All in Time(blair/lady)

Chelsea came not long after that, collapsing on top of her in a heated, sexy mess... Reaching down, she unstrapped herself and tossed the toy to the side. "See?" she panted with a smirk, "Good stuff." Grabbing a blanket, she crawled underneath it with Katrina and wrapped her arms around her, her hands lazily playing with the feminine flesh as the other woman came down from her high. Leaning down, she kissed Kat's neck and lazily lapped at her breasts like a satisfied kitten.

Soon enough, she was waking up in a heap of sexy, feminine limps. The sun was coming in from the window, and the room smelled of sex. Her headed pounded from the hangover, but she woke up sexually satisfied. She truly needed that... "Kat, wake up," she murmured, running her fingers through her hair. "We can't sleep away our day off."
Katrina whined as she pressed down into the blankets, not stirring. Still, she hated morning, and despised people like chelsea-or zane- who were up early and were enjoying it.Whining as she sighed softly she jerked up, sitting up as she heard the front door opening and a call of her name. "Oh...bloody hell..."Katrina sat up quickly, giving chelsea a panicked look. No matter how much she had enjoyed the night, or needed it, that was still her boyfriend coming in through the door.

Scrambling to get up she paused, looking at chelsea, leaning over long enough to give her a kiss, so chelsea wouldn't think she was regretting it, she was just regretting henri standing in her kitchen.Scrambling she dressed quickly, running her fingers through her hair before wlking out of the bedroom, looking startled at the sight of her boyfriend, who looked as tired and worn as she'd ever seen him.

Henri swallowed hard as he looked at the beautiful blond woman, raising his eyebrows slightly at her mussed state.Even across theroom he could smell the sex. Well maybe this would be easier then he thought. "Kat...sweetheart...we need to see other people."He said walking over,gathering her in his arms, pressing a kiss to her hair, a silent apolgy for what he'd done, and how hurt it was going to leave her. For once, Henri was actually regretting having sex with someone. "I think you've known for awhile....we're better apart.You need someone who can really love you."He muttered.

"Wh-but-Henri-"Katrina stuttered in confusion, twisting in his arms to look up at him, so confused and trying to figure out what had happened to her selfish boyfriend."I didn't-I mean, yes I slept with chelsea but-"

"That's not what this is about.I'd already decided before I saw you, sweetheart."Henri muttered pulling her close again,pressing a kiss to her forehead,"This is the end of me and you."He muttered stepping back and heading for the door, not giving her a chance to change his mind, because he knew if he did,he'd fold and not give her to the man who truly needed her, could love the demi-goddess like she needed.

"But..."Katrina stared after him, in shocked confusion as she sank to the floor sitting there in stunned silence as she started to cry.
Not long after the door closed behind Henri, Chelsea walked in while simultaneously putting a shirt over her head. She looked down at Kat with wide eyes. "Kat?" Chelsea murmured, kneeling down and taking a look at the other woman. Gently, she folded her arms around him and stroked her hair. "Honey, what's wrong? Did Henri do something to you?"

When she pulled back, her eye brows were up. It wouldn't surprise her that Henri had done something, but she definitely didn't think he'd break up with her. Not at all. She always thought, despite the guy behind a dick, he cared for Katrina.

When Henri arrived at his house, Zane was up and drinking a cup of coffee at the kitchen table. He glanced up at his brother and raised his eyebrows. "Conrad went for a run," he said, then tilted his head to the side. "Why so gloom?" Lifting the cup to his lips, he took a sip of his coffee.
Katrina shuddered as she leaned into the other woman, for once so shocked that she couldn’t even get the words out. Shivering as she shook her head then nodded. “Gone…he said we needed to see other people…”She muttered. Swallowing before she stood, easing out of the others rooms. Anger and grief eating her alive, and guilt. Oh she felt so guilty for what she’d done. “I’m going out to the cliffs…”she muttered thinking about the cliffs near the river that looked so much like Greece, like the entrance to hades(not that she knew that), that it made her feel settled, less lost as few places did anymore. “Don’t worry…I just need time alone…”She muttered before leaving quickly, before the other could stop her. Needing to be alone, and needing to not have to confront the fact that she’d slept with one of her best friends. She was seriously messed up and needing time to her own. When she got to the cliffs she settled on one of the ledges, curling up with her arms around her legs and crying.

Henri glanced at the other as he poured himself a drink,keeping himself from snapping out at the man through sheer force of will. He knew logically that Katrina was better off with zane, but his heart was telling him to go back and claim the girl. He had managed to actually care for her in the months they’d been together, and he hadn’t considered how much it’d hurt to let her go. “Just broke up with my girlfriend. We just…didn’t fit anymore.”He said shrugging carelessly before making a face.”Don’t you have something besides dissecting my mood to be doing?”He said wanting, very much to get away from his brother, but if he left, it meant that he was running away from zane. And he’d sooner kill himself then do that.
Zane rolled his eyes, taking his brother's mood as his typical combative attitude. "Another broken heart, eh?" He smirked, and then all of the sudden... something hit him. His eyebrows creased together, and before he knew what he was doing, he was taking his car keys out of his pocket. Gracefully, he stood up and nodded to his brother. "Tell Conrad I'll be back later," he said, "You have fun drinking that heart break away." With that, he was out the door and in his car, heading for a cliff that he had never been before. He was only driving by sheer instinct, but a strong instinct. He felt the nearing death of many people everyday, but it was rare that he felt it in such a strong way.

When he arrived, he looked down at the girl curled up at the edge. Sighing, he charmingly strode up over to her and knelt down, taking a cigarette out of his pocket. He lit it, then took a drag. "Now, what is a pretty girl like you doing out here?" he said, letting out a slow puff a smoke. The smoke surrounded him in an odd way - as if it wanted to stay near him instead of floating into the abyss. "I mean, I thought the same thing when I saw you waiting tables at that god awful dive my brother invested in, but this..." He smirked, looking just as mischievous as he did sympathetic... Reaching out, he brushed her hair out of her face. "I'm Zane."
Kat startled a little kicking a few small rocks over the edge as she reacted to his presence, turning her head to look up at him. Dark blue eyes looked up at him with such confusion, and pain that she was lost in it. She had no idea how to handle it, so it wasn’t really a surprise zane had been summoned thinking she was suicidal. Bristling a little at his words she jerked her head away from his hand, glaring through the tears.”It’s not a dive!Don’t be insulting.”She growled looking annoyed before her anger collapsed under the pain.”I’m Katrina, but I’m guessing you already knew that, otherwise Henri wouldn’t have sent you out here to babysit me.”She said sounding very annoyed with her ex boyfriend, thinking the man had been foolish enough to think she’d kill herself, or that she would willingly let Zane just sit with her.

Shifting she wrapped her arms around her knees resting her cheek on her arms before looking up at the god.”Why don’t you just go away?”She muttered, though she had a feeling he wouldn’t. Either Henri had asked him to come watch her so she wouldn’t do something stupid which meant he wasn’t going anywhere unless Henri told him to, or he was there for his own reasons, which meant she had no chance of convincing him to go away.
Zane pulled back and looked at her. "Henri doesn't know I'm here," he said, " I came on my own accord, thank you very much. I can appreciate a good view." He nodded toward the view off the cliff, then stood up. He held his hand out to her and raised his eyebrows. "Come on. Let's get a drink. Henri doesn't have to know about that either." With that, he gave her a charming yet sinister smirk.

"And it is a dive, but if that's what your used to," he said, giving her a shrug. He looked at her with a bit of amusement. "Let me guess - you were the girl Henri was all bent out of shape over this morning, hm?" He raised his eyebrows. "I assure you, Sweetheart, you're better off. The fact that he isn't just stringing you along shows he has some sort of respect for you, which it surprising... Women might be his forte, but commitment is not."
“You better be talking about the scenery and not me, when speaking of a good view.”She said testily, a little brazen, a little amused. Looking at his hand for a long moment before sighing and standing, holding his hand as she did. “Hm, what Henri doesn’t know could fill a book.”She said looking amused because she had cared for the god, but she knew just as well as zane did, that the man could be a little dense sometimes, especially when it was a subject he just didn’t care for.

“You’ll never get me to admit it’s a dive.”She said smiling slightly before looking at him, biting her hip as she nodded.”I guess I was.”She said walking back with him towards the cars, but at his words she did seem a little better. As much as it hurt, maybe it was henri really trying to do the right thing instead of just brushing her aside with a careless, stupid excuse. Rubbing her face to get rid of the tears she sniffled a little,”I don’t think I can drive….can I ride with you, if you were serious about that drink I mean.”She said swallowing hard, finding the sinister yet charming smirk as interesting as it was disturbing.
Zane unlocked the car and opening the passenger side door for her. "That's the idea," he said, nodding to the inside of the car, "And I'm very serious about that drink. You see, being related to Henri can drive anyone to alcoholism." He gave her a wink, the walked to the other side of car and slid inside. The car came to like, and once she was inside, he sped off down the winding path, heading back down to town. He kept going though, not stopping at any of the rinky-dink diners, but heading toward a nice part of Louisiana.

Stopping a nice lounge bar, he lead her toward one of the back tables and waved over a waitress. "Now, what on earth is a girl like you in a place like that bar my brother owns, hm?" he asked, raising his eyebrows, "I can't detect an accent, so you weren't raised there, I assume..." His chilling blue eyes took in her appearance, studying her very closely.
“Ah, well, I’m not related to him, and he still drives me to drink.”She said snickering a little as she settled into the car, staring out the window, frowning slightly as she realized he wasn’t stopping at the usual bars she went to, but heading somewhere nice. Which was something she wasn’t used to. Despite henri having enough money to do so, it had been a rare occasion that they’d actually gone out for a good dinner.

Walking in with him she settled into the seat at the table, ordering a small plate of food and a whiskey sour, before answering his question. “No, not here. Athens, Greece actually.”She shrugged a little staring down at the table, before smiling a little. “Its not so bad. It pays the bills while I go to school.”She said shrugging a little, because while she had some answers, for the most part, like why the hell she was here of all places, were lost to her, since she wasn’t herself, she had no balance for why she did certain things.

Shifting a little under his gaze she glanced over at him, looking slightly nervous as she realized the man was watching her so closely. “Though I guess I’ll have to find somewhere else…”She said, sounding sad at the idea of having to leave the bar, even if it wasn’t the best place to work, she had enjoyed it more then the strip bar, and it had paid the bills.But she didn’t think she could stand to see henri with someone else. Glancing at the chillingly beautiful man sitting next to her she tilted her head slightly. Wondering just what had drawn him to her. And what he wanted. Despite knowing she was pretty, she wasn't used to being watched so closely
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