All in Time(blair/lady)

"I'm sure the similarity was very vague," Zane grumbled, not about to except that a man could be any where close to as handsome as him. "And if the public had to see the real Hades, they wouldn't find it so cute and funny." His jaw clenched and something dark flashed within his eyes, reminding her that he was not all jokes and charm. He was a very dangerous god, one of the strongest, and had a lot of power over the world in general. Most people though his brother, Henry (Zues), was top dog, but that was how society and history made things out to be. Hades was given the Underworld thousands of years ago for one main reason - he could remove himself from his emotions easier than his brothers. That was a requirement, after all.

"Cerberus! Come!" he said, patting his thigh as they got farther and farther away. He didn't mind the dog exploring, but he liked to keep him close. Cerberus was the only thing he had for all these years that had not betrayed him or judged him in anyway. He remembered when he received the dog as a gift in order for him to not get lonely in the Underworld....He had been his companion ever since, and he had no plans to lose him.
"It was, but amusing all the same."He said smirking a little before sighing as he went all dark on her. She knew there was more then the charming flirt, more then anyone, she probably knew just how much power he had over the world. Smiling slightly as cerberus and anakin ran back towards them she sighed softly as she rubbed anakin's ears as the dog pressed against her legs.

"Don't go all firey and badass on me. Only one of us can have a meltdown, and I have dibs on it since I'm the one who can actually die."She said swinging to face him, force once not avoiding him when he went all dark and dangerous on her. Fear, of both him and what was coming showing in dark eyes before she stepped back, frowning slightly, stumbling into him a little and gripping his arm tightly as she fought to stay on her feet. Her visions were few and far between these days, but it made sense she'd have one with everything going on.

Twisting to lean against his chest so it appeared she'd stopped for a make out moment to the rest of the beach instead of her freaking out, she rested her head on his chest as she ragained herself. "Bloody...fuck....someday I'm going to kill apollo for giving that ability to me."She muttered trembling a little and resisting the urge to blurt out what she'd seen. Even though it involved him, she so didn't want to admit to it.After all, he refused to believe in fate, so she hardly ever told him if she saw something involving him anymore because he just scorned it anyways.
Zane looked alarmed at her sudden vision, but he quickly pulled her into him and stepped into the shade of a big tree. He held her stay up right, looking down at her with raised eyebrows. "What the hell was that about?" he asked, but stayed casual. He didn't want to alarm her, and well... He wasn't a fan of her visions. He believed her, of course, but he didn't believe in a predetermined fate. You'd think he would, considering his work in the Underworld, but he still believed things could change at any moment. Sure, he knew when and how people would die most of the time. He blocked it out when it came to the people he was close too, especially Katrina, but he also knew that it never stayed the same... Anyone could be saved from their fate.

"Did you really see something, or are you using it as an excuse to let me hold you?" he said, trying to make her laugh.
Katrina didn't respond as he moved her, to shaken by it to respond right away. Shivering a little she smiled a little at his words, laughing softly."Oh damn, you caught me. I just wanted to be held by my husband so much that I faked getting a wickedly bad headache."She snapped at him, though there was laughter in her words, trying to distract him from asking what she saw. At least until she figured out what she was going to tell him.

Going quiet as she pressed her face against his chest she shuddered, sighing softly as she slowly stepped back, not needing more temptation then she was already going through. "Just the usual. You know, death, war, and pain. The usual things that follow you around."She sighed quietly, dropping her hand as she felt both dogs pressing up against their legs, petting them before sighing softly."Just don't go dying on me, and this vision wont happen."She shuddered not about to tell him it all.

Telling him that he eventually manages to seduce her was so not on her list of things to tell him. He'd just try harder, and she'd been having the same vision of him and her for 2000 years-with just some circumstances of it changing, and it'd always led up to a seriously life altering event that she could never see, for both of them. The fact that she resisted, to her, had kept them safe from whatever was waiting for them, for this long. But she knew if she told him that, he'd tell her she was being riddiculous about it, and set out to seduce her against her better judgement. She liked him to much, not that she'd ever admit to enjoying his company, to let him get hurtbecause she'd foolishly thought herself better then fate. Though he always had her hoping that fate could be escaped, she just couldn't believe it enough to risk everything.
Zane looked down at her and laughed a bit. He reached down to pet the dogs and shook his head. "How is the god of death supposed to die?" he asked, looking at her with an immense amount of doubt. "You need to stop taking those visions so seriously. It's not way to live, Kat." He waited for her to get her bearings before walking farther down the trail with her. As the got closer to the dock, he walked down the pier and took his shoes off. Letting out a sigh of relief, he let his feet dip into the water. Cerberus immediately jumped in, dogging paddling around excitedly.

"If it would make you feel better, you can always sleep with me tonight," he said charmingly, looking up from where he was sitting. "I can keep the night mares away, considering we wouldn't do much sleeping..."
"Even you can die, Zane. I have a sword that slaughters even the immortal. You know that."She said frowning at him, annoyed that he wouldn't take it serious because he thought he was immortal. And he was, for the most part.But other gods could kill even immortals. And she didn't want to consider a life without him in it. Though she'd never tell him that. Sighing softly she shrugged a little as she walked with him,"I'll try not to."She said in response to his words to be less serious as she sat down on the dock to pull off her own shoes, laughing as anakin belly flopped into the water splashing them all as he excitedly paddled around.

"Sleeping with you might give me nightmares."She said equally charmingly even as she looked over that muscular frame, before looking away as she hopped off the dock and slipped into the water. Swimming around, amused as the dogs started playing with her. Eager to not think about zane in the same sentence as sex.
Zane laughed a bit, not fazed by her quip. Watching her jump in, he leaned back on his hands and took in the sight. A beautiful girl in wet, tight gym clothes... It was enough for him to have to bite his tongue in order to not get an erection. After a moment, he jumped into the water along with her, diving with perfect form. When he came to the surface, he was only inches away. "Don't think I don't know you are lying to me," he teased, "I know you want me." His hand reached under the water, pinching one of her pert little ass cheeks before swimming his way toward the shore. Cerberus followed after him, shaking water off his coat once he was out of the water.
Katrina yelped as she saw him dive in and come up in front of her, freezing at his words. "Do not!"She snarled yelping as he pinched her before glaring at his back as he swam away from her. At a loss for words for a moment though she laughed as anakin nudged her arm. Smiling a little as she swam for the shore herself, climbing out as she wrung out her hair. Refusing to look at the man as he walked she sighed heading back towards the house. Eager to get awy from him and get some sleep. surely she could control herself enough to get through the living with him.

Looking relieved when they got back to the house to see that he had been right, that her clothes and everything was here. Smiling a little as she headed for her bedroom she changed into her oldest, loosest clothes,determined to not tempt him more, before going in search of him."Goodnight zane.Wake me up if you need anything."She said before turning to head back onto the bedroom before pausing."Anything important I mean, not what your libido demands."
Zane snickered and shook his head. "I'll keep that in mind, Kitty Kat," he murmured, taking his time to have a drink and a shower before heading to bed. It was clear, however, he spent a little... too much time in the shower, but he couldn't help it. That girl's body had his blood pumping all of the time, and through out the 2000 years they knew each other, he still had not been able to find another women who satisfied him the way he was sure Katrina could.


In the morning, Zane was sitting on the couch drinking a cup of coffee and watching the daily news. He was still in the pair of grey sweatpants he had slept in, no shirt, and a pair of black framed glasses that made him look more intellectual than normal. His eyesight was not always bad, it was just after thousands of years in the Underworld, the sunlight managed to damage his eyes a little when he came to earth.
Kat padded silently down the hallway, sipping her own coffee as he watched him a moment from the doorway. Her eyes sad as she studied him, glad that the doorway was behind him and she wouldnd't be seen for a few moments. She always enjoyed the few moments that she could observe him without him knowing it, because it was one of the few times she could pretend that they could have a normal relationship.

Shaking her head to clear the thoughts she smirked slightly as she realized he was wearing glasses, and took a few quick steps, and after making sure the dogs weren't sitting on the couch next to him, vaulted over the back of the couch and landed nxt to him, snickering as the black coffee splashed out of his cup onto his chest at the sudden response to her motion. "You know, you need to wear the glasses more. Just think,you'd get laid more. No more boring sex life, what with all the geeks lining up to sleep with the cute geek."She said though she looked vaguely curious about glasses. She'd never bothered to ask him about them before the few times she'd seen him wearing them,but well...she was curious.
Zane cursed as the coffee spilled on to him, moving quickly to wipe it off with his napkin. "I'm not a geek!" he snapped, shaking his head. He glared over at her. "I thought you were not a morning person... I was looking forward to a couple hours of peace before you finally dragged yourself out of bed." His hair was still messy from sleep, and despite him usually being a morning person, he was quite moody. It seemed he had not slept well the night before.

Looking her over, he sighed. "Besides, my sex like is no where near boring, and I don't even have to pick up bar rats to make it possible." With that, he finally smirked.
"You are definately a geek with those glasses."She snickered a little even though her eyes didn't move away from the napkin wiping coffee of his chest, swallowing hard. Oh yea,definately attracted. Frowning slightly as she looked up at his face she smirked."I wake up early when I sleep well."She said though despite her words, there was something that said she hadn't slept nearly as well as she said she had. Between being aware he was in the house and dreams that always harassed her when Ares got to close, she had definately not slept well enough to be this awake. She hadn't slept more then a few hours a night in months, not that she'd ever admit it.

"And anakin wanted out of the bedroom."she said smiling because the dog had refused to leave her side all him, her slightly wavy black hair was mussed from sleep, sticking up every which way, glancing over at him."No, I really do think your life has to be boring. Like your siblings, every woman who sees you wants to screw you.There's no challenge in that."She said shrugging a little, before getting up. Sighing softly as she headed for the kitchen to get some food, despite having joined him, she didn't want him to be with him again.Like so many things about zane, he brought out conflicting emotions in her.
Zane rolled his eyes and went back to watching television. What she didn't know was that she was his challenge, but he wasn't about to admit it. "Will you get me some food?" he whined, stretching out on the couch. "I want to eat something before I shower and go for a run." He glanced over the couch at her with a smirk, hoping she wouldn't make him get up.

Cerberus heard the word "run" and bounded over to him. Zane shook his head. "Not yet, boy. Later," he said, then allowed the dog to jump up on the couch with him.
Katrna rolled her eyes."you are such a baby sometimes."she grumbled but the sounds of her making more food could soon be heard. She might harass him,but overall she listened to him if he asked politely.

An hour later found katrina grinning up at him as he walked out of the house as she laced up a pair of running shoes,to dogs playing excitedly at her feet. Her running, was definately not a normal sight."don't give me that look. Its not that I want to spend time with you, I just figured that if we got attacked, at least this way I can give you to the monster while I run away."she said snickering a little as she stretched and stood, thouh her words weren't right,and she knew he knew it. Shed no sooner run away and leave him then she'd give ares his sword back. She'd stay and fight,until he dragged her away
Zane stepped outside in a pair of black shorts, no shirt, and tennis shoes. "That's if you could even keep up with me," he said, his hands on his hips, "I've always heard monsters go for the weakest link, which is definitely not me." He smirked a bit and reached down to pet Cerberus. After she got her shoes tied, he started to jog down the trail with Cerberus at his side. The sun was out, but it was not incredibly hot - a perfect day. He definitely needed this, and it was nice to have her come alone even if he would never admit it.

"How did you sleep? The beds I bought for the house are top of the line," he said, looking over at her. He grinned a little. "Of course, they are really made for things other than sex."
She'd never admit it either, but she was enjoyin his company to. No matter how many times over the years she,d told herself he was a charming ass, she still enjoyed being with him. Starting to jog with him, though she wasn't having trouble keeping up with him, eventually he'd run her into the ground just by sheer stamnia. Which made her wonder awkwardd things.blushing a little at her thoughts she glanced at him."I slept fine."she said because it had been fine, even if it had only been a short while. She never slept long anymore.

Looking up at him with a flirty smirk she raised her eyebrows, getting ready to tease him. Knowing he was as affected by her as she was him."do you ever think of anything besides sex?though it explains so much if your letting your dick do the thinking all these years."she mused
Zane rolled his eyes as he continued to run, not slowing down at all. He had an incredible endurance, and he loved to exercise. "I don't always think about sex, I just don't let all of my thoughts spill out of my mouth like most idiots," he said, rolling his eyes. It was true that he did have a lot on his mind all of the time, and despite his calm composure, he was as worried as she was. "And that's an awfully flirty smile for a girl who has turned me down so many times." He looked over at her, raising his eyebrows.
Katrina lauged as she kept her eyes on the forest and beach around them, more obvious about her watching then he was."Hm, well hope springs eternal. I figured you'd be nicer if you thought you had some chance in hell."She said looking amused."Pun intended."She added looking at the god of the underworld her attention for a moment that she didn't see the beast waiting for them.

The manicore whipped it's tail towards them, intent on delivering the posioned sting to the man even as he lundged for the female. While he looked like a beast, there was a human level of intelligence in that lion's head, and he'd been given specific instructions to bring the woman alive. Having not been told where they were, ares had released te manicore on the world to hunt her by scent, not realizing that she had hades' help, one of the few people on earth who could manage to survive a manicore's posioned tail. After all, a death god had a little more control over things then most immortals, but even the sight of the beast was enough to leave kat confused for a moment.

"Zane!"She snarled even as she gripped his arm and pulled him to the side, avoiding the first blow, but knowing they were going to have to do something about it, even with the dogs harassing it, they were sorely outnumbered.

"Fuck!" Zane said, dodging the tail and stumbling to the ground. He grabbed Katrina by the arm and pulled her behind him. Cerberus was already in attack mode, and with each bark, the hell hound released fire from his mouth. It wasn't enough to kill the beast, but enough to harm it and allow Zane to get the upper hand. "Run! Go home!" he snarled at Katrina, his blue eyes turning the distinct color of fire. Not wanting her to back-talk, he gave her a shove toward the house before moving in.

Zane managed to get the beast down to the ground, tearing his throat out with his now flaming hands, but not before it managed to strike it with his tell. Letting out a groan of pain, Zane fell to the ground and grabbed his stomach. "Shit... Oh, shit," he cursed, dragging himself away from the dying beast. With his owner harmed, Cerberus went in and finished the job, tearing the beast apart with absolutely no mercy.
Katrina started to protest, not wanting to leave him behind before looking up as she saw his eyes, knowing she had to go. He couldn't fight if he was protecting her, and she was defintely the weaker of the two when dealing with the beast. But when the sounds of the fight started to die down she looped back, pausing at the sight of cerberus finishing off the manitore,glad that anakin had had the sense to run back to the house at zane's order to go home. Before her eyes went to the death god, dark eyes widening as she scrambled over to his side.

"ZAne, you know, you're not supposed to get hurt.You're all powerful. Not hurt. You can't get hurt."She said starting to freak out at the sight of him laying there, panicking not because it was a big wound or anything, but one of the barbs from the beasts tail was lodged in his side, and she'd never heard of anyone surviving a manicore's posion.Not even a immortal. For once, totally losing her mind and forgetting about which god sh was talking to."Okay, okay gotta get it out.Can't keep posioning you, okay I can do this."She fussed, stripping out of his shirt to use it as a grip, wrapping her hand with the material and starting to slowly pull it out. Talking to herself because she couldn't help it, she was panicking and she was totally losing it.

"You better be glad being a demi-goddess makes me stronger then human."She muttered as the barb slid free, tossing it to the side and moving to stand, pulling him with her. Stumbling a little as she slid his arm around her neck, not used to the weight as she started walking back towards the house, glad that cerberus was walking on his other side,bracing the death god between them to walk.It was slow going but it worked.

Amusingly enough, she was acting like a brainless puppy who'd just realized that the world wasn't pretty. And definately showed that she cared more about him then she'd ever admit when she was thinking clearly.
Zane shook his head, trying to explain that this was nothing fatal. For him, this would be like having the common flu. However, she was panicking, and he was a little amused by it. Of course, he was in pain, and the first thing he did when he got to the house was vomit all over the floor, but he was still amused that he could not even get a word in. "Kat," he groaned, slumping on to his bed with her help. "Sh... Stop..." He closed his eyes and put his hand on the wound, taking deep breaths. Slowly, his eyes started to turn back blue and his skin began to cool.

Cerberus whined at the sight of Zane, laying at his feet on the bed. He looked protective, and even the sight of Katrina helping the man unnerved the dog.

"Stop talking to yourself like a crazy person," he murmured, his eyes still closed out of pain. "Not helping." However, he'd never admit that he thought it was adorable.
Katrina frowned as she stared at the god, frowning hard at him."I am not crazy!"She scowled shifting to sit on the edge of the bed, looking anxious but in light of not being able to do anything else for him, since she knew the posion would kill him, and she had no idea how to help.Shifting sh curled up on the end of the bed with the dogs, for anakin had joined them, the three of them where crowding zane, but all three were trying to be close to him in case the worst happened.

Within the hours it took him to start feeling better, it was a amusing sight that greeted him when he woke, with katrina laying across his calves, a arm wrapped around his legs, as if making sure he wasn't going anywhere with the dogs half laying on her and taking up the rest of the room on his legs, as if all three were trying to get as close as they could. Katrina having worked herself up so much, that she'd just passed out to let her mind deal with the fact that she was so,so sure she was losing the only person she could really call a friend.
Zane blinked down at them, rolling his eyes a little, then smirking. He shook his head, then reaching down to stroke her hair out of her eyes. "Kat? Are you in the dogs trying to suffocate me?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. He still felt weak, but very much alive. It was clear that the man was no where close to death's door despite her worries. However, he looked pleased at the sight of her. Had she really been that worried about him? The thought amused him... And had him feeling curious.

Yawning a little, he forced himself to sit up, reaching down to pet Cerberus. "I thought you'd realize that the poison could never kill me," he said, looking a bit surprised.
Katrina stirred as he touched her hair, blinking up at him sleepily, slowly. "Hmm.. you'd deserve it for not telling me sooner that you'd be okay."She muttered flushing a little as she realized that he would be okay. Sitting up she carefully set anakin on the ground, moving to get up. Avoiding looking at him becuse well, there was no denying now that she cared for him. She'd lost her mind to the point that she hadn't considered it wouldn't kill him, definately a sign of caring more then she should.

"I'm glad you'll be okay."She muttered a smile playing at the edges of her mouth as she stood, leaning down to kiss his forehead like a mother would to a sick child. Needing to, taking the teasing that was surely to follow the action as a sign that he really was going to be okay.
"How motherly of you," Zane said, pulling back from the kiss on his forehead. He was propped up against a few pillows, looking at her with amusement. "I tried to tell you in between your momentary freak-outs, but you wouldn't let me get a word in." He shrugged and ran a hand through his hair. "But thank you... for, uh, taking care of me." He smiled, feeling a little unsure about it all, and sighed. "Do you think you could grab me something to eat? I'm starving... Hell, order some Chinese. That sounds divine."
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