Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Akihime smiled softly and nodded, eating the other half. Later, after getting Daisuke to sleep, Alihime retired for the night as well, wishingAmaya good night and sleeping on her bed roll and craddling her son
Amaya kept the fire going, but made sure it didn't burn to bright, staying close to Akihime and guarding her.
The crickets chirped loudly throughout the night. Many of the fauna ventured a bit close to share the fire's heat; wild boars snorting curiously before laying at a safe distance.
Amaya listened for any sounds, any movement or rustling that would give away any presence, frowning softly.
Akihime nodded, "Hai..." She finished feeding Daisuke and mounted her horse, contrinuing on to Mikawa. The arrived by sunset, Akihime looking around for any sign of Ieyasu. "Akihime-dono?" Akihime looked when one of Ieyasu's generals approached, "Ieyasu-sama asked me to escourt you to camp." "Arigatou gozaimasu." Akihime bowed her head
Akihime allowed the general to pull her horse into camp and she dismounted carefully. "Well, well, well..." "Haa?" Akihime looked and saw Masamune approach her, "M-Masamune-sama...! Wh-Where's Megohime-dono...?"
Megohime came walking up behind Masamune, wearing her chest and shoulder armor, scowling at Akihime. "This is no place for nursing cows to be, go home." She hissed, then her eyes fell on Akihime's son, jealousy flashing in her eyes.

((I still think it's funny that she's hella shorter then Aki~))
Akihime frowned and Masamune raised his hand, "Now, hold on, Mego...where's Sanada?" He asked. Akihime frowned more, "Yukimura-sama has...joined the Western.Army..." "What? You can't be serious." "I am..and I have dishonored him by placing my allegence with Ieyasu-sama..."
Megohime scoffed and turned away, crossing her arms over her chest. "Not surprising.." She muttered, turning a cold shoulder to Akihime.
Megohime's eyes zeroed in on Daisuke and her lip twitched, shame and jealousy flashing in her eyes again before she turned. "I'll be with Kojurou." She said before leaving, going to find the Right Eye.
((She so jellyfish~))

Akihime frowned softly and Masamune went after her. "Akihime-dono...?" Akihime turned and bowed to Ieyasu, "Ohayo." "What are you doing here? Come, let us talk." "A-Ano...have you seen Ama-chan...?" Akihime asked, walking with Ieyasu. He looked surprised, "Amaya-san is here, too?"
As if on cue, Amaya appeared before them, bowing to Ieyasu. "Please forgive me for taking so long." She said, holding food for Akihime in her hand. She bowed her head even lower for Ieyasu. "Ieyasu-sama, it's been quite some time."
"Indeed it has!" Ieyasu seemed very happy, smiling from ear to ear; Akihime taking her food with a soft thank you to Amaya. "Come, you two! We have much to dicuss!" He took them into his tent, "Is Yukimura with you?" Ieyasu asked, "I heard you both were recently wed! Is that his son?" "H-Hai, this is Daisuke...and Yukimura-sama has sided with Mitsunari..." Akihime answered. Ieyasu frowned, "That is disheartening news.."

"Hey..." Masamune approached Megohime, "What's up with you?"
Amaya stood behind Akihime, listening to their conversation but not conversing.

Megohime was sharpening her blade angrily, glancing up at Masamune. "Nothing's up with me." She said.
"I wish to help aid the Eastern Army..." "Even if that means you might have to battle with your husband?" Ieyasu asked. Akihime nodded weakly, "It pains me to part from my husband's side...but I do not want to be used by my father ever again..."

"Don't lie, got real pissy as soon as Akihime and her son popped up. Youwere puppies and sunshine before then.." Masamune said
((I don't know what to do with Amaya anymore. :V))

Megohime stopped sharpening her blade and sheathed it. "That little wench shows up here- on a battle field, with an infant may I remind you- leaving her husbands side because of her own internal strife. So of course I'm not happy that she's here, with her son. She should be back home with her child... Like I should be with mine. But I chose to fight beside my husband." She hissed.
"She has her reasons...maybe she doesn't have handmaidens or a wet nurse like you do so she had to bring the boy...and she'll be paying for dishonoring Sanada as soon as all this is over, you know that." Masamune said

((That's ok~!))
Megohime snorted and crossed her arms, glaring at the tree line. "I won't feel bad for her, nor will I fight beside her." She said. "Where's Kojurou?" She asked.
"Probably with Jingu, as always..." He answered. He turned when he heard footsteps and Akihime moved over hesitantly, "Megohime-dono...? Ano...I seek your council..." "I'll go look for Kojurou.." Masamune kissed Megohime's head, "Be gentle with her...she's vulnerable..." He whispered before walking off
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