Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]


Yukimura wasn't buying it. "You need to go to the healer." He said, standing and pulling her to her feet gently.
Yukimura walked with her patiently, keeping her from falling to her knees and helping her inside to the healer.
Yukimura helped Akihime lay down, holding her hand as the healer checked how she was. "Akihime-sama? Has your water broken yet?"
The healer smiled. "You must be having contractions." She chuckled softly. "You aren't fully dilated yet though."
Akihime nodded and tried to keep her breathing steady, whimpering and whining in pain as she squeezed Yukimura's hand. Sasuke sat outside with Amaya, frowning, "Sounds painful.."
Amaya crouched beside Sasuke on the roof, one leg hanging off the edge. "It doesn't seem fun." She agreed.
Amaya shook her head. "She was normal, acted just like a kid should, sometimes trouble found her though."
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