Sengoku BASARA: Tensions Rising [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

((Nope~! She may be a bitchy bitch but she'd rather die than sleep with anyone else~ She does love Masamune~))

"Because like I said, I'm not sure if I'm pregnant or not... I'm just... Unsure." She averted her eyes momentarily. "It's late, but that doesn't mean it won't come." She said, glancing to Masamune. "Know that I have never bed with any other man, if I have any child it will be Masamune-sama's, no one else's." She said, staring him directly into Kojurou's eyes.
((Then I don't understand what's happening...! Dx ))

Kojurou could see she was telling the truth. He nodded, "Fine...I won't say anything to Masamune-sama..."
"Thank you... I just.. Let me deal with it." She said sighing softly and running a hand through her hair.
Kojurou nodded and went back to Masamune with her. Later that night, while everyone was eating dinner, Akihime sat alone with Daisuke and Amaya. Masamune looked to her and frowned before going back to eating. If he invited Akihime over, Megohime would have a fit.
Megohime looked up, watching Akihime pick at her food, a sad look on her face. She tried to ignore her, but guilt slowly pulled at her conscience. She stood up and set her chopsticks down, walking quickly to Akihime and stopping in front of her. "Get up, I can't stand that look on your face, you're eating with us." She said briskly.
"She can come too, and it wasn't a question." She said, looking to Akihime. "C'mon." She said, jerking her head toward Masamune and everyone else. Amaya blinked, looking from Akihime to Megohime.
Megohime walked back and sat down, resuming eating like nothing had happened, Amaya following Akihime with both bowls of food.
Jingu shook her head and set her chopsticks down. "Do not worry about it, Akihime-dono. Ah, Megohime-dono asked if I'd be willing to trade places with you and watch your son." She said softly. "And if you are alright with it, I will gladly watch your son." She said.
"Only when we go to battle Mitsunari..." Akihime said softly. "Whoa, what? No, we need Jingu then." Masamune said. Akihime looked and frowned, "Demo...M-Masamune-sama...!" "A powerful warrior shouldn't be wasted on babysitting. You're sitting out and watching your kid." He stated firmly. Akihime looked down at Daisuke, "H-Hai...Masamune-sama..." She said meekly

((Take charge, Akihime!))
Megohime looked up, but said nothing, instead she kicked Akihime hard in the leg, giving her a look that said to fight back. "With all do respect, Masamune-sama, I have seen Akihime-dono fight and I do believe you are not giving her enough credit. She would be better to take into battle against Mitsunari than I." Jingu said.
Akihime looked to Megohime and gulped before looking to Masamune, "Please...?" "No." Masamune said forcefully. Akihime looked down before narrowig her eyes at him, "I would like to fight against Mitsunari and my father, and since you are not my husband, I don't have to listen to you...!" She said firmly. Masamune fumed and Kojurou placed his hand on Masamune's shoulder, "Let her fight..I would prefer it if Jingu stayed out of danger anyway..."
Megohime didn't look at Akihime, but she smirked softly, eyes flashing praise at her before she continued eating. "Just let her fight." Megohime said. "It'll be a win, win. If she dies, I won't have to look at her ugly face anymore, and if she lives, well hopefully she'll kill a few foot soldiers and help us out."
"Fine." Masamune hissed. Akihime smiled and bowed her head, "Arigatou...! And thank you for offering to watch Daisuke for me, Jingo-dono...! I'm in your debt...!"
Jingu shook her head. "You owe me no debt, he is your child and all children should be protected." She said, then froze, remembering Jakuzure and glancing to Kojurou. Jakuzure had always been a sore subject he avoided.
Jingu covered up the worry with a smile, shaking her head. "No, not at all." She said softly, her knee gently pressed against his.
((What if they ran into Jakuzure at Sekigahara? :O ))

Kojurou smiled softly and faintly inched closer to her. Daisuke squirmed and whimpered, holding tight to Akihime's kimono. Akihime frowned, "He must miss Yukimura-sama..." She muttered to herself
Megohime made a face and Jingu laced her fingers with Kojurou's smiling softly. "I'm turning in for the night." Megohime said, standing up and leaving.

((It's gonna happen~ And it's gonna break Kojurou's heart~))
Megohime was removing her armor in the tent she shared with Masamune when he spoke, making her tense. "Jealous? Of that cow?" She snorted and set her armor on the ground, disrobing and looking at him over her shoulder. "I am not jealous of that cow." She hissed, grabbing her sleeping gown.
"She has a son and you don't. That's why you're so pissy with her being here...! You don't care about her son, you just care that she has one...!" Masamune said, like he had just uncovered a mystery
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