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Objection, on 3 accounts,
1. no Mr. Spirits some time has to be for dinner and breakfast

2. we have discussed on the case, they have just been far and few between

3. its was not the defensive consul (my own) that requested the lunch recess first, i just officiated it

I see no relevance WHATSOEVER between my sexy ass and your lunch!! (Unless you're having "rump roast"?) :p

Good ma'am, unless you declare yourself either defensive or prosecuting consul, im going to have to ask you to please step out of the court.
Objection! Your honor! The case Villareal, et. al. V. Taco Bell is not a case that uses a burrito as the murder weapon! It is a case about negligence on Taco bell's part due to their position of a drive through! Customers could not see pedestrians until they rounded a corner completely and struck them with their car!
"Your Honor, I object! Defense Counsel mis-states the issue, quite transparently! The case concerns a New Mexico man, Sergio Villareal, who got into an altercation with a counterman at Taco Bell. After several stages of escalation, the counterman shoved a burrito into Mr Villareal's mouth and kept pushing until part of it went down his windpipe and he was asphyxiated. The counterman is in prison for Murder Two, and Mr. Villareal's heirs prevailed in their suit for damages and were upheld in Appellate Court. There were no drive-through, no pedestrians, and no other customers!"
Objection your honor! We have to list all the details so we can boost our own ego and show boat! It also serves as a handy dandy tool to saturate the jury with other information that they don't understand! That is assuming they are listening...



With the evidence I have here *hold a file and slap it with the back of my hand* I'm here to say that people like bunny and their for bunnysuits are on high demand. For the record I have brought everyone a bunny, but I was unable to get everyone bunny ears and the suit don't cotton tail. Though they still good. I was just here to clean the floor *hold up a broom* Bye-bye.
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