All in Time(blair/lady)

Zane stepped into the shower after her, coming up behind her and helping her wash his cum off her stomach. "Oh, you'll give me more than that," he purred, leaning down to kiss and nibble at her neck. After a few moments, he turned her around and pressed her back against the wall, then lifted one of her feet up so that it was resting on the built in shelf... Once she was open wide, her slid two of his fingers inside of her, moving them in and out. "If you want me to leave, just say so," he purred, kissing down her body until he was on his knees before her. As his fingers continued to move in and out of her, his tongue moved back and forth on her clit.
Katrina whimpered quietly in pleasure as her hands pressed against the slick walls trying to find her balance as she panted, hips rocking into his hand, closing her eyes in pleasure as she rested her head back on the wall. Opening her eyes s she stared at the ciling,she knew she should tell him to go, that she'd avoided for years because of her bad feeling about it. But with him kneeling at her feet, she couldn't. Shifting she tangled her fingers in his hair, urging him on as she screamed her pleasure as she came, to tightly wound and despite the bar rat a few nights before, she'd been in self denial for to long to last as long as he could.

Gasping as she came she slumped,"Z-zane!"She growled as her legs shok threatening to go out under her, shifting, drawing him back up and kissing him desperately. Despite having such powerful orgasms so close together, she wanted this man."You're going to make me late for work."She growled in annoyance even though she didn't pull away from him, to eager to feel that muscular body against hers.
Zane laughed in amusement, standing up and moving to wash his hair. He ran his tongue along his lips, licking the juices that she left around his mouth. "You didn't look to upset about it when I was fucking your brains out a few moments ago," he said, shrugging a bit, "In fact, you looked like you could care less about being late or not."

Standing under the water, he raised his eyebrows at her. "What? You're not going to return the favor? I always pegged you as a selfish lover. I probably saved that bar rat's time the other morning..."

He grinned at her, knowing he was provoking her. Even as he washed his hair, it was apparent that he was still turned on and whether her mouth or his hand did it, he'd have to find release.
Katrina shivered as she watched him lick his lips, "Ah well, you have a habit of making me forget important things."She growled her eye twitching a little as she looked at him, hurt flickering through her eyes before followed by anger. Did he really think she'd be that selfish as to not return the pleasure? Glaring at him as she sank to her knees she slid her mouth down over him, her teeth scrapping over skin as she worked his cock. Having every intention of getting him off then ending this.And maybe, if she could still walk straight after that amazing sex, going to work.

Looking up at him as she worked his member, it was definately clear she was angry at his words, but considering they had to stay together, she would probably just let it slide. Like so many other times, zane's words were the only ones that could ever really bother her. And him thinking she could be selfish bothered her.But because she never wanted to really fight with him,despite goading him on at times, she usually refused to pick of fight when he did manage to hurt her.
Zane laced his fingers through her hair and grinned with amusement. "It's a joke, Kate, come on," he said, rolling his eyes. Leaning back against the shower wall, he moaned as she began to work his member. He was slightly amazed at how much of him she could get in her mouth, making it even more erotic, and he found himself pushing it further and further. There was no denying he was quite the dominant lover, and it wasn't a surprise when he got a little rough with her mouth...

His abs flexed, and he let out a grunt of pleasure. Just to get under her skin (and because it was a turn-on), he pulled her away from his cock right as he came, letting his seed spill all over her breasts. That sadistic, lust filled smirk spread across his face at the sight of her. He was Hades, after all. It was no surprise that he liked to mark his territory. "You're good at that," he complimented, then helped her to her feet, "May need to wash off again before school." He grinned and leaned down to kiss her lips before getting out of the shower.
Katrina sighed as she choked a little as he thrust into her mouth, glaring at him through her bangs. Looking annoyed but pleased at it. She didn't mind rough, it was better then him thinking she was to delicate to take whatever abuse he was going to dish out. Whimpering in disappointment as he pulled out she winced a little as cum splattered over her breasts.

"Well, I should be good. Many years practice at being unselfish."She said sulking a little at his joke, annoyed with him even as she washed up.She knew why she was being standoffish, and it was because she was deathly afraid of something happening to him now that they were lovers. Surely centuries worth of visions couldn't be wrong?Something was going to happen. She just had to hope she could protect him,because she knew he'd call her a idiot for believing her visions, but the thought of something happening to him because of her made her insane. Finishing she stepped out of the shower and set about getting ready.

Strangely quiet for most of their trip into school, only really speaking up to give him directions she glanced over at the greek god in the driver's seat, smiling slightly. Flushing as her thoughts detoured into imaging screwing him in his still new smelling car."Now, don't go harassing the girls in class, zane.They're young, and mostly shy.They don't need you giving them more of a hard time then they already get from the guys they go to school with."She said before smirking a little."I figured you could be a expert on the greek myths, since it is what we're studying at the moment. Or you could just sit there and look pretty.Whatever you want."she said talking, rambling nervously because now that they slept together, she was actually feeling awkward around him.
Zane looked over at her and rolled her eyes. "I plan to sit in the back and try not to fall asleep," he said, "Not give a lecture on Greek Myths. Mainly because they are not myths, and I will lose my mind if some idiot asks me if Hades is blue or has flaming hair. It pisses me off to think about it." He shook his head and pulled up into the college parking lot. Everyone stared and the expensive, custom-made sports car as if it were an alien battleship. It seemed these kids didn't go far from their small town many times in their life. "Alright. Let's get this rolling. We have reservations for dinner at eight."

As they walked into the building, Zane did his best to keep his hands to himself. He knew she'd be pissed about the impression he made in front of her students, and he knew when to not cross a line.

Immediately, he noticed the eyes on him. He winked a group of girls to the left of the room, making the giggle. It was clear he was way too old for them, but hell, he couldn't help but flirting. He may have feelings for Katrina, but there were some old tricks that you simply could not get an old dog to stop doing. It was habit, after all.
"Ah well, does it make you feel better that I tell them hades most definately did not have flaming hair in any of the myths?Though he does have a explosive temper."She teased a little looking amused as they parked. Snickering as she got out of the car before heading inside. Amused because everyone was staring at them, and the car."I don't know who want to jump you more, the women for your body, or the men for your car."She muttered before heading into the class, rolling her eyes a little as he flirted. She really hadn't expected anything different, and she was glad that some things didn't change. Settling in the classroom to teach she promptly ignored him because well, she couldn’t think about him otherwise she’d never be able to actually concentrate on teaching.

Towards the lecture katrina paused as she answered a question, looking at the student in front of her. Glancing towards the back of the room she hid her laughter as she realized the god was napping before she focused again on the student and his question. Panic filling her even if it didn't show, she knew something was wrong as she stared at the news article. Shaking her head she sighed."Now, do I look like I'm that old?I'd be quite willing to bring in my birth certificate if you want proof that that definately is not me."She said her voice steady even as she took the article from the kid, reading it over, looking the pictures over, feeling stupid for being careless enough to have them taken. But what was more, there was zane in some of them with her.

"Then how do you explain them, professor?They look exactly like you."the male said, anger shimmering in his eyes, angry because like so many of her students before, he'd discovered she was completely off limits, and to have her show up with zane, who despite them not touching at all, they were connected. So the females were pissed zne was taken, and all the guys were pissed that their fantasy of screwing their hot teacher was gone. "I explain it as same race, and genetics. It might be family. I came from a old, and numerous family. Now.Class dismissed."She said to shaken to keep teaching now.
Zane was having a nice nap before he heard her dismiss class. When he looked up, he could immediately tell that she was disturbed... Standing up, he walked through the empty desk and toward the front of the room, waiting for the students to leave before resting a hand on her waist. "What is it? Some punk come on to you or something?" he asked, a bit of irritation in his eyes. He wasn't one for sharing, even if he knew they were not exclusive. "You know all I have to do is give him a blow to the head, and then he'd be on my turf." He nodded to the ground to emphasize his point.

Looking down at the news paper, he raised his eyebrows. "Fuck, where the hell did these come from?" He held it up and turned it a few different ways to get a better look. "Who's paper is this?"
Katrina leaned back against her desk, sighing softly as he touched her, but not giving into the desire to lean into him. Running her fingers through her hair she smirked a little."I can't let you go hurting my students,even if they are sometimes creepy.Did I tell you about the time someone asked me if I was aphrodite?Said I was a love goddess and wanted to see if I was good at sex."She said rambling a bit because she was nervous about what it could be.

"Alex Stackhouse, but it's a newspaper article, see?The paper's not the best. I'd bet it was yesterday's morning news. You know how humans can be about eternal youth and all..."She muttered watching him look it over, tense. She just knew that soon enough one of his brothers would be calling about them getting outted,even if it wasn't their fault exactly that it happened, she just had a gut feeling that she knew exactly who had set them up to be exposed like this.
Zane frowned and nodded. "Let's just get the hell out of here, alright?" He took the paper, and with a flick of his fingers, it went up in flames, then hit the floor in ashes. With that, he led her out to the car and drove her up to a nice, five start restaurant he had reservations for. Zane had a taste for fine dining, and he liked to spoil himself with it when ever possible.

As they sat down at the table, he ordered couple of stiff drinks, then turned to her. "My brother is going to flip out if he sees that," he said, shaking his head, "Maybe it would be best if we did some sort of appearance morph. Or atleast dye your hair..." He waved his hand toward her. "And as far as I'm concerned, we could blow this pop stand and buy a nice place on a tropical island. Hell, I'd settle for going back to my place in France. You may not be able to teach history, but you could immerse yourself in it... And not get called out for eternal youth."
Katrina nodded a little as she watched it go up in flames, smirking a little. Hades playing with fire. All he needed was to be blue and it'd be funnier. Keeping the thought to herself she sighed as they got to the resturant, shuddering a little as she looked around her. No matter how many times he did that, it still made her feel weird to be suddenly somewhere else.

Sipping her drink she sighed softly, nodding."Henri's going to freak, even if he knows we changed our appearance."She pointed out before looking sad for a moment. She'd never changed her appearance, probably why they were in this mess, but the woman had been born a blond, and found it vaguely disturbing to consider being something else. Nodding as she glanced up at him, a small smirk playing at her lips."It's been years since I went to france. And we'll see about getting my hair changed.And maybe cut."She said letting out a shuddering breath at that. She'd never cut it short, so the idea of doing so disturbed her, but she could. And would if it gave them some much as shed miss teaching, she knew he'd only suggested it because he wanted to protect her,so she could live with not doing it until they got this sorted out."Ares' wouldn't dare bother us at your house. Let's do it."She said seriously, though she knew ares probably would still try to get them,even if they were at zane's private home, he might hesitate to attack the lord of the underworld on his own turf."After dinner, of course."She said looking over the menu, trying not to think about how weird it was to be on a almost date.
Zane smirked a bit. "You'd look sexy with dark hair," he said, nodding, "We will get some new IDs too, and I'll be sure to get a plane ticket to France in the morning. We can pack whatever we want to take tonight..." He took a big gulp of his drink and ordered a plate of pasta for dinner. "Don't worry. This isn't the end of the world. My brother will be pissed, but I'll get it straightened out. If we have to, we will take bigger precautions. For now, I think the move will help."
Katrina raised a eyebrow as she thought about his words."I'd look amazing no matter what I did to my hair."She pointed out smiling flirtingly at the waiter as he took their orders getting a thing of pasta for herself to, being flirty because she flirted when she was nervous, and moving and dealing with this was making her nervous. And well, she liked teasing Zane, and even if she knew he wouldn't stop her, he wouldn't be happy with her flirting.Noding as she laughed quietly. "your brother is always upset with you, this just gives him a excuse."She pointed out nodding."It will help.And I'll take care of my hair tonight."She said half paying attention to the man sitting next to her and half to the waiter, because well, he was better then a bar rat, and since they weren't exclusive and he hadn't said anything, she was interested in how zane would respond to her openly flirting with someone.
Zane glanced darkly at the waiter, making eye-contact with the other man until he looked away awkwardly. He had no problem putting fear in the other man's heart. No problem at all. "I just want to be clear, you aren't bring anyone home," he said, clenching his jaw at Katrina. He took a big gulp of his drink. "If you bring a man home, don't think I won't bring another woman home." His tone was a bit childish, but he was never one for sharing. The man was not comfortable with competition. Not at all.

After dinner, Zane put some cash on the table and walked with Katrina out to the car. He had to admit, he was interested in seeing her with dark hair... "While you dye your hair, I'm taking a dip in the pool," he said, opening her car door for her.
Katrina studied him for a long moment as he scared the waiter away, smirking slightly."Well as long as we agree on that."She snorted a little because his tone was childish, and it mildly amused her to hear him reacting like that but he'd managed what he'd wanted to that morning. No matter how she flirted, there wouldn't be a man who'd be able to compare with the sexy god in front of her.

"have fun.Take the dogs with you. I don't need either of them trying to eat the hair dye."She said trying not to get distracted by the idea of him all slick and wet. Heading to the bathroom as soon as they got back with the hair dye she headed to the bathroom. Though it should have only taken her a hour, it nearly took two as the woman set out getting her long blond hair dyed the pitch black, and she even cut it to her shoulders instead of down to her ass like it had been before. Looking at herself in the mirror when she was done she frowned a little at how different she looked before heading downstairs to see how he was doing.

Stopping just inside the doors she smiled, watching him swim for awhile, knowing he probably knew she ws there, but she enjoyed watching him horse around with the dogs. It was nice to see him so relaxed when she knew the strain of running the underworld kept him busy and tense. And a supiciously warm feeling touched her heart as she realied he'd dropped everything to come help her. Stepping out onto the porch she smiled as she leaned against the railing."You look like your having fun."She said her soft curly hair so very dark around her fae as it barely touched her shoulders now.
Zane swam to the side of the pool, his blond hair slick to his head as he looked up at her. It was clear by the look in his eyes that he was pleased with the knew hair. Very much so. "Ah, sexier than I even imagined," he purred, giving her a smirk. "I like it. It suits you."

Swimming to the more shallow side of the pool, he stood up and gave her a view of his naked form. It was clear that he had planned this, and he was not guilty about it in the slightest. "Come swim with me," he said, waving her over. It pitch dark besides the blue lights that illuminated the bottom of the pool. It made for sexy lighting... "The water is perfect... No swim suit required, of course."
Katrina smiled a little at the naked man in the pool, brushing her fingers through her hair. "It's different. It feels weird to not have it so long."She mused looking amused that he seemed so pleased with her hair. Flushing as she studied him, she looked amused that he had planned on having her finding him naked in the pool. "Of course not. You'd have me naked all the time if you had your way."She said snickering a little as she walked towards him, stripping as she did so. Stopping at the edge of the pool she smiled down at the man, reaching out and running her fingers through his hair."Shouldn't we be packing instead of indulging your need for constant sex?"She teased, already stepping back as if she was going to leave him there and head inside to pack their things.
Zane laughed a bit, leaning in to her hand. "Pack? We can do that later. It's hardly late enough to throw out the possibility of sex. Besides, we can sleep when we are dead." His wet hand glided across her thigh, and his eyes took in her supple, naked body. She was a beautiful sight, carved with perfection. "Come on," he purred, his hand moving to her inner thigh, crawling upward until he cool wet fingers teased the entrance of her womanhood. Not enough to penetrate, but enough to hopefully get her going. "We both need to take the edge off, and I can think of no better way to do so than to fuck you in the open out doors." With that, he gave her a devilish smirk.
"Hm,pack yes. We have lots of crap."She muttered teasing him as she closed her eyes, her feet spreading a little as her legs opened at his touch, her body welcming the touch even if she was protesting. Protesting just because she could, not because she had any real intention of walking away from him at the moment. Whimpering quietly at the almost touch she shifted a little, "Oh?"She said sounding amused at his solution to taking a edge off, walking closer to him and sitting down on the edge of the pool wrwapping her legs around his waist but not pulling him closer, at least not yet."You really are to beautiful for my good."she muttered her eyes looking him over.
Zane rolled his eyes, moving his hands underneath her in order to cup her ass and pool her into the water with him. He held her with her legs around his waist as he waded to the middle of the pool. "I'm beautiful? I know that, but you are stunning. Always have been." Leaning down, his kissed her passionately, holding her body close enough so that she could feel his hardened member between her legs.

Moving toward the steps that led down into the water, he sat her down until only her legs were dipped into the water, leaving the rest of her body exposed... Putting her legs up on his shoulders, he bend down to greedily lick at her wet pussy, her hands exploring upward toward her breasts. "You're hot as hell," he growled, thrusting his tongue inside of her.
Katrina squirmed a little as he pressed against her, moaning quietly as he walked towards the middle of the pool. Shifting her hold on him,wrapping her arms around his shoulders, tense a little. Water scared her, not that she'd ever admit to the fear, but after a childhood accident where she'd nearly drowned being in the water terrified her. But she trusted him to keep her safe, like he always had.

Smiling a little as she was sat down on the stairs she moaned as she laid back against them, gasping as he licked at her, squirming as he stroked her breasts. Fingers tangling in his hair as she urged him on silently."So are-you!"She yelped moaning as he thrust his tongue into her, grinding her hips against him, shivering as she tightened her hold on his hair, tilting her head back to stare at the stars, screaming her pleasure as he pushed her over the edge of a orgasm, trembling as she slumped back against the stairs, panting. Despite having had sex over the years, none had been as good as this, and her body was eager to keep the amazing orgasms coming.
Zane laughed a bit, licking his lips and inching he way back up her body to give her a passionate, wet kiss. "Be careful," he teased, "There are people that are down at the lake..." He smirked a bit and flipped her over so her hands and upper body was leaned against the upper half of the stairs, and her lower body was submerged in the water on the lower half of the stairs. He settled behind her, teasing her opening with the head of his cock. "It's okay, though," he murmured, "I am a bit of an exhibitionist." He chuckled and thrust into her deep and hard, turned on by the idea that he was making her scream in the out doors. He loved the risk, after all.
Katrina panted squriming as he kissed his way up her body, kissing him back laughing softly at his words."Are you really worried-"She broke off as he flipped her over, wincing a little as her skin scraped over the cement, "About the people?"she laughed quietly looking amused whimpering as he teased her, shifting, bracing her hands on the cement to hold herself up, it was definately a weird feeling to be half in the water half out. Glancing over her shoulder at him as he thrust into her, she moaned back arching as she leaned back to kiss him."Just a bit?"She muttered, teasing as she rocked her hips into his, having every intention of making him lose as much control as he was making her lose.
"I suppose it's more than a bit," Zane admitted, quickening his pace enough to make the water slosh around them. When she arched up into him, one of his hands moved up to maul her breasts, pinching and rubbing them. "Fuck, you're so sexy," he cursed, his hand traveling down her body to her clit. He rubbed it with quick circles as he pounded into her, keeping her upright against his chest. "Look," he whispered with a husky voice, nodding to the college kids swimming around the pier at the lake. It was dark, and they were far away, but it still was a possibility that they could see Zane and Katrina with the pool lighting... "I bet those are some of your students," he murmured, pounding her harder and hard, "Does that turn you on? Just a little bit? I wonder what those college prats would think if they saw their hot teacher being fucked by a real man..." He grinned and licked around the shell of her ear. "You scream a little louder, I bet they'll turn and look. Raging hard-ons will ensue, I'm sure, and they will be so very sad when you don't come back to class..." With that, he chuckled.
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