally, but saying whose side you should choose is not my place ."
Akihime frowned, "He wouldn't even look at me or tell me he loved me...m-maybe I should go back..." She said and went to turn her horse. She stopped when she remembered Mitsunari's fury and the scars on her back burned. She whimpered and shook her head, "No...I-I cannot show weakness. We continue to Mikawa..."
"I promise I will not leave your side, Ojou-sama... Use me as you see fit." Amaya said, trying to comfort her master.
Akihime smiled weakly, "Arigatou, Ama-chan..." She said softly. She looked when Daisuke started to squirm and she frowned, feeding him in hopes of calming him
Amaya looked up at the sun, which was directly over them, which meant the still had a few more hours until sun down, which meant they'd have to make camp along the way.
They continued on well until night fall. Akihime sat in front of the fire Amaya made, frowning as she stared into the flames, "I wonder if Ieyasu-sama will even allow me to join the Eastern Army..." She mused
Amaya sat in the tree just above Akihime, keeping a sharp eye out for any signs of movement. "You are a superb warrior... I don't see why he wouldn't, Ojou-sama."
Amaya smiled softly down at Akihime for a moment. "Hai." She said, then turned her gaze back up, searching the area.
Akihime smiled faintly and looked back at the fire, "Are you hungry, Ama-chan...? We left in kind of a rush, I'm sorry if we couldn't pack much..."
Amaya smiled softly and shook her head. "I couldn't do that... You need to preserve all the food for you, my lady, for you are nursing with child, I promise I shall eat as soon as we arrive." She said and bowed her head.
Akihime frowned before holding out the riceball more, "Just this one...? I'll sleep better tonight knowing you ate something..." She said pleadingly
Amaya crouched down and picked up the rice ball, splitting it in half before setting the other half back on Akihime's hand. "We can share." She said and took a bite of her half.
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