All in Time(blair/lady)

Katrina laughed quietly at his admittance, giggling as the water sloshed around them, moaning as he played with her body so well. After so long of denying herself this, this felt amazing. And the fact that they were outsid...yea, so she was as much as a exhibitionlist as he was. Gasping as she rested her head on his shoulder, she looked down towards the pier, "oh..."She groaned her body tightening around his at the idea of what her students would be think of seeing her like this. Gasping as he licked her ear she screamed as she came, and indeed down on the beach some looked up to see what the screaming was about which made it even hotter and made her come even harder at the idea that they might be able to see them."Zane!"She screamed turning her head, muffling her voice against his neck as she panted, so far gone that she couldn't even tease him back as much as he was teasing her.
Zane did not ease up. In fact, he went harder and faster even after she came. One hand gripped her hip, the other went around to slide between them. A devilish smirk played on his lips as he slid his middle finger down to the entrance of her ass. Wiggling it around, her managed to get the tip into her tight opening, teasing her further. "You can do better than that," he panted, "One more. Make it a big one." His thrusts were moving faster than before, and it was clear he was nearing his orgasm. However, sex was a game... A game he loved to play. "Go ahead, baby, make those little frat boys think about you tonight when their jerking off in the shower."
Katrina whimpered quietly as he fucked her harder,hands resting on the cement as she braced herself,knowing the skin would be rubbed and raw later but not caeing at the moment. Gasping in surprise as he pressed a fingertip to her ass she whimpered in surprise,and slight nervousness. The woman hadn't had a lot of playing like that, so it was a surprise to feel that there."zane,not fair."she whined quietly as he teased her, throwing her head back pressing her face into the curve of his neck and bit down, screaming as he pushed her into another orgasm, so strong rhat she blacked out. Slumping bonelessly into his arms as she past out. He'd managed to indeed fuck her into unconsciousness. Which would indeed give the students something to whack off to since down on the beach there was lauhter and shouted encouragement,even if they couldn't see who it was,they knew there was sex going on
Zane groaned as she came around him for the second time, catching her just in time as she blacked out. He smirked and picked her up, carrying her out of the pool and laying her down on the lounge chair. Laying her down on her back, he leaned down to kiss her on the lips, cumming with out even touching himself. He groaned against her shoulder, letting his seed spill over her stomach... "Wake up, sleeping beauty," he murmured, kissing her beck sleepily. After a second thought, he picked her up and moved toward his bedroom. "You can rest for a bit, but then it's straight to packing, young lady..." With that, he smirked.
Katrina stirred a little as he picked her up, resting her head against his shoulder, sighing softly. Stirring as he laid her down, she blinked slowly, groaning a little at the feel of cum splatering her stomach, shivering a little as she looked up at the man leaning over her."... you're no prince charming."She teased sleepily in response to being called sleeping beauty, yawning slightly, resting her head on his shoulder as he carried her inside. Whining softly as she was ordered to pack,snuggling down into the bed."Young lady?"She muttered looking up at him, before pouting."Why don't you pack?Me and cerb and anakin will sleep."She teased amused as both dogs poked their head into the bedroom as if wanting to see if they could come in. Both dogs having learned their lesson about interrupting them.
Zane shrugged, "Believe it or not, you are younger than me." He smirked and began to grab some boxes from the top of the closet. "Fine. But you are waking up bright and early to get your shit together. I may be a gentleman, but I'm no pushover." He started to put his clothes in the boxes, effortlessly filling them and taping them closed. "Leave the boxes stacked up in the main room. I'll send for them and make sure they are there by tomorrow night. I have a guy who doesn't mind flying my stuff back and forth when I need."

Once he managed to get most of the stuff packed, he slipped into bed with her and sighed with relief. "You are no help," he murmured, "Good thing your hot as hell."
"Don't worry, I'll pack.And your old.Way to old for me."Katrina muttered yawning as she snuggled down into the bed, ignoring the niggling thought that she should get up and help him. But it was his fault she was so tired, so he could pack.Shifting as he climbed into the bed with her, she settled into his arms,closing her eyes."Hm, I see how it is.Liking me only cause I'm hot."She sighed looking up at him."Goodnight."She muttered drifting to sleep.

in the morning Katrina stirred as she eased to the edge of the bed, careful not to distrub him as she finished gathering up her stuff. After about a hour she sat down on the edge of the bed, holding a glass of coffee, gently stroking his hair out of his face."Zane, time to get up. We have to go."She said, the longer they stayed in one place, the more nervous she got, and even if he didn't believe in her visions, and she was trying not to let them diciate her whole life, the bad feeling she was getting wouldn't leave.
Zane yawned and rubbed a hand over his face. Taking the coffee, he sat up right and took a sip. "Thanks," he mumbled tiredly, "I'm just going to get a shower and make sure we didn't miss anything." With that, he climbed out of bed naked and stared to casually walked around the house. Most of the stuff came with the house, and he had more than enough at his mansion in France, so he didn't have to pack much more than his clothes... After taking a shower, he dressed and moved down stairs with his car keys in hand. "Kat? Come on! We are about to be late for our flight..."

He still looked incredibly tired, even as he got the dogs settled in the back seat.

When she finally appeared outside, he climbed into the front seat and sighed. "How did you sleep?"
"Welcome."Kat smied a little as she watched him walk away before looking around the house as he showered. The woman was mourning the life she was leaving. It wasn't so much that she would miss the house, or even the town, she would miss her students. They were always so eager to learn that it made her feel young gain to be able to help. Starting a little when Zane yelled for her she realized she'd been wandering around the backyard without realizing how much time had past.

Smiling slightly s she walked outside,e she climbed into the car, reaching behind her to rub the dogs ears before settling back in her seat, glancing at him."I slept fine."She said after a moment, not wanting to admit that dreams had plagued her all night,since she looked more rested then him, it seemed wrong to complain. Frowning a little as she looked him over, she bit her lip."Are you okay?You look tired."she said hesitating, watching him."Do you want me to drive?"She said knowing he'd refuse but offering anyways. knowing they probably had a private flight-or at the very least a first class one- to france, so hopefully he could get some rest. Looking worried for him. Even if she was having second thoughts about having a atual relationship, she cared for him.Deeply.
"No, I don't want you to drive," Zane said, rolling his eyes a little. He sipped his coffee as he drove, taking it up to his private plane. Thankfully, they made it before the pilot ditched them. "I'll sleep in the back on the way there. No worries.... Well, that is, if you don't want to join the mile high club." He grinned a bit and took her and the dogs up on the plane. There was a few rows of seats, a sitting room, and then a bedroom in the back completely with a large, king-sized bed.

Before they took off, Zane said something to the stewardess in french, and she came back with some breakfast. Zane laid on the bed and nibbled on a bagel. "France is beautiful this time of year," he promised, "No need to be upset." Reaching up, he pulled her on to the bed with him. "I live in the country too. Lots of room for the dogs, but it's not too far away from the city."
Katrina lauged at is words, rolling her eyes a little as she followed him onto the plane."What makes you think I'm not already a member?"She mused snickering a little as she settled onto the bed next to him, nibbling on a bagel. Quiet as se let him hold her and think about his words."ITs not te place I'll miss so much."She said resting her head on his chest, because for the moment she was feeling vulnerable at abandoning yet another home, and he always been the only constant in her life. No matter how annoying she found him sometimes, he'd always been there.

"I'll miss the people Zane. I'm tired of saying goodbye."She sighed closing her eyes shifting to lay down, having every intention of going back to sleep until they got to france, not wanting to talk, because she knew eventually he'd figure out she wasn't exactly comfortable with their new relationship, and she knew he'd want to know why. Which she couldn't tell him,because he'd just laugh at her for being foolish.
Zane finished his bagel and yawned. "You never have to say goodbye to me," he pointed out, smirking down at her. Reaching down, he pulled a blanket over them. He wrapped his arms around her and sighed. "One day, we won't be doing this shit anymore. I promise. But for now..." He shrugged. "We have to do what we have to do..." With that, he kissed her head and closed his eyes, falling fast asleep.

When he woke up, they were landing. He shook her awake and moved to put his shoes on. "Come on," he murmured, "Time to settle in your new home." Standing up, he got the dogs wrangled up and moved out of the plane and toward the car that he had sent for them. It looked identical to the one he had been driving before.
Katrina whined as she stirred, looking annoyed before smiling when she realized that it was zane waking her up.Yawning as she pulled her shoes on, she sighed as she followed him outside. Laughing as she saw the car. "Only you, would have identical cars."She said smirking a little before pausing at the sight of the tall blond leaning getting out of the car. Oh crap.Having henri come pick them up personally meant that the news of their 'youth' had reached world wide.

"Welcome to france, katrina."Henri smiled as he straightened glancing at his brother."You know, I always wondered how she avoided Ares. I should have known you were helping her."He scowled a little annoyed that not only he hadn't known zane was helping katrina, but because of the news. Though it wasn't a surprise he hadn't known, him and zane couldn't be around each other for long withut trying to kill each other, so he hardly ever heard the news. "Now. Do you two want to explain how you could be so stupid as to pose for pictures?"

Katrina winced shrugging a little, looking a little cowed. Though she had gotten used to talking back to zane it had taken her years to get to that point, to get over her natural awe at being near a god. And she hadn't spent alot of time with henri so she was still in slight awe of him.
"Get off my back," Zane growled, the younger brother inside of him growing impatient. He threw a couple of their bags into the trunk and had the dogs jump in. "The pictures, I'll give that to you. I was stupid for posing for them, but fuck, how was I supposed to know they'd get leaked like this? Someone did this on purpose. Someone who knew about us." His eyes narrowed a bit. "As for whatever I do or do not do with Katrina is none of your business. You know how I felt about Ares long ago. You chose to not listen to me, which isn't a fucking surprise. You've never listened to a word I've ever said." There was some... bitterness in his tone - something that said he was not just talking about the current subject. No, he was talking about years and years of his older brother looking down on him.

"So don't act like you are surprised that Conrad and I kept this from you." There it was: the twisting of the knife. "What are you doing in my car, anyway?" He snatched the keys out of his brother's hand like an angry toddler, then started to walk around to the driver's side.
"Well, there are plenty that would like to make you look like a fool zane, and the least of them is ares."Henri mused watching the girl, his smirk growing as he took in just how beautiful ares'' daugher had grown. He hadn't seen her in centuries, so the nortirious ladies man couldn't help but want to touch her....not to mention it would disturb zane. Smiling as he leaned down to hug the girl he laughed softly as she tensed,"You look well Kate."He muttered kissing her forehead before stepping back, "Well, it is good that you admit to your stupidity."He mused, his own voice holding that edge of condensation that always came through when he talked to zane.

katrina bristled, even if she wasn't sure about her relationship with zane, she couldn't stand to let henri just insult him, squirming away out of henri's arms and getting in the car."It wasn't stupid. If it had been, it would have been disocvered years ago, not now. Now, the humans had help finding them."She said climbing into the cars small backseat with the dogs as henri took the front seat with zane."

"Well, I was at your place when you called to say to have the car waiting. What better brotherly thing to do, then to bring your car to you?"He mused snickering a little having only done it because he knew just how anal and obsessed zane ws with his cars.
Zane clenched his jaw as he started to drive toward the french mansion. "Well, maybe I should ask why you were at my house," he growled, turning to glare at his brother, "I don't know if you knew, Henri, but we do have phones these days. If you needed me so badly, you could have called me instead of breaking into my home." Winding through the roads for a few minutes, he managed to get to the large (twice the size of the other house) mansion in the french country side. When he got out of the driver's seat, a butler came around to take it to the car garage.

Once in the house, Zane poured himself a drink and raised his eyebrows at his brother. "Katrina is right," he said, "Someone helped them." Ceberus moved to his side, softly growing at Henri. He was only doing it because he could sense Zane's emotions, but it was still amusing. "Don't waste your time, Cer," Zane murmured, rolling his eyes, "I assume Conrad is coming too? Are we having a family reunion now?"
"Well, I was in france visiting a friend in paris, and Conrad's vacationing in spain. He should be here any time actually."Henri said looking amused before looking down at the dogs. Netiher of whom looked overly happy with him.Anakin annoyed with him because cerberus seemed annoyed."We thought you wouldn't mind the company."

Katrina frowned a little as she got out of the car she smiled at the butler, looking amused as she listened to the bickering, knowing that they couldn't help it, but she wished henri would leave zane alone, even if she knew it'd never happen."Zane?Can we get something to eat?"She asked her stomach growling, and hoping that the idea of dinner would distract herni from treating zane like he was a simple minded child. "you don't seem happy kate. Is there anything I can do?"Henri said, his smile just a touch preverted. Katrina frowned slightly at the man, resisting the urge to move and step into zane's arms, knowing henri was being like this just to be annoying."No.Just getting used to a new home will take time."She shrugged a little.
Zane's steel blue eyes turned bright red with anger, and palms grew as hot as two stove-tops. "She doesn't need anything from you," he growled, "And I swear, if you don't fu-" He was interrupted by a knock at the door. Another tall blond stepped through the door, and Zane groaned. It seemed Henri was not joking. It was Conrad walking through the door, looking a bit concerned at the bickering he had heard from the front porch. "Already fighting?" He shook his head, and Zane rolled his eyes. "Stop trying to act like the good brother, Conrad."

Conrad chuckled and sat down at the bar in the kitchen. Zane nodded to Katrina's question of food, turning to one of his maids. His kitchen staff immediately went to work on dinner, for he had no plan on leaving the house that day. The flight had left him with some serious jet lag, and his brother had left him with a seriously bad attitude.

Zane looked over at Katrina. "See, there is a reason why I was sent to the underworld and far away from the two of them," he mumbled, "They couldn't just drop in there like they do here."
"But I want to be helpful."Henri grinned as he looked over the woman standing next to his brother having every intention of seducing her. IT was always the same, what zane had, henri wanted, even more so when it was a beautiful woman zane claimed. Frowning at Conrad as he walked in he shrugged."We don't always fight. He's just being riddiculous and not taking what happened serious enough."He frowned looking at zane.

Katrina sighed softly leaning into zane for a moment, wanting to offer support but feeling tired and overwhelmed with not only one of the gods who she'd once worshipped, but the new life she was going to be starting. Smiling at Conrad sighed softly."Good morning."she said stifling a yawn as they settled down in the living room to wait for the maids to bring them food.
"You have been helpful enough," Zane grumbled, sitting beside Katrina at the table. His hand reached over to rest on her knee as food began to be served. Conrad nodded over to Katrina politely. "Good morning. I'm sorry you have to be in the middle of this," Conrad said, and at that, Zane nearly came across the table. "I told you to stop acting like the good guy! I fucking hate when you do that," Zane growled. Conrad just laughed and rolled his eyes.

It was clear that there was typical dynamic between the three brothers: Henri was the typical bully of a big brother, Conrad was the sneaky middle child, and Zane was the temper mental youngest.

"And I'm taking it seriously," Zane argued, "But there's no point on dwelling on it. The humans are idiots. None of them are going to figure it out. You know how easy we can claim that it was photoshop?" He began to dig into his pancakes with a frown on his face, being a bit rough with his fork.
Katrina smiled a little looking over at Zane before sighing softly as she looked over at conrad, biting her lip to keep from laughing."It has been centuries since I wasn't in the middle of a fight. At least these two aren't trying to kill me.Seduce me,definately trying that, but not killing. It's a relief really."She said snickering a little looking vaguely amused as she started to eat. Being a little more truthful then she probably should have been,but despite the sleep she'd gotten on the plane, the emotional uphevael of abandoning her life and jet lag was making her a little slap happy and sarcastic.

Henri raised his eyebrows a little looking amused,"Hm,maybe I should try harder if you're enjoying being seduced."The ladies man of the three brothers offered a flirty amused smile laughing quietly as Katrina flushed looking flustered before growing serious."You could, but they had help figuring it out. Whoever helped them find the pictures aren't going to just let it go."He sighed, "but there's nothing we can do besides that. We'll just have to keep a eye on the situation."Henri shrugged a little as he ate his own pancakes.
Zane glared at Henri. "Go seduce someone else," he growled, his eyes turning that bright, flaming red. The fork he was holding was starting to melt in his hand...

Conrad looked over at Henri and sighed. "Can't you give it a break?" It seemed all of the brothers (like always) were starting to turn against each other. None of them could even get along, and it was a shame.

After breakfast, Zane turned to Katrina and gave her a sympathetic smile. He knew it was not easy to be around the three of them for extended periods of time. "Want to go upstairs and rest? We can unpack later." He put his hand on her knee, squeezing it gently. It was clear he was eager to get away from his brothers for a while, even if they insisted on staying for the day.
Katrina winced a little as zane's eyes turned red, dipping her head a little to meet his eyes, worry for him showing in her eyes, because she was afraid henri really would provoke him. Sighing softly as she took the fork away from him, knowing from experience that if the metal melted, that despite his immortal ability to heal the damage, it would still hurt.

Henri smirked a little before nodding."For now."He shrugged, "Though I think I will stay here for a few days, just to make sure everything's okay."He said smiling a little before standing."I'm going for a walk on the beach."He said as he walked out of the room.

Katrina frowned watching him go before nodding,"We should."She muttered smiling a little as she stood, tugging him out of the room after her. Heading out to his bedroom she slipped into the bed, sighing tiredly as she settled down to sleep.

In a few hours Katrina smiled a little as she stood on the back porch, though it had been years since she'd been in france, and this house, the scenery wasn't much different. It was nice, living in the country, away from the modern world. Turning her head a little as she felt arms slipping around her waist she leaned back turning her head to look up at the man holding her not realizing till it was to late that it was henri holding her. Letting him kiss her, she tried to figure out how to get away from him without being insulting, having a feeling that henri would be alot less nice about being refused then zane had been for years.

Swallowing hard as she stepped back, she swallowed hard. Looking at a loss on what to say, because she hadn't seen alot of the lightening god, she had no idea how to sy no without offering insult."..."staring she swallowed hard, looking at a loss for words before cringing,realizing who had stopped in the kitchen to watch them. Of course, it made sense zane came into the room just in time to find his brother kissing her. Of course.
Zane looked through the glass doors, and for a moment, heartbreak flickered through his eyes. However, it was quickly covered up with disdain. He clenched his jaw, and all of the sudden, the door slammed open. It was not a second later that Zane had Henri over the railing of the lower level porch, landing in the yard and punching him in the face. Conrad came running out, stopping at the sight of the other two brothers with wide eyes. "What the fuck happened?" he asked, looking over at Katrina. It looked like Zane was intending to kill Henri one way or another.

"Zane!" Conrad barked, moving to pull him off of Henri. However, unfortunately, Cerberus grabbed his pant leg and pulled him away from his owner with a vicious snarl. It was truly a sight to be seen.

"You are fucking bastard!" Zane growled, plowing into his older brother with flaming red eyes. "You've always done this! You've always wanted everything I had!"
Henri yelped startled as he was slammed over the railing falling with him even as he tried to keep Zane from hitting him in the face, punching him back. It did indeed look like zane was trying to kill him. Katrina stared, not comprehending what was going on for a moment before Conrad's words startled her out of it."Henri kissed me."She growled angry and upset as she started for the two. Trying to figure out how to get them to stop, smirking grimly at the sight of anakin standing next to cerberus and refusing to let conrad get to them.

Henri snarled pushing at zane's shoulder."Me?She kissed me, you asshole!"The lightening god snarled as he twisted, pinning zane to the ground, punhing him.

"Stop!Please!"Katrina said as she slipped around the dogs and slamming into henri hard enough to knock him sideways. Her head snapping to the side as henri punched her, thinking she was conrad, and a punch that would have rung even a god's bell, knocked the demi-goddess unconscious, startling the god so much that all he could do was stare for a moment. The fight with zane forgotten as he scrambled to make sure he hadn't killed her, because he knew there would be no stopping zane if had.
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